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This is for the task Trials of Smoke.

Viewing 1 to 29 of 29 entries.

Image Name Level Range Type Zone Expansion
No Picture Included a bulky chest 70 - 70 Object The Trials of Smoke The Burning Lands
No Picture Included a dusty chest - Trials of Smoke 70 - 70 Object The Trials of Smoke The Burning Lands
No Picture Included a freezing wind 113 - 113 Monster The Trials of Smoke The Burning Lands
No Picture Included a swirl of disturbed crust 90 - 90 Monster The Trials of Smoke The Burning Lands
Picture Included a tricky chest 0 - 0 Object The Trials of Smoke The Burning Lands
No Picture Included Alabaster Moonbreeze 114 - 114 Named The Trials of Smoke The Burning Lands
Picture Included an ashen chest 70 - 70 Object The Trials of Smoke The Burning Lands
No Picture Included an ashen elemental 112 - 112 Monster The Trials of Smoke The Burning Lands
Picture Included Blazing Triumphant Bulwark 114 - 114 Monster The Trials of Smoke The Burning Lands
Picture Included Blustering Stalwart Screen 114 - 114 Named The Trials of Smoke The Burning Lands
No Picture Included Dark Waters Sing 114 - 114 Named The Trials of Smoke The Burning Lands
No Picture Included Diamond Earthshaker 114 - 114 Named The Trials of Smoke The Burning Lands
Picture Included Flowing Unconquered Guard 114 - 114 Named The Trials of Smoke The Burning Lands
No Picture Included Grinning Monsoon 114 - 114 Monster The Trials of Smoke The Burning Lands
No Picture Included Obsidian Fragment 110 - 110 Monster The Trials of Smoke The Burning Lands
No Picture Included Obsidian Shard 110 - 110 Monster The Trials of Smoke The Burning Lands
Picture Included Obsidian Undefeated Shield 114 - 114 Named The Trials of Smoke The Burning Lands
No Picture Included Rumbling Rock Spirit 90 - 90 Object The Trials of Smoke The Burning Lands
No Picture Included Sand Spray 110 - 110 Monster The Trials of Smoke The Burning Lands
No Picture Included Seafoam Spray 1 - 1 Monster The Trials of Smoke The Burning Lands
No Picture Included Shadows of Stone 114 - 114 Named The Trials of Smoke The Burning Lands
No Picture Included Soot Spray 110 - 110 Monster The Trials of Smoke The Burning Lands
No Picture Included Striding Obsidian Destroyer 114 - 114 Named The Trials of Smoke The Burning Lands
No Picture Included Sunbird of the Dawn 114 - 114 Named The Trials of Smoke The Burning Lands
No Picture Included Warm Heart Flickers 114 - 114 Named The Trials of Smoke The Burning Lands
No Picture Included Water Flowing Unconquered Guard 114 - 114 Named The Trials of Smoke The Burning Lands
Picture Included Waves of Saffron Sky 114 - 114 Quest NPC The Trials of Smoke The Burning Lands
No Picture Included Whispers of Indomitable Onyx 114 - 114 Named The Trials of Smoke The Burning Lands
No Picture Included Wind Spray 110 - 110 Monster The Trials of Smoke The Burning Lands