Memories of Goblin Enemies  

Quest Started By:Description:
Maximum Level:125
Monster Mission:No
Can Be Shrouded?:No
Quest Type:Task
Quest Goal:
  • Advancement
  • Experience
  • Money
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Era:Laurion's Song'
Group Size:Solo
Appropriate Classes:
  • All
Appropriate Races:
  • All
Entered: Sun Nov 19 01:49:36 2023
Modified: Sat Feb 3 23:07:17 2024
Laurion's Song Info & Guides: Overview | Progression & Task List | Raiding | Visible Armor

You can obtain this solo task from Thormir Helmsbane in Ankexfen Keep, near the door to Laurion’s Inn. You can find Thormirat /waypoint -128, -106, 35. He is on the find tool as well CTRL F.

You say, 'Hail, Thormir Helmsbane'

Thormir Helmsbane says, 'By the crown o' Brell! Yer a foolish one to barge in on us. Had I seen ye sooner, I'd have smote ye where ye stood. But seein' that ye've come this close and haven't caused us any [harm], I'll ask ye to identify yerself. I'm Thormir.'
You say, 'I know who you are and I mean you no harm.'

Thormir Helmsbane says, 'Ye know my name, do ye? I pray that means ye've come as a friend to help us infiltrate the [Keep]. Sent, hopefully, by our allies back home. I wouldn't say 'no' to a helpin' hand.'

You say, 'Why infiltrate the Ankexfen Keep?'

Thormir Helmsbane says, 'There're some good folks bein' held captive in the [prison] here. Those stinkin', vile goblins are probably torturin' 'em as we speak. Those prisoners know sensitive information about our plans against the Rallosian army. T'would be a major setback if the goblins got that info from 'em.'

You say, 'So you want to break them out of prison?'

Thormir Helmsbane says, 'Aye. We captured this goblin 'n' strung it up in an old cage we found 'round the area. We're tryin' to get information outta it before we charge into the Keep. Gunder 'n' I have been tryin' to come up with a [plan], but it's hard with jus' the two of us. Any chance yer willin' to help, or are ye just here to look pretty?'

You say, 'I could help you plan.'

Thormir Helmsbane says, 'Finally, the gods have looked favorably upon us. While we interrogate this goblin, can ye scope out the Keep? We don' know where the major landmarks are, nor the types o' enemies we're up against. Here, take this bag. While ye're lookin' 'round, if ye find something helpful, like info about the goblins soldiers, toss it in that bag. Return it to me when ye think ye've learned enough.'

You have been assigned the task 'Memories of Goblin Enemies'.

You receive Thormir’s Haversack.

A colossal task looms ahead of Thormir Helmsbane and his companion, Gunder Ironheart. In the deepest bowels of Ankexfen keep lies a nightmarish prison, whre captives are starved and tortured by Rallos Zek’s wicked goblins. Comrades of Thormir and Gunder are being held in the prison, no doubt being interrogated for their knowledge of confidential military plans agains the Rallosian army. There would be massive repercussions if the Ankexfens obtained these secrets, so Thormir and Gunder have come to break their compatriots free. There’s no room for error in their plan to infiltrate the Keep, and thormir knows that your assistance could be the difference between life and death.

Investigate the area and locate five prominent Ankexfen structures.
Fill Thormir’s haversack with unique items found on Ankexfen soldiers. Then, fasten the bag.

  • 1. Locate the prominent builds of Ankexfen Keep. 0/1 Ankexfen Keep

    This step updates west of the goblin fort on the west side of the zone in the little camp where the stables are at. /way 1639, 1462, 447

  • 2. Locate the prominent builds of Ankexfen Keep. 0/1 Ankexfen Keep

    This step updates on the northeast corner of the goblin fort on the west side of the zone at /way 1917, 968, 444

  • 3. Locate the prominent builds of Ankexfen Keep. 0/1 Ankexfen Keep

    This updates near /way 1175, 519, 447 on the east side of the bridge near the goblin fort on the east side of the valley.

  • 4. Locate the prominent builds of Ankexfen Keep. 0/1 Ankexfen Keep

    This updates at /way 1221, -176, 479 on the east side of the goblin fort at the gate.

  • 5. Locate the prominent builds of Ankexfen Keep. 0/1 Ankexfen Keep

    This updates near /way 2888, -655, 512 near the goblin temple in the northeast corner of the zone.

  • 6. Fill, then fasten Thormir’s haversack with six unique goblin items. 0/1 Ankexfen Keep

    Kill goblin soldiers.

    Ankexfen Axe Fighter Regalia drop off axe-weilders and grunts.
    Ankexfen Swordfigter Regalia drop off swordfighters.
    Ankexfen Lance Fighter Regalia drop off lancers.
    Ankexfen Bear Tamer Regalia drops off bear tamers and reinsman.
    Ankexfen Wizard Regalia drops off an Ankexfen cabalist and wizards.
    Ankexfen Dagger Fighter Regalia drops off an Ankexfen assassin and knaves.

