To the Tune of Sweet Caroline  

Status: Incomplete

Quest Started By:Description:
Maximum Level:125
Monster Mission:No
Can Be Shrouded?:No
Quest Type:Task
Quest Goal:
  • Advancement
  • Experience
  • Money
Quest Items:
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Era:Night of Shadows
Group Size:Solo
Appropriate Classes:
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Appropriate Races:
  • All
Entered: Fri Nov 25 16:43:32 2022
Modified: Tue Dec 5 05:21:04 2023
Night of Shadows Info & Guides: Overview | Progression & Task List | Raiding | Visible Armor

You can obtain this task from Nikao Nord in Firefall Pass. You can find Nikao Nord at /waypoint 1533, -600, 41 on the eastern side of the zone. He is on the find tool as well CTRL F.

You say, 'Hail, Nikao Nord'

Nikao Nord strums an awful, screeching tune on his mandolin. Thankfully, it is brief.

Nikao Nord says, 'Greetings! Nord heard rumors that an Outsider was in our cave, but Nord would not believe it until Nord saw it.' He gestures to his mandolin and smiles. 'Nord hopes that this tune has made you feel more at home. All of the items in our [Room of Many Things] must also feel familiar to you.'

You say, 'What exactly is the Room of Many Things?'

Nikao Nord says, 'Kwee! Nord is so glad you have asked. When they were transported to this cave, the old, old, old Onokiwans had many interesting items from the Outside. Many of these things were not immediately useful when living in a cave, so they gathered dust. Generations later, ratfolk who never lived on the Outside decided it was [important] to preserve these rare things. So, here they are.'

You say, 'Why do you think it's important?'

Nikao Nord gestures to the bags you carry. 'The same reason you carry so many things, Outsider. One must be prepared. Maybe one day a Nikao will discover a new purpose for these things. Plus,' he emphasizes the word with a pluck of his mandolin string, 'sometimes we find wonderful uses for these things, like [music]!'

You say, 'Do you like music?'

Nikao Nord says, 'Miya, miya, miya! Music sounds eya magical. It can make you feel so many emotions. The old Onokiwans said that a good song makes your body move without you telling it to. They called it 'dancing.' Nord wonders what [dancing] feels like....'

You say, 'You've never tried dancing?'

Nikao Nord says, 'No! Nord has never heard any music, other than the songs Nord tries to play on mandolin. So far, it has not made anyone want to dance.' He looks a bit sad as he strums his instrument. 'Ah! Ika! Outsider, you have heard music, have you not!? Please, Nord is begging you, can you help Nord make a [song]?'

You say, 'Let's write a song.'

You have been assigned the task 'To the Tune of Sweet Caroline'.

Nikao Nord says, 'KWEE! This is Nord's dream come true. From what Nord knows about music, most songs tell a story. Nord thinks we should write a song about the Onokiwans! Hopefully it will make people want to dance, yiyiyi. Nord already has an idea of what it should sound like. Please [listen]....'

You say, 'I will listen.'

Nikao Nord taps his foot to a steady 4/4 time signature. He strums short, cheery chords in a staccato rhythm. Then, Nord begins to sing in a clear and pleasant voice: 'Where it began, Nord cannot start to know it. But then Nord knows it is growing strong....' He looks at you as though he'd like to know what you [think].

You say, 'I think that's a good start.'

Nikao Nord looks at you bashfully. 'Nord cannot sing about the lives of the old, old, old Onokiwans, but Nord does know that their legacy has grown strong here. Lyrics are so hard to write, though! What should Nord sing about [next]?'

You say, 'I'll help you brainstorm what to write next.'

You have been given: Nord's Onokiwan Song Version I

Your task 'To the Tune of Sweet Caroline' has been updated.

Nikao Nord says, 'Skii mu, Outsider! Take these papers and a piece of charcoal. Nord wrote some notes and the lyrics so far on them. Nord thinks we will need to get help from other rats. How about you show that to... Nikao Shyra! She loves reading and writing. Nord is sure she will have an idea for the next lyrics.'

