Traders of The Haven  

Quest Started By:Description:
(From 1 rating)
Time:1 hour
Maximum Level:125
Monster Mission:No
Can Be Shrouded?:No
Quest Type:Quest
Quest Goal:
  • Faction
Factions Raised:
Factions Lowered:
    Quest Items:
    Related Zones:
    Related Creatures:
    Era:Shadows of Luclin
    Group Size:Solo
    Min. # of Players:1
    Max. # of Players:1
    Appropriate Classes:
    • All
    Appropriate Races:
    • All
    Entered: Wed Dec 5 18:57:33 2001
    Modified: Tue Dec 5 05:21:04 2023
    This is a wonderful quest to build faction with some of the denizens of Shadowhaven. It is relatively easy to complete since you can run invisibly between the questmasters if need be and should be very handy for saving up money for that new steed!

    STEP 1

    The quest begins at Trade Commissioner Henry, adjacent to the warriors guild in Shadowhaven. Location -297, 392, -24, in the building by the bridge leading to Paludual Caverns.

    You say, 'Hail, Trade Commissioner Henry'

    Trade Commissioner Henry says 'Hello there, traveler. I don't believe that I have seen you around these parts before- then again, I could have and simply forgotten since there have been so many new faces around here. However, if you are a newcomer to Shadowhaven, please make sure that you [register for trading] in the Haven. Registering with the Traders of the Haven will legitimize you in the eyes of local merchants and customers.

    You say, 'I will register for trading'

    Trade Commissioner Henry says 'It's great that you are interested Ashwith, you will surely be glad you did. I have some simple deliveries that I need completed if you wish to be a registered trader in Shadowhaven.

    You say, 'What deliveries?'

    Trade Commissioner Henry says 'The deliveries are simple enough, I just need you to bring some letters to some merchants of the Haven that are currently working in other locations. Will you [deliver these letters]?

    You say, 'I will deliver these letters'

    Trade Commissioner Henry says 'I surely do appreciate the help, Ashwith- clearly you understand the value of solid relations with the locals. First, I will need you to take this newsletter to Sateal. He is currently on assignment in the Bazaar and has been out of the loop on the happenings of Shadowhaven because of his heavy workload. Bring this to him and then return to me with his sales report. I look forward to seeing you soon.

    Trade Commissioner Henry gives you a Tattered Newsletter.

    STEP 2

    Hand the Tattered Newsletter to Sateal Deirosap who can be found in the middle of The Bazaar zone in the merchants' area. Location 0.5, 14.8,1.66.

    Sateal Deirosap says 'Ah great, I have been meaning to go and pick one of these up from the Trade Commissioner but I have been very busy with my work. I'm sure Henry has been waiting for my sales report so here it is. Please return it to him for me if you could and thanks again!'

    You gain experience!!

    Sateal Deirosap gives you a Sales Report.

    STEP 3

    Return the Sales Report to Shadowhaven and hand it in to Trade Commissioner Henry.

    Trade Commissioner Henry says 'Great to see you back so soon Ashwith, you looked like a dependable person from the start. The next thing I need you to do is a bit more dangerous, but by the looks of you I doubt it will be a problem. Go to the Shadowhaven outpost in Fungusgrove and give Thar this book. Thar is a great merchant but I have seen his sales steadily declining, so I figured this book full of selling tips will help him regain his confidence and help him produce the kinds of numbers I know he is capable of. If his economy report is ready please, bring that back to me when you return.'

    You gain party experience!!

    Trade Commissioner Henry gives you a Book of Sales Secrets.

    STEP 4

    You'll need to locate Thar Anton in the Fungus Grove outpost. Location -1317, -847, -272 in the second building on your left after you zone in from Echo Caverns.You can travel to Fungus Grove from Shadowhaven by going through the Echo Caverns. Thar Anton can be found on a raised platform about midway through the Fungus Grove outpost. He's wearing a white robe and sells basic provisions. For amusement purposes, I hailed him... as you can see, he's quite the confident salesman. *coughs*

    You say, 'Hail, Thar Anton'

    Thar Anton says 'Hello there traveler. I have many wares for sale so please take a look at what I have. If you think all my goods are junk and wish to buy from someone else though I'll understand.

