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This is the instanced zone involving the Tier 4 raid task "Guardian of the Sands". Both Norrath's Keepers and the Dark Reign have learned of the presence of a massive sand guardian in the Stillmoon Temple, and it clearly needs to be eliminated.

Viewing 1 to 10 of 10 entries.

Image Name Level Range Type Zone Expansion
No Picture Included a Stillmoon drake 68 - 72 Monster Stillmoon Temple: Guardian of the Sands Dragons of Norrath
Picture Included a Stillmoon marauder 68 - 72 Monster Stillmoon Temple: Guardian of the Sands Dragons of Norrath
Picture Included a Stillmoon scoundrel 68 - 72 Monster Stillmoon Temple: Guardian of the Sands Dragons of Norrath
No Picture Included a Stillmoon servant 68 - 72 Monster Stillmoon Temple: Guardian of the Sands Dragons of Norrath
Picture Included a Stillmoon servant pet 58 - 58 Summoned Stillmoon Temple: Guardian of the Sands Dragons of Norrath
No Picture Included a Stillmoon shaman 68 - 72 Monster Stillmoon Temple: Guardian of the Sands Dragons of Norrath
No Picture Included a Stillmoon sorcerer 68 - 72 Monster Stillmoon Temple: Guardian of the Sands Dragons of Norrath
Picture Included a Stillmoon templar 68 - 72 Monster Stillmoon Temple: Guardian of the Sands Dragons of Norrath
Picture Included an iron sentinel - Guardian of the Sands 68 - 72 Monster Stillmoon Temple: Guardian of the Sands Dragons of Norrath
Picture Included Shogurei, Guardian of the Sands 75 - 75 Raid Encounter Stillmoon Temple: Guardian of the Sands Dragons of Norrath