The Realm of Heroes -- Misty Thicket  

Status: Unsolved

Quest Started By:Description:
Maximum Level:125
Monster Mission:No
Can Be Shrouded?:No
Quest Type:Quest
Quest Goal:
  • Lore
Related Quests:
Era:Ruins of Kunark
Group Size:Solo
Min. # of Players:1
Max. # of Players:1
Appropriate Classes:
  • All
Appropriate Races:
  • All
Entered: Mon Mar 5 20:13:06 2001
Modified: Tue Dec 5 05:21:04 2023
There seem to be several NPC's that talk about the Realm of Heros. Here is the one in Misty Thicket

You say, 'hail Bidils the Quickhand'

Bidils the Quickhand says 'Why, hello there Aerian ! And what brings ya to see little old me? Oh, let me guess! I am sure it is because ya wish t'buy a good spot of Jumjum and listen to [my tale]? Oh, quite lovely so! Why else would one well rounded Wood Elf come to see the great Bidils the Quickhand other than to hear of this rogue's great adventures!

You say, 'tell me your tale'

Bidils the Quickhand says 'Ahhh. . . I see the gods have found the time to be now for a good ear to lend to my words! So long as ya share the Jumjum, I can speak t'ya of the endless adventures and triumphs of Bidils the Quickhand! Now. . . where shall I begin? Yes! [The beginning], of course! Indeed, quite lovely so.

You say, 'what of the beginning'

Bidils the Quickhand says 'Yes, of course I shall begin at the beginning! No proper tale would begin anywhere other than the beginning! You see, good Wood Elf, I was once a humble rog. . . merchant within this here fair city. Oh, how the Jumjum and gol. . . merchandise flowed in then! Quite lovely, indeed, it was. Well then, where was I?

You say, 'what merchant'

Bidils the Quickhand says 'Ahhh yes! Those days were fair indeed. How I do miss them! Of course, that is not to say that Bidils the Quickhand does not appreciate the eyes and favor of Bristlebane upon him! In fact, it is quite the contrary! I do love a good prank! Yes, quite lovely so!

You say, 'what of bristlebane'

Bidils the Quickhand says 'Fizzlethorp Bristlebane, indeed quite the trickster and with a sense of humor! I bet you could not have seen that Bidils the Quickhand would have caught the eye of such a dignified individual, now did ya? Yes, The King of Thieves. . . and merchants finds it amusing when one [takes his possessions]!

You say, 'what possessions did you take'

Bidils the Quickhand 's eyes grow wide with an eager, child-like anticipation. ''Oh yes! Upon one of my several adventures through this great, glorious land of Norrath, I did stumble upon a [lovely treasure], indeed! Great skill and cunning was used, skill that belonged only to Bidils the Quickhand, and has yet to be surpassed within this realm!''

You say, 'what lovely treasure'

Bidils the Quickhand says 'A lovely gem, far more beautiful than even the most delicate and fury feet of a halfling lass! It was larger than my face, and sparkled more than the most pure of Jumjum catching the rays of Karana's blessed skies! Indeed, it was a divine treasure to behold. . . but little then did I know that such a treasure truly belonged to the King of Thieves. . . and merchants himself! But no, such truths still would not have [stopped me]!

You say, 'what stopped you'

Bidils the Quickhand says 'Ahh ha! I was not stopped, and the gem was mine! Right from beneath the arms of Bristlebane himself did I take it! That was when he noticed me. . . and that is when I was taken from the humble life of a merchant and placed within the glorious [realm of heroes]! Of course. . . Bristlebane took back the gem. What a shame. Indeed, quite so.

You say, 'what realm of heroes'

Bidils the Quickhand says 'The realm of heroes, that is my new home. . . Well, it was. Ahhh, indeed, it is quite lovely! It is where all that catch the eyes of the gods in favor ascend if their deeds be true and worthy enough for note! Perhaps one day, Aerian , you shall rise as well!! Look at Bidils the Quickhand, once a sturdy merchant and now a [humble servant] and rewarder of deeds!

You say, 'what humble servant'

Bidils the Quickhand says 'Yes! Indeed, a humble servant I am! I complain not for my occupation. . . as I am humble. I collect [deeds and make recognition] of those who have caught the eyes of the gods. Why the gods do it not themselves, I am lost for answers. . . but, I do not complain. They are gods, you know. Quite busy! Indeed, lovely so!