Nikao Nord has lived in Firefall Pass's Onokiwan cave for his entire life. Nord has always been incredibly interested in the Outside based on stories from the Onokiwans. He is particularly interested in the concept of "music" and has tried (and largely failed) to figure out how to play a mandolin that was brought with the Onokiwans. Now that an Outsider has come to the cave, Nord is determined to use your expertise to collaboratively write a song with the other Onokiwans.

  • 1. Brainstorm with Nikao Nord 0/1 (Firefall Pass)

  • 2. Give Nikao Shyra the song 0/1 (Firefall Pass)
    Show Nikao Shyra the beginning of the song.

    You offered 1 Nord's Onokiwan Song Version I to Nikao Shyra.

    Your task 'To the Tune of Sweet Caroline' has been updated.

    Nikao Shyra says, 'What is this?' Nikao Shyra reads through the pages. '...Nord is writing a song? Aiee. Could you not dissuade him, Outsider? Nord's mandolin skills are... not [good]. Shyra fears this will encourage him to play more.'

    You complete the trade with Nikao Shyra.

  • 3. Convince Nikao Shyra to write some lyrics 0/1 (Firefall Pass)

    You say, 'Then let's make sure that at least the lyrics are good.'

    Nikao Shyra sighs and nods. 'If Nord is determined to write a song, then let us make it a good one. If he wants to write about the Onokiwan story, then of course he must start at the beginning! He should sing about the cave.' Nikao Shyra grabs the charcoal and adds notes to the pages 'Here is my contribution, Outsider. Shyra felt it was important to find a word that [rhymes] with 'strong,' so Shyra wrote about how the Onokiwans 'came along.''

    You say, 'Rhymes are a great idea.'

    You have been given: Nord's Onokiwan Song Version II

    Your task 'To the Tune of Sweet Caroline' has been updated.

    Nikao Shyra says, 'Yiyiyiyi. You flatter Shyra. Shyra wrote some notes for the next rats who help. Feel free to read them at any time.' She taps her chin in thought. 'Tila! Shyra knows the perfect rat to ask next. Minki! Minki and his brother used to live on the Outside. They probably heard lots of music. Maybe Minki will have something interesting to add.'

  • 4. Give Drifter Minki the song 0/1 (Firefall Pass)
    Ask Drifter Minki for his input on the song.

    You offered 1 Nord's Onokiwan Song Version II to Drifter Minki.

    Your task 'To the Tune of Sweet Caroline' has been updated.

    Drifter Minki says, 'Yokaw, fellow traveler! What is this? The Onokiwans want Minki's help writing a song? But they have [never heard] songs before!? Yiyiyiyiyiyiyi! That is one of the funniest things Minki has ever heard. These rats are so different than the Chetari and Paebala in Velious. So weird.'

    You complete the trade with Drifter Minki.

  • 5. Ask Drifter Minki to write some lyrics 0/1 (Firefall Pass)

    You say, 'Because they have never heard music before, let's do our best to help.'

    You have been given: Nord's Onokiwan Song Version III

    Your task 'To the Tune of Sweet Caroline' has been updated.

    Drifter Minki scribbles on the paper. 'Yiyiyi. Of course. Minki and Rinki owe them for letting us stay in their cave. Minki thinks it is obvious. Next, they should introduce themselves in the song! Minki kept it very simple. They are rats. Eya, eya, eya clueless rats. There is a brave rat outside. Minki thinks her name is Twiga. Give the lyrics to her next. Good luck, traveler. Yiyiyi.'

  • 6. Give Nikao Twiga the song 0/1 (Firefall Pass)
    Deliver the song lyrics to Nikao Twiga.

    You offered 1 Nord's Onokiwan Song Version III to Nikao Twiga.