    Hand the Book of Sales Secrets to Thar Anton in Fungus Grove.

    Thar Anton says 'I see you have brought a book from the Commissioner. Well I'm not much for reading but I will surely try anything that may increase my sales. Anyways I'm sure you aren't that interested in how bad my sales are and would like to be on your way so here you go.'
    Your faction standing with Traders of the Haven has been adjusted by 5.
    Your faction standing with House of Fordel has been adjusted by 1.
    Your faction standing with House of Midst has been adjusted by 1.
    Your faction standing with House of Stout has been adjusted by 1.
    You gain experience!!

    Thar Anton gives you his Economy Report.

    STEP 5

    Return the Economy Report to Trade Commissioner Henry back in Shadowhaven.

    Trade Commissioner Henry says 'Excellent work Ashwith, I knew that you were someone that I could trust to get the job done. The trader's union of Shadowhaven will hear of your solid work ethic. Perhaps a courier job is in your future, I couldn't have expected anyone to make these deliveries as fast as you did! Please take this amulet as a symbol of your dedication to Shadowhaven's booming economy. While wearing this you are sure to get all the greatest deals from the merchants of the Haven both here and in the bazaar. It was a pleasure meeting, you and thanks for all of your help.'
    Your faction standing with Traders of the Haven has been adjusted by 200.
    Your faction standing with House of Fordel has been adjusted by 20.
    Your faction standing with House of Midst has been adjusted by 20.
    Your faction standing with House of Stout has been adjusted by 20.
    You gain experience!!

    Trade Commissioner Henry gives you the Amulet of the Haven.
    Submitted by: Ashwith Fairfever
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    the blood sucking things
    # Dec 16 2001 at 3:53 AM Rating: Default
    If you keep running the faster the better (ie sow) They won't get you. Run through unencumbered and you should never have a problem. Also run around them if possible. Just don't stop. And by the way FD works and them as long as the are not in the middle of a cast.
    Good Quest
    # Dec 14 2001 at 8:12 PM Rating: Decent
    Before I did this quest, barbarian guy in shadow haven shaman guild keep saying "I dont have anything to do with barbarian" :p
    (PS: Im a barbarian shaman)
    Cant train with him.

    After completing the quest, now I can train. The horsie price dropped considerably.

    Just complete the quest, shouldnt take you long.
    Easy Faction
    # Dec 14 2001 at 5:21 PM Rating: Default
    Necklace itself is garbage, wearing a split paw necklace from paw saves you more money.

    But the quest is easy and gets faction up fast.

    I died
    # Dec 14 2001 at 10:22 AM Rating: Default
    I went through the Echo Caverns with my Bard invis and got killed by something that likes to suck my blood :). I couldn't even find the mob that was killing me? Anyone else have this problem?

    RE: I died
    # Dec 15 2001 at 6:14 AM Rating: Default
    I hear ya!
    It's those damn things with the tentacles on the walls. They rooted me and took me from full health to dead with 1300hp's. I think if one gets you you stand a decent chanceo f resisting it so that you can back out but I think I got caught in a crossfire where three were constantly casting on me and couldn't resist enough times in a row to get free. I think they are sorta like the traps and might be dis-armable but I'm a ranger so just don't know/
    Fungus Grove Outpost
    # Dec 13 2001 at 11:54 AM Rating: Decent
    Could someone please tell me where to find the outpost in Fungus Grove.
    RE: Fungus Grove Outpost
    # Dec 13 2001 at 12:42 PM Rating: Decent
    Just zone in from Echo, you can't miss it. The only thing to watch out for is that sometimes people train mobs into the outpost, and the guards won't help you.
    raising faction
    # Dec 10 2001 at 9:20 PM Rating: Decent
    you have to run this quest several times in order to raise your faction if you are an "evil" aligned race. My delf ran it 5 times to raise to apprehensive with the amulet equipped.