You say, 'what deeds and recognition'

Bidils the Quickhand says 'Deeds! Yes, the gods are quite tricky and intelligent you know! They have found a way to mark deeds in the form of a coin! A [coin] in which one who has been so fortunate enough as to accept would give to me. . . or one of the [other Heroes] that have recently come to this land.

You say, 'what other heroes'

Bidils the Quickhand says 'Oh yes! I am not the only one who has returned to Norrath in search of Heroes! There are many others, indeed! Although, as the gods, their colors vary. Some are [kind and gentle] while some are [vile and nasty] beings of which ya should watch ya'r back for.

You say, 'what kind and gentle heroes are there?'

Bidils the Quickhand sighs heavily, a twinkle in his eye and warm smile upon his heavy cheeks. ''Yes. . . none so as Ailerina the Gentle, as she was so rightfully named. A lovely lass. Tender as a gentle morning mist. . . Yes. . . Indeed, quite lovely so. An enchanting creature. . . and as pure as Tunare's good grace itself. It is no wonder she caught the Earth Mother's eye.''

You say, 'what vile and nasty'

Bidils the Quickhand glares and spits on the ground beside him. '' I know not why some of these. . . villains are called heroes. It is all part of the fold and plan, I am sure. However, I shall give ya this warning of one of them, perhaps the most vile of all, and that is Kizrak the Tyrant, a brutal creature of the Warlord who has quite the taste for halflings. . . and I mean not in the sense of good grace and kindness
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# Jun 23 2004 at 8:49 AM Rating: Decent
i sold my coin for 20k LOL Newbie
# Aug 15 2002 at 3:10 PM Rating: Decent
Kizrak is an ogre that lives in Ogguk.
# Apr 29 2002 at 7:24 AM Rating: Default
What is the pont of this
#Anonymous, Posted: Dec 26 2001 at 5:50 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) I've been there! there's a whole new zone with all the Gods in it! Upon your TP there a GM pops up and tells you not to tell ANYONE how you got there, if they find out you did they ban your account forever! nice reward lol! It's a really cool looking zone, wish I could say more, all I can say is that it takes factions and *cough* to get there! GL everyone, it's not that hard.
#Anonymous, Posted: Feb 25 2002 at 12:35 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) whatever..nice post ******
The Coin
# Nov 10 2001 at 7:50 AM Rating: Good
Hey guys, these realm of hero guys are not anything special. Just for people who kiss *** in GM
events and get a coin from the GM character and they turn it in and they get an item that is
no drop and stats based on what level they are. The coin is no rent so you can't just save it
until you ding 60 and get something better than ToV stuff but one lvl 30-35 item I saw for a caster was a belt ac1 +10str +10int +10wis. So I guess if you're lucky and high enough you'll get some pretty good stuff from them. And it doesn't matter who you turn it into, if you get one the GM will probably give you a hint about the closest one but just find one an give it to them quick.

Liveye lvl 54 Eudite Wizard
Ayonae Ro
the coin
# Sep 09 2001 at 9:52 AM Rating: Default
has anybody considered what the coin might be?.i was thinking the tarnished silver coin you can get from some lakes
# Aug 11 2001 at 11:27 AM Rating: Default
Cool Story. I loved it.
RE:Known cities
# Jul 26 2001 at 8:02 PM Rating: Decent
Yep i saw one in Ak'anon,He was next to the POD.
# Jul 09 2001 at 10:15 PM Rating: Default
Bristlebane is lord of the underfoot, no? Well, one day at trueshot's in kelethin, I saw a gem for sale. 'Fiery Gem of The Underfoot' for about 500PP. Not sure what drops it, but it gives me an idea about this man. Anyone ever try giving it to him?
RE: Interesting
# Apr 23 2002 at 4:44 PM Rating: Decent
Bristlebane isn't underfoot, he's the king of thieves. Brell is underfoot.
#Anonymous, Posted: Jun 29 2001 at 11:16 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) hmmmm.... could this be for the new server... i thought i heard something about them giving them coins for killing people... and if you give them to yer diety then you get some sort of faction.... well i guess that is just something to loook for... not sure why it would effect all servers.. unless they can't just change one or the other... g'luck
RE: ummmyah... possibly
# Jun 30 2001 at 12:31 AM Rating: Default
You didn't read the last post, did you. You know, the one right above yours, the one that explains this quest.
This explains everything about the quest.
# Jun 26 2001 at 10:21 PM Rating: Excellent
188 posts
The only way to do this quest is to participate in a GM quest. When you finish their quest they will give you a lore nodrop coin that you then hand to this npc and then you receive an item that is godly (sometimes only demi-godly). That's all there is to these npcs throughout the world that speak of the realm of the heroes. Hope this clears things up.
The guy
# Jun 19 2001 at 4:21 PM Rating: Default
At 2:15 on monday the 19, I was playing and this guy said a message that went though-out the zone. He was the same guy but he said something about a girl in quenos (I forget named) that's good. And he said something about a bad person named Kizrak the Tyrant who was bad. I think you need to hail one of these persone to talk about the quest. They may be the heros