    Your task 'To the Tune of Sweet Caroline' has been updated.

    Nikao Twiga says, 'Yokaw! Nikao Nord is writing a song? Kweee! This is eya exciting. Let Twiga see....' She reads the notes. 'We have talked about our home and who we are. Next, Twiga will write about our [opinions]!'

    You complete the trade with Nikao Twiga.

  • 7. Let Nikao Twiga add some lyrics 0/1 (Firefall Pass)

    You say, 'What opinions do you have?'

    You have been given: Nord's Onokiwan Song Version IV

    Your task 'To the Tune of Sweet Caroline' has been updated.

    Nikao Twiga says, 'Twiga thinks Twiga speaks for everyone when Twiga says that the Outside is eya beautiful.' She writes a few lines and hands the stack of pages back. 'You should ask one of the guards Outside for their opinion as well! Twiga is sure they will have something nice to say.'

  • 8. Give Wakkadon Koga the song 0/1 (Firefall Pass)
    Invite Wakkadon Koga to help write the song.

    You say, 'Hail, Wakkadon Koga'

    Wakkadon Koga says, 'You want Koga... to write a song? While Koga is putting Koga's life in danger on the Outside? Everything is [fun] and games to the Nikaos. Koga does not even know what music sounds like.'

    You say, 'Onokiwans deserve to have some fun.'

    You have been given: Nord's Onokiwan Song Version V

    Your task 'To the Tune of Sweet Caroline' has been updated.

  • 9. Persuade Wakkadon Koga to add some lyrics 0/1 (Firefall pass)

    Wakkadon Koga reads through the lyrics. 'Nikao Twiga LIKES the Outside!? She thinks Luclin is SWEET!? What a crazy rat. The Outside is eya scary. Koga will be sure to share this opinion.' He angrily writes on the paper. 'Outsider, take this silly, krawky song back to Nikao Nord. He should be helping us fight, not writing music.' Koga rolls his eyes. 'Grawk that rat.'

  • 10. Return the song lyrics to Nikao Nord 0/1 (Firefall Pass)
    Deliver the lyrics to Nikao Nord.

    You offered 1 Nord's Onokiwan Song Version V to Nikao Nord.

    Your task 'To the Tune of Sweet Caroline' has been updated.
    Nikao Nord grins and taps his foot while he reads through the lyrics. His smile falters. 'What is this? Nikao Twiga seems to like the Outside, but Wakkadon Koga says it is scary. Hm. What IS out there, ameek? Ono, Nikao Nord will not go Outside to look. What if it IS very scary? Nord has already seen the bugs and the birds. Can you find something new to inspire Nord's next lyrics?'

    You complete the trade with Nikao Nord.

  • 11. Collect something from a saurek. 0/1 (Firefall Pass)
    Collect a unique item from a Firefall Pass saurek.

    --You have looted a Firefall Pass Saurek Skull from a cinderscale saurek's corpse.--

    Your task 'To the Tune of Sweet Caroline' has been updated.

  • 12. Deliver the saurek skull to Nikao Nord 0/1 (Firefall Pass)
    Show the saurek skull to Nikao Nord

    You offered 1 Firefall Pass Saurek Skull to Nikao Nord.

    Your task 'To the Tune of Sweet Caroline' has been updated.

    Nikao Nord says, 'K-KWEE! AIEE! Outsider, is this something's head!? What a frightening thing you have brought Nord! Then it is true what the other Onokiwans have said. The Outside is filled with scary beasts. This has certainly inspired something in Nord: lyrics and fear.'

    You complete the trade with Nikao Nord.

  • 13. Brainstorm further with Nikao Nord 0/1 (Firefall Pass)

    You say, 'What's next?'

    Nikao Nord says, 'Skii mu, Outsider! Take these papers and a piece of charcoal. Nord wrote some notes and the lyrics so far on them. Nord thinks we will need to get help from other rats. How about you show that to... Nikao Shyra! She loves reading and writing. Nord is sure she will have an idea for the next lyrics.'

