What Happens in the Falls, Stays in the Falls  

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Maximum Level:125
Monster Mission:No
Can Be Shrouded?:No
Quest Type:Task
Quest Goal:
  • Advancement
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Era:Laurion's Song'
Group Size:Solo
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Entered: Fri Nov 3 03:15:05 2023
Modified: Mon Jan 1 14:11:17 2024
Laurion's Song Info & Guides: Overview | Progression & Task List | Raiding | Visible Armor

You can obtain this solo task from an easygoing layabout in Timorous Falls. You can find an easygoing layabout att /waypoint +35,+14,-7 near the Laurion Inn door. She is on the find tool as well CTRL F.

You say, 'Hail, an easygoing layabout'

An easygoing layabout says, 'Whoa! You snucked up on me! I didn't even see you coming from the Ranthok's Ridge. You must be new here. I can tell by your stink that you have never had a drink at Eureka's Tumble! Maddie Maddock runs this fine drinking establishment. I'm sure you are wondering why there is a tavern at the edge of a cliff, overlooking the entirety of the southern ocean? Allow me to [enlighten] you!'

You say, 'enlighten'

An easygoing layabout says, 'The view! Where else would you want to have a pint after a long day's work? It's a tavern at the edge of a cliff! You tell me a better place to rest your weary head after a long day of picking stones and stacking wheat. You have to check out the rainbow. A warm bowl and a cold drink await all who visit. I do need to [warn] you about something though.'

You say, 'warn'

An easygoing layabout moves in close and lowers his voice before speaking. 'There's a legend that says that if you drink at [Maddie's Steppe], the water comes from a magical forest! Those who quaff the brews are said to become [cursed] with enlightenment. Also, fair warning to those who wish to start trouble at Eureka's Tumble. The local workers are not afraid to defend what is theirs. There is a garrison of [paladins] who have made the falls a forward base. I think they did it so they could have a place to drink where there are very few bar fights that they have to intervene with. Fights rarely break out in the tavern on account of most people just having a really nice time with the atmosphere.

You say, 'Maddie's Steppe'

You have been assigned the task 'What Happens in the Falls, Stays in the Falls'.

An easygoing layabout says, 'Maddie's Steppe is what Maddie has named the deck behind the tavern that looks over the ocean below. She used to be an adventurer but has since retired to the life of a tavern keep. Let's face it, that's the perfect outcome for you roamers. Many have come just to admire Norrath from this perch. The breathtaking view is enough to die for, though you should probably be very careful when drinking while on the Steppe. She will be the one you want to talk to about what is happening here. Head to the south. This path should take you all the way there. If you see Koff on the way, say hi. I'm sure he has some work for ones like yourself.'

Upon entering the memory of Kanghammer, you discovered a layabout who has informed you of a woman named “Maddie” who has built an alehouse in Tomorous Falls. This layabout has asked you speak with Maddie as she might have some work for you to do. If anything, this would be a great way to get more information about what happened to Kanghammer.

Meet with Maddie at Eureka’s Tumble. Or was it Maddie’s Steppe?

1. Meet Maddie at Eureka’s Tumble 0/1 Timorous Falls

Maddie is near /way -2546, 1606, -61 at the bar in Eureka's Tumble which is the big building at the very south part of the zone.

You say, 'Hail, Maddie'

Maddie spits in a glass and starts cleaning it as you approach. It's impressive to watch, as she also is chewing on a piece of barley. 'Hey there stranger! Welcome to Eureka's Tumble! I ain't seen your kind around here. No matter. I ain't seen a lot of kinds, so it makes sense that there are some I ain't seen.' She takes the glass and fills it from a nearby keg. She sets the drink down in front of you and gives you a mischievous look. Not to be rude, you start to reach for the cup, and she guffaws. 'I'm just messing with ya. If you want a drink, we can talk about that later.' She pours the glass out below the bar and puts it over by a pile of dirty dishes nearby. A busser takes the dishes and heads to the back. 'Now, I understand you're probably here for a reason? What [rumor] has one such as yourself gracing my Steppe? I may have all the time in the world, but I don't want to waste it looking at your pretty face forever.' She winks.

