This skeleton hits for near 200, takes GoK as well as higher Mez (yes GoK has a cap of 57 but I've mezzed him 2 of 4 times wiht it so he can be 56 too), takes magic based debuffs very well. landed slow 3 of 4 kills with no tash before at 60 and then 61. The area around him is filled with fast (15min) repopping skells with a minimum 50ft agro range. named seem to have larger agro range. without Pacify on his friends expect at least 2 more every pull. Some skells near him are casters. Necro's, SK's with HT, and rarely a shaman though i thik thtas MUCH further in. The Necro's Gate *shudder* but are easily stunnable. Nathsar is NOT stunnable with enchanter stuns but is with hi-level pally stuns. He drops the metal when he doesn't drop the cloak usually. More recently it seems, since the advent of diety specific armor at least, there have been a number of enchanters with a Diety. Tunare/High elves are just as popular as Innoruuk/Dark Elves. This means this amazing shoulder item: Cloak of Faith doesn't rot nearly so much any more. Take your enchanter with you here for a number of reasons, not the LEAST of which is this cloak. Its still on me until I get 8th shawl or a certain Vex Thal or Elemental drop I've got my eye on. Area is easily doable with a good group of mid 50's. You NEED CC here even if its a bard or roots.
Master Aeldwan the Coercer and Decimator Buddercup Voxslayer of MT/Emarr Glance the Stabber, Raiding Rogue of The Last Revolution Kaarse the Ash Warden, Striker of the Black Desert Keonka the Mangler of Drenden and Kager Ironveins Paladin of Arathor Skuffal Skugbref of Chaos Wastes Raene, Defiant of Harrow Argus Grimm Elite Sniper of Auraxis and the 2RAF "Doing the improbable daily to make the impossible seem easy"
Most guilds farming for the metal or shards just AE the place now (which you really need chanters for anyway) which you really don't need CC in the traditional meaning. Don't really need to worry about a mob running when you've just cleared the entire place. While this isn't a bad item (its also the best by far that drops in the mines) if your hear for the non metal/shard drops your in the wrong place, its not really worth it for the risk and difficulty. Your time would be better spent in LDoN or a dungeon somewhere.