I'm an Ogre Warrior. I went to Rivervale at about level 4 or 5 and found a druid that casted Wolf form on me, handed in a lot of bandages and brought my faction up so I was amiable.
When I returned to Neriak, I ran into him and hailed him. I didn't get much. But he DID talk to me. So I tried "Heal me" and BOOM! The kid started casting healing spells on me! It was GREAT being a low level warrior! The only problem was that he does wander around a lot. But still a heal is a heal.
http://www.magelo.com/eq_view_profile.html?num=744646 ---------------- ShadowSoldier Antonius Bayle
Most of the time, you'll find him on the other side of the bridge. Leading away from Neriak towards the commons. But he travels around a lot. I've seen him on both sides of the bridge but most of the time near the halfling camp on the south side of the map.
http://www.magelo.com/eq_view_profile.html?num=744646 ---------------- ShadowSoldier Antonius Bayle
Yep guys, I was in Nek today with my 12necro and he conned red to me and started casting like crazy! Thankfully I ran a bunch and was able to gate out with 1 bub of health left. Why don't the guards attack him? aren't defs and halfling total enemies?
Twice I was sitting on the bridge, by the guards, getting my mana up with my pet guarding me and this guy started attacking me. I ran up to and through the guards but they did not help. Killed me both times. Tried to attack him but I did no damage and he killed my pet real fast. Avoid him at the low and mid levels.
Lvl is wrong on this guy big time im a 22 monk and i was helping a friend get his nec gear and this guy almost tore my *** up he coned Dblue and blk to me and loves to heal himself and hits for about 45-52pts i had to FD first time cause i wasnt expecting one that hard and only had 2 bubs of health