    You say, 'Never'

    You have been given: Nord's Onokiwan Song Version VI

    Your task 'To the Tune of Sweet Caroline' has been updated.

    Nikao Nord says, 'Kuwu... is this an Outside saying? It is a nice thought. Thank you for sharing it. Pleak, Nord thinks the song is almost complete. It is missing just one thing. The opinion of a Glimmar! Glimmar take care of our moosh and will definitely have something good to add to this song. Nord thinks you should ask Glimmar Sunni for some ideas. Sunni is eya nice, yiyi.'

  • 14. Give Glimmar Sunni the song 0/1 (Firefall Pass)
    Ask Glimmar Sunni for his input on the song.

    You offered 1 Nord's Onokiwan Song Version VI to Glimmar Sunni.

    Your task 'To the Tune of Sweet Caroline' has been updated.

    Glimmar Sunni says, 'Nikao Nord wants Sunni's help writing a song? Kwee, how nice! It feels good to have Sunni's work as a Glimmar be appreciated. Taka... Sunni is not eya [creative].'

    You complete the trade with Glimmar Sunni.

  • 15. Encourage Glimmar Sunni to write some lyrics 0/1 (Firefall Pass)

    You say, 'You don't need to be creative. Write whatever you think feels right.'

    You have been given: Nord's Onokiwan Song Version VII

    Your task 'To the Tune of Sweet Caroline' has been updated.

    Glimmar Sunni says, 'Miya, miya. You are right, Outsider. If Nord wants to write a song about the Onokiwans, then it is eya obvious. We should write about moosh.' Sunni carefully writes some words on a page. 'It is... um, not very smart like Shyra or Twiga's words. But yelling about moosh definitely makes Sunni want to 'dance,' yiyiyi. There are a lot of lyrics on these pages! Nikao Nord will probably be happy with this.'

  • 16. Return the final song to Nikao Nord 0/1 (Firefall Pass)
    Return the final lyrics to Nikao Nord.

    You offered 1 Nord's Onokiwan Song Version VII to Nikao Nord.

    Your task 'To the Tune of Sweet Caroline' has been updated.

    Nikao Nord hums his tune happily. It inexplicably sounds very similar to a song you've heard in a tavern before. A love song to a girl named Caroline. What was that bard's name? Neil... Emerald? Neil Sapphire? Something like that.

    You receive 5 copper .
    You receive 2 silver .
    You receive 6 gold .
    You receive 265 platinum .
    You have gained 1 mercenary ability point(s)! You now have 11 mercenary ability point(s).
    You have gained 36 ability point(s)! You now have 127 ability point(s).
    You gain experience! (0.000%)

    Nikao Nord says, 'Kwee! Kweeee! Miya, this is perfect, Outsider. You have made Nord the happiest Onokiwan in history. Nord will have to practice the mandolin twice as much now. Maybe you can learn the song and share the Onokiwan story wherever you travel!'
    You complete the trade with Nikao Nord.

    256 platinum 6 gold 2 silver 5 copper
    You gain experience!
  • Submitted by: Gidono / Cylius & Laurana
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    Level 100+
    # May 19 2023 at 6:45 AM Rating: Good
    31 posts
    This is a great power leveling task if you have a toon that can kill the saureks to get the saurek skull to drop. This can be requested by a level 100 toon.... How you do it: Request tasks on your higher level toon and kill mobs to get the drops... loot on your level 100+ toon you have already progressed to the same point in the quest and do the subsequent hand in.... rinse reapeat.

    100 = 27.823%
    101 = 24.860%
    102 = 24.326%
    103 = 22.934%
    104 = 21.693%
    105 = 20.579%
    106 = 18.754%
    107 = 15.984%
    108 = 10.343%
    109 = 6.513%
    110 = 4.289%

    Edited, May 23rd 2023 4:03pm by Gbab
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