    RE: raising faction
    # Dec 11 2001 at 2:05 PM Rating: Decent
    My 55 Troll Sk did this quest just once and went from apprehensive to aimably.
    Minimum Level 14?!?
    # Dec 10 2001 at 7:21 AM Rating: Decent
    They've put a minimum level of 14 up there since the last time I looked. I've been doing this quest repeatedly with an 8th lvl halfling druid (halflings have 50 cha, I need the faction!) without incident so far. Sure, it's not completely safe; if any of those spore things or needlites in Echo Caverns ever aggroes on me, I'll probably have to gate or die. But I don't think minimum level is supposed to be based on "completely safe".
    Nerfed today
    # Dec 09 2001 at 8:28 PM Rating: Decent
    85 posts
    Did this quest with my wiz and chanter 12/8 and amulet worked in all zones (new and old) but had to be equipped. Did the quest today with my DE necro and it no longer work outside of shadowhaven and did not work on all mobs in shadowhaven (didn't work on dwarves)(tried it in paineel and did not improve my faction there was dubious with it on or off and was dubious there before i did quest). Oh well you knew they would not let this item stay the way it was.
    Wearing the Amulet
    # Dec 09 2001 at 2:43 PM Rating: Decent
    As of the patch this morning (Dec.9) I now need to equip my amulet to get the faction bump.

    Quillpath Whisperwind
    Chosen Counsel
    Echo caverns
    # Dec 08 2001 at 3:45 AM Rating: Decent
    There is also a hidden entrance to the caverns underwater south of the warrios guild.
    RE: Echo caverns
    # Dec 08 2001 at 8:17 AM Rating: Decent

    How does one access it? I jumped down there on the first day and couldnt find anything (had to gate back up to the bridge to even get out).
    # Dec 07 2001 at 10:48 AM Rating: Decent
    I used the amulet in the outpost of OT and went from Apprehensive to Indifferent. . so it must be bugged. Might allow you to do several sarnak tail quests before the item gets fixed though . .so hurry up and get past KOS faction before they fix it
    # Dec 07 2001 at 8:39 AM Rating: Decent
    41 Shaman went from Apprehensive to Amiable with this quest.

    Interesting was that the necklace did NOT have to be worn to gain the faction bonus; just in inventory (mine was in bag). Wearing the item made no noticable difference with the two merchants I checked.

    Darn Edit won't fix the RATING.... K... it IS an Excellent quest.

    Edited, Fri Dec 7 08:41:33 2001
    # Dec 06 2001 at 4:12 PM Rating: Decent
    I went from being unable to talk to merchants to Amiable faction. Don't ask me. I did it with a 32 ranger--does level affect the rate of faction change?
    Great easy quest for faction
    # Dec 06 2001 at 1:39 PM Rating: Decent
    This was a great way to quickly boost faction for many of the Shadow Haven residents. I went from dubious to apprehensive with many of the merchants. There are still quite a few that are dubious. I assume that the dubious ones are with the different "houses".

    Also, while identify may say that this item only raises faction with "Traders of the Haven", it also affected my faction with the Vah Shir. I was indifferent to Vah Shir with the amulet off, and amiable with it worn. I don't know what faction the Vah Shir are on, but I am assuming it's not "Traders of the Haven"
    RE: Great easy quest for faction
    # Dec 07 2001 at 3:47 AM Rating: Good
    41 posts
    Sounds like it's bugged, i.e. giving boosts to ALL factions. I'd take advantage of it while you can.
    Echo Caverns
    # Dec 06 2001 at 3:20 AM Rating: Excellent
    As you have to go through the echo caverns to complete this quest, I decided to map them. What I have found so far is that there are two distinct sections to the caverns.

    The first is accessed from a secret door in the room just north of the wizzie spire thing in the west of Shadow Haven. This is the way to go to get to Fungus Grove. Once in Echo Caverns, go south (i.e. not through the sliding rock door), then west and through the big door. Then first right, first left and straight on until fungus grove. Beware the spore things that cast root.

    The other section of Echo Caverns is accessed by passing the all the dwarves, gnomes and halflings to the south of that spire thing in Shadow Haven. Going pretty much due west from this zone will take you to "The Deep" zone.

    If there is a way to get from one section of the echo caverns to the other, I have not found it.