P.S. I took a screenshot of what he said I will try to post it.
The guy
# Jun 19 2001 at 4:20 PM Rating: Default
At 2:15 on monday the 19, I was playing and this guy said a message that went though-out the zone. He was the same guy but he said something about a girl in quenos (I forget named) that's good. And he said something about a bad person named Kizrak the Tyrant who was bad. I think you need to hail one of these persone to talk about the quest.

P.S. I took a screenshot of what he said i will try to past it.
killing heros
# Jun 13 2001 at 6:58 PM Rating: Default
Has anyone tried killing one of the heroes, maybe the halfling will carry the coin for the ogre hero?
#Anonymous, Posted: May 29 2001 at 1:25 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) i found an no drop "rare coin" in the bottom of the pool at the temple of life in qeynos...Do you think this has something to do with it?
RE: rare coin
# Jul 14 2001 at 11:03 AM Rating: Decent
tahts for the enchanter coin of tash quest
The Quest
# May 24 2001 at 10:09 AM Rating: Default
This is part of a quest done by Gms. When Firona Vie returned home these Npc's Started to Spawn. If you help out Firona Vie when she returend you got a coin to give to one the the Npcs. The next tiem the coins will be handed out is when tunare is sommoned. The plague in the NK WK SK EK are all part of the same quest

Demolil Fireheart
This is not a normal quest
# Apr 20 2001 at 6:07 AM Rating: Decent
The coins are given out only by GM played NPC's to people who help them do their task. As such these are rare and I'm sure no drop. You turn the coin into your deity or the deity the quest is for, I have absolutely no idea which hero you turn it into, to get a nice item and be inducted into the Realm of Heroes.
This is not a normal quest
# Apr 20 2001 at 6:04 AM Rating: Default
Quest changed
# Mar 29 2001 at 6:46 AM Rating: Default

I ran yesterday into Bidils the Quickhand and I asked him all the keywords. But I noticed that the part about "kind and gentle heroes" changed.

What about kind and gentle?
Bidlis the Quickhand sighs heavily, a twinkle in his eye and a warm smile upon his heavy cheeks. 'Yes...none so as Jaylia the Faithful, as she was so rightfully named. A lovely lass. Tender as a gentle morning mist...Yes...Indeed, quite lovely so. An enchanting creature...and as pure as Tunare's good grace itself. Maybe ya should visit her over in Qeynos an' hear of her adventures!'

I´m a half elf ranger. Not sure, if this changes anything. :-)

NPC's used to reward people completing a GM run quest
# Mar 17 2001 at 6:48 AM Rating: Decent
Event for the opening of the Warrens resulted in the GM character giving the person a No Rent coin to give to the Realm of Hero's person nearby (Rewarded the coin near the NPC so small risk of LD). The person on my server recieved an AC 9 HP 10 Mana 10 Viel 'An Impenetrable Mask of Al'Kabor'.
What it all boils down to
# Mar 11 2001 at 5:14 PM Rating: Default
This is just another quest for the uber guild, something I'm not gonna waste any more of my time with.
RE: What it all boils down to
# Mar 13 2001 at 6:18 PM Rating: Default
Actually it's not, one was solved already, with one group. But probably high lever players. but still, it's not an UBER quest...
#Anonymous, Posted: Mar 05 2001 at 9:57 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) my name is vince and i am gay. my name is goramon and i am a fruit
# Mar 02 2001 at 5:13 PM Rating: Default
Perhaps the puppets of each diety that can be found in the Plane of Mischief have something to do with the coins?
Discussion Thread
# Mar 02 2001 at 5:04 PM Rating: Decent

a thread i started over at the grove to dissect this thing. all the logs from the npcs i've found are posted there.
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