Last night we went to field of bone looking for somthing to do so we decided to look up this guy and see if he was as tuff as everyone says. Well let me tell you he was one bad mother. The fight lasted over three hours. Finaly he went down and wouldnt you know it he droped NOTHING, ZIP, NADDA. But it was still good fun. Now we can say we were the first, as far as I know, to kill him!!!
This guy can kill Pendle one on one, no problem. He was constantly double attacking for 454. He was casting too, but Pendle seems to be 100% MR, so I doubt that was doing anything.
Anyway, the fight took about half an hour. Vaurius was at 96% at the end of the fight. Pendle started running at about 17%, but it took him almost 10 minutes to die from then.
There was quite a crowd there by the end of the fight. It was pretty enjoyable.