    Longbottom Thistlewood of Incarnate (terris thule)
    46 Hobbit Druid

    Edited, Thu Dec 6 03:24:08 2001
    "Traders of the Haven" Only
    # Dec 06 2001 at 2:51 AM Rating: Decent
    Thanks to the Star of Eyes (Identify):
    [Wed Dec 05 23:13:40 2001] Item Lore: Amulet of the Haven.
    [Wed Dec 05 23:13:40 2001] This item gives positive faction to Traders of the Haven.
    # Dec 05 2001 at 11:23 PM Rating: Default
    This quest is broken for me, Thar never gives me anything. This happen for anybody else?
    RE: Grrr
    # Dec 06 2001 at 4:29 AM Rating: Decent
    Maybe this quest is time based. The NPC does say something about getting back quickly, and they said in the patch that they changed the rules on quests. Did you take a long time to finish the quest?
    RE: Grrr
    # Dec 06 2001 at 1:17 PM Rating: Default
    Well, the first time I did the quest it took me quite a while to find Thar. The next 4 times I tried the quest, I knew where to go right away.
    I bound myself near Trade Commissioner Henry, got the letter for Sateal and delivered it, gated back, got the book for Thar and delivered it. But I still have not gotten him to give me his economy report. I petitioned, but the answer I got was "Perhaps that NPC is out of that item, but I will submit it as a bug for you."

    I also made sure I had an open top level inventory slot after the first try in case the item was too big for a bag.
    Please someone tell us where to find fungus grove
    # Dec 05 2001 at 10:18 PM Rating: Decent
    I cannot find the fungus grove, could someone please post how to find it
    RE: Please someone tell us where to find fungus grove
    # Dec 06 2001 at 6:09 AM Rating: Decent
    72 posts
    Go to Echo Caverns (EQ Atlas has a map of Shadohaven you will likely need), then go past the stone door (don't go through), turn right, then go straight past the next intersection. You should come to some green water. The zone is near here. Avoid the moving plants. They aren't targetable, but are mobs. They have a low agro range. If you agro, they will root you for a short time and annoy you.

    I would do this ASAP as it gives excellent faction and is likely to be nerfed in the near future in the same way Velious faction was nerfed a short time after release.
    RE: Please someone tell us where to find fungus grove
    # Dec 05 2001 at 10:26 PM Rating: Default
    To get to fungus grove go to rogue guild in shadow haven and behind the secret walls is a tunnel to Echo caverns.

    In echo caverns follow the path, open the door, eventually you will find a zone exit to fungus grove toward the north west part of the zone.
    Didn't Help Me!
    # Dec 05 2001 at 9:47 PM Rating: Default
    Did the whole quest, wore the item.... Still can't buy from the people there. Does this work with all vendors?


    Or only certain vendors? Still dubious to everything!
    RE: Didn't Help Me!
    # Dec 06 2001 at 1:19 AM Rating: Decent
    I had to do the quest twice before anyone would sell to me. I'm an Iksar Shadowknight. I did it about eight or nine more times and now I'm Ally to main faction and indifferent to the minor factions.
    Faction System
    # Dec 05 2001 at 6:13 PM Rating: Excellent
    41 posts
    These are my own observations, being a level 51 enchantress. The faction system is point based, not level based. Faction levels are given a point range within the total range. The faction system isn't linear either. In general, the faction levels at the extremes have larger ranges.

    For example, the total faction system might range from -10000 to +10000.

    Scowling -10000 to -5000 (5000)
    Threatening -5000 to -2500 (2500)
    Dubious -2500 to -1000 (1500)
    Apprehensive -1000 to -250 (750)
    Indifferent -250 to 250 (500)
    Amiable 250 to 750 (500)
    Kindly 750 to 1250 (500)
    Warmly 1250 to 4000 (2750)
    Ally 4000 to 9000 (5000)

    Sorry if I got Kindly and Warmly reversed. These numbers are made up just to show as an example. At the higher end of the spectrum I'm not real sure about the point ranges, but I'm pretty sure warmly has a large range making Ally hard to reach.

    The result basically is that around the middle of the range it's easy to move from one level to another, 500 points in my example would guarantee you move one level near the center and 1000 points and you might move two levels. But when you get down towards threatening and scowling 1000 points might not even put you close to the next highest level.

    And now to finally get to the point of all this. :) This item probably gives a specific faction point bonus with one or more faction groups. From the descriptions posted it sounds like the faction boost is comparable to the enchanter spells Alliance or the upgrade Benevolence.

