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Viewing 1 to 55 of 55 entries.

Image Name Level Range Type Zone Expansion
Picture Included a chokidai elder 99 - 104 Monster Kor-Sha Laboratory Empires of Kunark
Picture Included a chokidai wardog 105 - 105 Monster Kor-Sha Laboratory Empires of Kunark
Picture Included a conscripted adept 106 - 108 Monster Kor-Sha Laboratory Empires of Kunark
Picture Included a conscripted dirtcaster 106 - 108 Monster Kor-Sha Laboratory Empires of Kunark
Picture Included a conscripted flamedowser 106 - 108 Monster Kor-Sha Laboratory Empires of Kunark
Picture Included a conscripted guard 106 - 108 Monster Kor-Sha Laboratory Empires of Kunark
Picture Included a conscripted soldier 106 - 108 Monster Kor-Sha Laboratory Empires of Kunark
Picture Included a conscripted spiritist 106 - 108 Monster Kor-Sha Laboratory Empires of Kunark
Picture Included a conscripted warrior 106 - 108 Monster Kor-Sha Laboratory Empires of Kunark
Picture Included a crypt guard 106 - 108 Monster Kor-Sha Laboratory Empires of Kunark
Picture Included a crypt guardian 106 - 108 Monster Kor-Sha Laboratory Empires of Kunark
Picture Included a Di`zok adherent 106 - 108 Monster Kor-Sha Laboratory Empires of Kunark
Picture Included a Di`zok aruspex 106 - 108 Monster Kor-Sha Laboratory Empires of Kunark
Picture Included a Di`zok champion 106 - 108 Monster Kor-Sha Laboratory Empires of Kunark
Picture Included a Di`zok dragoon 106 - 108 Monster Kor-Sha Laboratory Empires of Kunark
Picture Included a Di`zok evoker 106 - 108 Monster Kor-Sha Laboratory Empires of Kunark
Picture Included a Di`zok legionnaire 106 - 108 Monster Kor-Sha Laboratory Empires of Kunark
Picture Included a Di`zok myrmidon 106 - 108 Monster Kor-Sha Laboratory Empires of Kunark
Picture Included a Di`zok sage 106 - 108 Monster Kor-Sha Laboratory Empires of Kunark
No Picture Included a fading monstrosity 106 - 108 Monster Kor-Sha Laboratory Empires of Kunark
Picture Included a guard 106 - 108 Monster Kor-Sha Laboratory Empires of Kunark
Picture Included a guardian 106 - 108 Monster Kor-Sha Laboratory Empires of Kunark
Picture Included a Kar`zok soldier 106 - 108 Monster Kor-Sha Laboratory Empires of Kunark
Picture Included a Kar`zok warrior 106 - 108 Monster Kor-Sha Laboratory Empires of Kunark
Picture Included a lurking beetle 99 - 104 Monster Kor-Sha Laboratory Empires of Kunark
Picture Included a lurking stalker 99 - 104 Monster Kor-Sha Laboratory Empires of Kunark
Picture Included a luxated terror 105 - 105 Monster Kor-Sha Laboratory Empires of Kunark
Picture Included a prisoner 105 - 105 Monster Kor-Sha Laboratory Empires of Kunark
Picture Included a researcher 106 - 108 Monster Kor-Sha Laboratory Empires of Kunark
Picture Included a sage 106 - 108 Monster Kor-Sha Laboratory Empires of Kunark
Picture Included a scavenging beetle 99 - 104 Monster Kor-Sha Laboratory Empires of Kunark
Picture Included a scavenging stalker 99 - 104 Monster Kor-Sha Laboratory Empires of Kunark
Picture Included a sokokar 106 - 108 Monster Kor-Sha Laboratory Empires of Kunark
Picture Included a wary guard 105 - 105 Monster Kor-Sha Laboratory Empires of Kunark
Picture Included a worker 106 - 108 Monster Kor-Sha Laboratory Empires of Kunark
Picture Included an alchemist 106 - 108 Monster Kor-Sha Laboratory Empires of Kunark
Picture Included an alchemist's assistant 106 - 108 Monster Kor-Sha Laboratory Empires of Kunark
Picture Included an ectopic amygdalan 106 - 108 Monster Kor-Sha Laboratory Empires of Kunark
Picture Included an evoker 106 - 108 Monster Kor-Sha Laboratory Empires of Kunark
Picture Included Ancient Dragon 110 - 110 NPC, non-quest Kor-Sha Laboratory Empires of Kunark
Picture Included Bonescale 109 - 109 a rare creature Kor-Sha Laboratory Empires of Kunark
Picture Included Cutter 106 - 108 a rare creature Kor-Sha Laboratory Empires of Kunark
Picture Included Darkness 108 - 108 a rare creature Kor-Sha Laboratory Empires of Kunark
Picture Included Deathgazer 107 - 107 a rare creature Kor-Sha Laboratory Empires of Kunark
Picture Included Firedowser Uglabarg 106 - 108 a rare creature Kor-Sha Laboratory Empires of Kunark
Picture Included Glart Fink 108 - 108 a rare creature Kor-Sha Laboratory Empires of Kunark
Picture Included Kar`Zok Overlord 109 - 109 a rare creature Kor-Sha Laboratory Empires of Kunark
Picture Included Okara Klyseer 109 - 109 a rare creature Kor-Sha Laboratory Empires of Kunark
Picture Included Overlord Dralgan 109 - 109 a rare creature Kor-Sha Laboratory Empires of Kunark
Picture Included Rogue Monstrosity 108 - 108 a rare creature Kor-Sha Laboratory Empires of Kunark
Picture Included Screaming Tormentor 109 - 109 a rare creature Kor-Sha Laboratory Empires of Kunark
Picture Included Sepulcher Curator 109 - 109 a rare creature Kor-Sha Laboratory Empires of Kunark
Picture Included Stonespiked Guardian 109 - 109 a rare creature Kor-Sha Laboratory Empires of Kunark
Picture Included The Possessed 108 - 108 a rare creature Kor-Sha Laboratory Empires of Kunark
Picture Included Vakazon Viz`Daron 109 - 109 a rare creature Kor-Sha Laboratory Empires of Kunark