    Put all 6 items in Thormir’s Haversack and hit combine.

    You have fashioned the items together to create something new: Thormir's Filled Haversack.
    Your task 'Memories of Goblin Enemies' has been updated.

  • 7. Return Thormir's filled haversack to him 0/1 Ankexfen Keep

    Upon Hand in:

    You offered 1 Thormir's Filled Haversack to Thormir Helmsbane.
    Your task 'Memories of Goblin Enemies' has been updated.
    Thormir Helmsbane pulls out the pieces of regalia one by one, inspecting each closely. He nods in approval and takes the haversack from you.
    You complete the trade with Thormir Helmsbane.

  • 8. Discuss next steps with Thormir Helmsbane 0/1 Ankexfen Keep

    You say, 'Hail, Thormir Helmsbane'

    Thormir Helmsbane says, 'I thank ye, Gebb. Everythin' ye brought will help greatly. Conversely, I had no luck interrogatin' this goblin. The Ankexfen are downright deranged. It only speaks in insufferable rhymes and no amount of threats seem to affect it. Why don't we switch jobs for a bit? Let me 'n' Gunder chat about the things ye brought while ye try talkin' to this green fiend. I want more [details] about the prison.'

    You say, 'I'll try to get more details.'

    Your task 'Memories of Goblin Enemies' has been updated.

    Thormir Helmsbane says, 'Best o' luck to ye. Don't get too close to the cage. It bites.'

  • 9. Speak to Glax the goblin 0/1 Ankexfen Keep

    Glax is in the cage right next to Thormir.

    You say, 'Hail, Glax'

    Glax says, 'Let me guess: You're here to press me for information to help the dwarves plan their infiltration? It's easy to sense Thormir's perturbation, but should it give you any consolation, I commend you on your dedication. Very well, take your turn. What is it you'd like to [learn]?'

    You say, 'I want to learn about the prison.'

    Glax says, 'What a bore. What a snore! I was hoping you'd want something more. Why not ask a more interesting question? 'What's your favorite animal?', as a suggestion. These inquiries about the prison are bordering on obsession. Though perhaps, for you, I can make a [concession]....'

    You say, 'What concession?'

    Glax says, 'Us goblins get quite hungry, you see? And it's been a while since I was hung in this tree. Mean ol' Thormir didn't listen to Glax's plea, so now Glax must turn to thee. I've been craving delicious [dwarf jerky]. Deliver some to me and I'll tell you where to find the prison key.'

    You say, 'Dwarf jerky?'

    Your task 'Memories of Goblin Enemies' has been updated.

    Glax says, 'Heeheehee! Yes, it's a delicious treat! A snack made of one-hundred-percent genuine dwarf meat. At the bottom of the barracks, you'll find a kitchen. Inside, you'll find a bin that has jerky within. Of course, I'll also accept a bit of Thormir's skin.'

  • 10. Retrieve a piece of dwarf jerky 0/1 Ankexfen Keep

    Fetch a piece of smoked dwarf jerky from the Ankexfen barracks kitchen.

    Go to the goblin fort on the west side of the valley and in the bottom northeast room at /way 1914, 964, 360 you will get a task update and the Smoked Dwarf Jerky will be on your cursor.

    You have been given: Smoked Dwarf Jerky
    Your task 'Memories of Goblin Enemies' has been updated.

  • 11. Deliver the dwarf jerky to Glax 0/1 Ankexfen Keep

    You offered 1 Smoked Dwarf Jerky to Glax.
    Your task 'Memories of Goblin Enemies' has been updated.
    Glax snatches the dwarf jerky and begins tearing off pieces with its sharp teeth. It chews with a large grin on its face. 'I didn't expect to see you again ever. Congratulations on surviving this endeavor. Unfortunately for you, I'm really quite clever. You believed I'd give you info? Ha, never!
    You complete the trade with Glax.

  • 12. Speak with Thormir Helmsbane 0/1 Ankexfen Keep

    You say, 'Hail, Thormir Helmsbane'
    Your task 'Memories of Goblin Enemies' has been updated.
    Glax cackles with glee upon seeing Thormir Helmsbane's exasperation.
    You receive 7 copper .
    You receive 6 silver .
    You receive 6 gold .
    You receive 141 platinum .
    Thormir Helmsbane groans when you report what happened with Glax. 'Let's speak again when yer ready to help us further.'
    You light a firework.
    You have successfully been granted your reward for: Memories of Goblin Enemies

    141 platinum, 6 gold, 6 silver and 7 copper
  • Submitted by: Gidono
    Send a Correction
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    The jerky was in a different spot for me.
    # Dec 15 2023 at 4:19 PM Rating: Good
    62 posts
    It was in the correct room but in some boxes located here:

    /loc 1920, 968, 450

    Hope this helps!
    Happy hunting!
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