    Cisas Tummy of Cazic-Thule
    51 Enchantress
    Guild Leader of the Knights of Fortune

    Edited, Wed Dec 5 18:18:14 2001
    RE: Faction System
    # Dec 11 2001 at 4:08 PM Rating: Default
    the faction system goes from -3000 (scouling) to +3000 (ally as of recently).

    On another note, before the patch this quest gave MASSIVE faction hits. You could distroy the amulet and still get nearly 500 faction points with Traders every time you ran it. It no longer does this to my knowledge. Ran it three times before the patch and went from apprehensive to warmly, ran it twice afterwards and am still on warmly, go figure.
    # Dec 05 2001 at 6:02 PM Rating: Default
    The big reason for this quest is many vendors con Dubious when you arrive (at least for my high elf they do). "Working" for the trade master gives you an item which shows you're ok with him and then the vendors (which are now apprehensive thanks to item) will sell to you.
    #Anonymous, Posted: Dec 05 2001 at 4:57 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) The Amulet does not change your faction, It just gives you CHA, Which enough CHA you can lower prices of items when you buy them. Why the merchants let you buy their items after this quest is becuase you have raised your faction with them via doing this quest. Im sure once you do this quest about 4-5 times you will be in better gracious with them. Possibly Friendly with them. But its not the amulet that lets you shop with them so please dont miss lead people like that.
    RE: Amulet not the key
    # Dec 05 2001 at 5:30 PM Rating: Default
    Before chastising people about mis-information, then maybe you yourself should follow your own directions. There are new items in this game to do change factions, look at the effect of the item. As far as factions changes, its probably not as powerful as the chanter line of spells, it is probably only for certain faction groups.

    RE: Amulet not the key
    # Dec 05 2001 at 5:29 PM Rating: Good
    26 posts
    NO, The amulet *DOES* change your faction. It's is even listed on the amulet that it does so. In fact when wearing it, I go from apprehensive to indifferent or from dubious to apprehensive. This amulet improves your faction when worn.
    clearing things up
    # Dec 05 2001 at 3:15 PM Rating: Decent
    to get to thar, you have to enter the echo caverns via the secret passage in shadw haven. you can see what i'm talking about by lookin at the map at

    this quest isn't to setup yourself as a PC merchant. until this point, the merchants won't even do business with you because you start off dubious. however, this amulet when worn, ups your faction from dubious to apprehensible so you can shop.

    here's the real kicker. this amulet works EVERYWHERE! i swear, i consider this reward to be extremely good, as it gives you a serious faction bump with everyone when you wear it. its like having perma-alliance spell wherever you go.

    it's all/all and +2 cha by the way
    RE: clearing things up
    # Dec 05 2001 at 4:57 PM Rating: Default
    If it has an effect akin to the Enchanter Alliance-line of spells, then it will not bring KOS NPCs up to threatening. For some reason, faction-changing spells don't work on NPCs who are already KOS (maybe it's just that when casting on them, my invis drops and they just go out and kill me...hmmm?)

    If I'm wrong, then perhaps someone out there will correct me, but this is the experience of a 44th level Enchanter.
    RE: clearing things up
    # Dec 06 2001 at 1:15 AM Rating: Default
    The only reason why you never see the difference when using alliance type spells is because you are already very kos. For instance, I was changing my faction in kael, I just became kos there and I casted my alliance spell and I moved up to threatening,
    RE: clearing things up
    # Dec 05 2001 at 4:24 PM Rating: Decent
    couple of questions dunno if you can answer...

    what is the effect on NPCs exactly? does it effectively bump your faction standing up a level? If so, does this work off Luclin (I'm guessing yes from the it works everywhere exclamation). if so, I think this is probably an incredibly powerful reward. It makes me wonder, in fact, if it won't actually get nerfed or something because it partially removes the need to gain faction.

    However, if it ONLY does its thing and makes dubious folk apprehensive then its less powerful and just a great item... if it makes threatening > dubious, or KOS > threatening or whatever, then this item might not remain around too long, or at least the difficulty in getting it might increase, else everyone is just gonna wear one when theyre entering hostile territory
    To set up pc merchants
    # Dec 05 2001 at 2:37 PM Rating: Decent
    I could be wrong but i believe this quest is to set up the player merchants in the bazzar.
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