I saw the guy up on track while I was soloing for my Lucid Shard, so I lulled the vamps around him and chant dotted him. He dropped some skin pouch, nothing of interest. Can't say much for his damage, cause he didn't hit me.
The coterie lifetap procs are random. I've tanked em on my war for 60% of their health, no taps then boom 4 taps back to back. Sometimes they are consistent, sometimes not. But expect a minimum of 5 procs a fight, stuns are recommended.
does this guy spawn at a particular vamp camp? or can he randomly spawn in any vamp's place? Coz I've been fighting these vamps since forever, and I have NEVER seen him spawn at the 3 spawn or by the house in far south of zone.
this guy is actualy easyer than a coterie centurion . with a wizard you can solo very easy if you have epic and sunstrike .
to pull you target from far away (range3 focus is a big help) then either root or nuke him . he will run twards you and you then root him and snare him (DO NOT SNARE HIM if 1. he is to close to you 2. he is next to other mobs ) i believe he has about 12k HP .maybe a little less i snare rooted and nuked then re root with lvl 4 root and run a little ways then do again ( this is a version of kiting but a bit safer ) if you have a bio orb you can use it also and it will blind them which acts like a fear but you have to be careful that he dont get to far and get his buddies . his resists of root and snare where a lot less than normal mobs .
Soloed this guy the other night at the Vamp camp and dropped shrouded boots and Skin of Blood Like Substance
he can be slowed, and must be if going in solo. I had to tank him throughout the fight, pet was getting beat up bad. He procs lifetap several times throughout the fight like the coteries
We got Shrouded boots, the skin, as well as a colterie short sword off of him last night on guild ME raid. Boots were 12ac 4str/sta/agi/dex/wis/int 5cha Magic Lore No-drop. 6/26/02