You say, 'What rumors do you have?'

Maddie gives you a sly look while she swirls the barley around her mouth before speaking. 'I like you.' She says, 'You got the aura of someone who wants to get stuff done. I could use someone like you in my kitchens, but I think you are destined for more than just stirring stew. I'll tell you one thing. The caravan incident didn't help with keeping the peace. A group of madmen attacked a caravan that was bringing in a delivery of supplies. A mercenary who goes by the name of Elistyl Kanghammer was apprehended by the paladins as the guilty party who led the madmen.' She picks up a knife from the counter and digs at the dirt under her nails as she continues. 'If you ask me, the reasons that Illandrin gave don't pass the smell test with me. I've been around long enough to know when something is askew, afoot, or even awry. If you're looking for some nefarious plot to uncover, I'd start by searching the site of the caravan crash. You may have seen it on the way in if you came from the fields.

2. Investigate the site of the caravan incident 0/1 Timorous Falls

Maddie has asked you to investigate the site of the caravan incident for any clues. If you find any, you are to bring them to her.

This updates at /way -622, -355, -11 which is southeast of the Laurion Inn door along the path.

You have been given: Severely Damaged Caravan Orders

3. Deliver the orders to Maddie 0/1 Timorous Falls

Maddie snorts some phlegm and gives a worrying look toward the front door in the direction of the worker village to the northwest. 'I got people who depend on me and this place. I don't like not knowing what is going on.' She turns back to you. 'I would suggest speaking to Dirk Kollimar, the captain of the paladins. You can find him in the jails to the east. Something about those paladins don't sit right with me not one bit. Let's get our information straight form the source right now. I can vouch for Dirk personally. He's a good man and will certainly be on our side with this one.

4. Meet with Dirk Kollimar 0/1 Timorous Falls

Maddie has asked you to confide in Dirk Kollimar, the leader of the local paladins, with the information you have discovered. He is awaiting your arrival in the barracks to the east of Maddie's Steppe.

Dirk Kollimar is at /way -2269, -2885, -155 in the southeast corner of the zone, on top of the southeast building. Take the side ramp of the building to get up to him.

You say, 'Hail, Dirk Kollimar'

Dirk Kollimar speaks in a gravelly, deep voice that has spent years smoking a pipe and yelling at recruits. 'Maddie sent ya, eh? Well, that's no surprise. She's been getting worried about the events happening near her establishment as of late. Too many weird moments that are not adding up.' He inhales deeply and lets out a painful sounding growl when he exhales. 'That woman.' He stares off to the west towards the direction of Eureka's Tumble before shaking his head and returning to the conversation. 'Look, I will do anything to protect that woman, but don't go telling her that. She would beat me with a mead bottle if she ever knew. Look at me going on about stuff that has nothing to do with anything. She's had her suspicions about my soldiers stationed here. I had my [doubts] about her musings, but now I am tending to think she knows what she's talking about. Do me a favor and don't tell her that either. She can get hotheaded and is certainly a woman you do not want to get in the way of.'

You say, 'doubts'

Dirk Kollimar says, 'When the Order of the Righteous Dawn was established down here, I would personally pick which paladins were to be stationed here. I would put my life on the line for any of them. I still would, but nowadays we have been a bit shorthanded, and our vetting process has been found lacking. I can't speak for all of the guards who call the Falls their home, and with [Illandrin] acting strange, I'm not sure what to do about this. I might could just be getting paranoid in my old age'-- he coughs and clears his throat-- 'but nothing from the report I was given about the caravan incident don't make a lick of sense.'

You say, 'Illandrin'

Dirk Kollimar says, 'Aye, he was too quick to accuse, and if I didn't show up when I did, the boy would have been taken. He is often seen walking into the forest to the north. I just assumed he was taking wooded strolls because he likes wooded strolls. His assistance is always too convenient. And now we are unable to find the guy! He was too eager to be my second-in-command. It just set off a lot of alarm bells in my head. But I just can't find a justification for a thorough investigation without some probable cause. The relationship I have with my paladins now is tumultuous at best, and something has been stirring them up more and more nowadays. Head over to the cells beneath the garrison. We really never had to use them except for the occasional drunkard who tries to pick a fight, but as of late they have been full. Go speak with the shadow knight who was apprehended. Maybe his story will help straighten out what is happening.'

5. Speak with Kanghammer 0/1 Timorous Falls

Visit Kanghammer in the basement of the barracks and learn his side of the story.

Kanghammer is at /way -2337, -2954, -249 in the southeast corner of the zone, underground in a jail cell in the southeast building.

You say, 'Hail, Kanghammer'

Kanghammer's face shows no emotion. You feel a cold, calculating aura about this man as you approach. You can clearly tell that he does not suffer fools. 'Another to come tell me about how my days are numbered? You are lucky. There used to be a line. The' -he lets out an exasperated sigh before continuing- 'justice must be at the tavern, drinking their swill and getting fat.' He looks you up and down for a moment. 'Well, you either have had your lunch early or you are actually [interested] in what I have to say.'

You say, 'I'm interested. I was sent by Dirk'

Kanghammer straightens himself out, as if to try and be more presentable for you. 'Very well. I had been selling my services as a mercenary to make some coin for myself when I took a job as a guard of a caravan. I've done this countless times before, but this is the first time I've been to the Falls. Everything was going smoothly until we reached the wheat fields. Our cart was assailed by the local fauna, and I was tasked with clearing up the tangle so we could move on. When I was attending to clearing up the debris, a group of ruffians [attacked] the cart.'

You say, 'Where were you when they attacked?'

Kanghammer's look changes from dour to even more dour. 'That was where I failed. When I heard the attack happening, it was too late. The vines snared me as well, holding me back at a critical time when I was needed to protect the caravan drivers. They all were killed under my watch. I'm no stranger to death, but this felt wrong, this felt unnatural, this felt' --He narrows his gaze-- '...[constructed].'

You say, 'What do you mean by constructed?'

Kanghammer says, 'I believe the entire attack was a setup. The cargo wasn't nearly as important to elicit such an aggression unless there was an ulterior motive to the act. I suspect it has something to do with this [child] right here.'

You say, 'Who is this child?'

Kanghammer turns his head, but nothing else, to the child outside of the jail cell. 'I do not know; I had never met this child in my life until I took this job. His name is Dextris, but he hasn't said much since the event happened. He's pretty shaken up by the incident. His parents were the ones who paid me to protect their caravan, but that didn't go as planned. Now he sits here and sulks by my cell. I have tried speaking to the boy, but he doesn't respond.' He addresses Dextris with a nod, 'Boy, you need to eat.' Kanghammer slides a dirty plate with a piece of stale bread on it toward the boy. The boy doesn't move. 'See, the poor thing hasn't eaten anything since the incident. I worry for his health. For his sake, let us get to the bottom of this [charade] once and for all.'

You say, 'charade'

Kanghammer says, 'Indeed, the guards here have complaints about their work and those who they serve alongside. Being a prisoner on 'borrowed time' means that the guards air their grievances out in the open for us to hear, feeling that we won't be around long enough to tell their secrets. The guards often complain about one called 'Tenisbre' who is often seen taking strolls to the woods in the north instead of staying at his post where he is expected. I think this may be our first clue. Head to the forest to the north and see if there are any suspicious folks. You may need to' --he gives a discerning look-- 'interrogate them viciously to get what you need. Whatever you find, bring it to Dirk. He should have a better idea of what to do.'

6. Find another clue in the woods to the north 0/1 Timorous Falls

The forest to the north is said to house some unsavory characters who may be the reason for the events that are happening. Head to the forest and retrieve a clue about what is going on. Bring whatever you find to Dirk. He may be able to assist further.

In the northeast there are a bunch of mobs that will be kos, kill any of them and loot Bloodied Timorous Falls Orders.

7. Deliver the clue to Dirk 0/1 Timorous Falls

You have found another clue about the cultists in the forest to the north. Bring this to Dirk Kollimar immediately.

Dirk Kollimar takes the paper that you hand him and releases a worrying grunt. 'You said you found this on a cultist in the northern forest? This is matching the intel that we have found already.' Dirk's face grows grim. 'I fear the worst, and that is that my paladins cannot be trusted. The boy is a part of their scheme, but I'm not fully sure what that scheme is. I'm going to have to study the information we have already. For right now, I can keep Kanghammer safe, but I can only do it for so long without tipping our hand. Come back later and we can discuss the next steps. For now, we should do something about the boy.' Dirk scratches his chin. You can hear his stiff beard hair crinkle in his hands. 'Matilda... um.' He quickly corrects himself. 'Maddie knows people. Maybe she can help. Go speak with her.'

8. Return to Maddie to discuss the boy 0/1 Timorous Falls

Dirk is going to need some time to piece together the information he has. He has asked that you return to Maddie with an update. You can find her Steppe in Eureka's Tumble.

You say, 'what about the boy?'

Maddie purses her lips and nods toward the deck out back. 'Two characters came here around the same time you showed up. They took a few drinks over to the Steppe and have been in talks about that very same subject. You will want to go talk to them. You can tell which ones I'm talking about, as they look like adventurers. When you used to be one, you can spot them from a mile away.'

9. Speak with Elmara 0/1 Timorous Falls

The boy needs a safe place to call home. Maddie has asked that you speak with the two adventurers on the deck about the boy.

Elmara Emberclaw is out on the deck not far from Maddie.

You say, 'Hail, Elmara Emberclaw'

Elmara Emberclaw is currently in the middle of a conversation with Shalowain as you approach. 'Ms. Matlock has been a very useful friend. I, too, worry about the people who call the Falls their home.' She turns to address you finally. 'Hello there, I am Elmara Emberclaw and this is my travelling compatriot, Shalowain. Our adventures found us here, on Maddie's Steppe. We found out about the scheme that is going on and we want to offer our help.' Elmara gives a knowing glance back to Shalowain before continuing. 'We understand that you have been trying to help Kanghammer and the boy? We have a vested interest in speaking with them as well. First things first, let us find a safe place for the boy to call home. I don't think a tavern at the end of the world is a good place for him to grow up. Though he probably isn't ready for a life [on the road] quite yet.'

10. Continue the conversation between Elmara and Shalowain 0/1 Timorous Falls

You say, 'on the road'

Shalowain interjects, 'Well Elmara, the boy has been a part of a caravan for what seems to be most of his life. Perhaps if we can't find him a place to stay, he can join us. It is not the ideal life for a child, but let's face it, that ship has already sailed.' She turns to address you. 'The boy will be kept safe. You have our word. If you can return to Kanghammer and let him know this news, he will have one less thing to worry about as we get to the bottom of this plot. We hope to speak again soon, adventurer.'

11. Return to Kanghammer with an update 0/1 Timorous Falls

Return to Kanghammer for an update. He can be found in the jails under the barracks.

You say, 'Hail, Kanghammer'

Maddie, Dirk, and Kanghammer have been given some information to get to the bottom of the events happening in Timorous Falls. Though the outcome remains to be seen, more research is needed. For now, the boy remains in safe custody, and the plot has something to do with the cultists to the north. It's a good start, but there is more work to be done in order to figure out what is happening.

Kanghammer straightens himself to look presentable as you approach. This feels like something he would only do for people he respects, as you've only seen him do it when you enter the room. 'So the boy will have a home after all of this?' He lets out a groan of approval. 'That will do. The boy isn't safe yet. There is something in play here that involves him. The boy will never be safe until we get to the bottom of this once and for all. As for now, I grow tired. Some of these vainglorious bastards have been taking to beating me as their form of calisthenics. Luckily, they aren't very capable of doing any real harm. I can take what they dish out, but I cannot do it forever. Those two who you met at the Steppe seem to be the best people to talk to about what to do next. In the meantime, you know where to find me.'

141 platinum 6 gold 6 silver 7 copper
You gain experience!

This unlocks the second Partisan task, We Have Ways of Making You Talk.
Submitted by: Gidono
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