a swirling red mass  

a rare creature

Level: 59
Expansion: Legacy of Ykesha
NPC Added: 0000-00-00 00:00:00
NPC Last Updated: 2021-11-13 09:53:08

Known Habitats:
  Cazic-Thule 2.0

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removed from the game
# Mar 18 2009 at 5:27 PM Rating: Decent
The earring of living slime was removed from the game about 6 years ago
Does he still drop, Earring of Living Slime?
# Jan 25 2007 at 3:46 PM Rating: Decent
Can anyone confirm that this item, Earring of Living Slime, still drops?
Does he still drop, Earring of Living Slime?
# Jan 28 2007 at 6:47 PM Rating: Decent
that item hasnt dropped in like... years bro.. and no it doesnt.
Does he still drop, Earring of Living Slime?
# Nov 16 2008 at 7:17 PM Rating: Decent
54 posts
It doesn't even drop on Al`Kabor, the server where many long gone drops still exist (hooray for Earthshaker!)
Marshall Stamm Bladecaster - http://eq.magelo.com/profile/1280962
<Temerity> - http://www.temerityguild.org/
on Al`Kabor for EQMac...the closest thing to a "Classic" server that we'll ever see.
# Mar 15 2006 at 3:52 AM Rating: Good
25 posts
I've been 2 boxing a 69 mage and 60 druid at this camp off and on for the past 2 weeks. CT is also a hot zone right now for level 60. Now having said that I've gotten my druid from 58- 1 kill away from 60 and 9 aa's, and 7 aa's for my mage and 2 yellows into 69. Now in that time, however long that may be, I've seen 2 swirling red masses and 2 diseased mosquito's. Thats 2 rings,1 earring and 1 wand hehe. Pretty rare spawns and boots are rare drop obviously, but I dont mind cause im still gettin xp.Anyway like everyone else said 19-20 min spawn, have to kill 2 at the same time to split up room. If you fight in the tunnels as opposed to planks you have to worry about respawns unless.

Update: Mage is now 70 with 8 more aa's, Druid is now 63 with 28 aa's gotten here..finally got the boots one night right before I was leaving to go to PoF...Saw him 4 times in the time i was here. He is quite rare, took druid from 58-63 + 28aa and mage from 69-70 + 16aa just to give you an idea. Hope this info can help someone who was thinkin about maybe campin these and expectin a quick camp, because i shouldn't be hehe, though you may get lucky. Anyway good luck on all that decide to camp boots and may the loot tables be kind to you.

Edited, Wed Mar 29 01:10:36 2006
mob info
# Feb 23 2006 at 8:35 PM Rating: Decent
53 posts
Second sewer room from courtyard side as noted.

Approx 23k hp. Bashes, hits and kicks for max 95, 210 and 99. Doubles. Summons. Enrages at low health (10%). If you can comfortably take down the pool of slime PH, you should have no problem with this mob.

Came here the week this was made a hot zone, got him 4 times in 4 days, about 30 minutes at the camp each time. He dropped the boots three times. In the subsequent many many hours/days I've camped here for xp, have not seen him again :(

Don't know anything about their resistances... haven't brought my wiz here yet :)

Edited, Sun Mar 5 14:26:08 2006
camping time
# Oct 23 2005 at 12:23 PM Rating: Decent
Camped him 6 hours yesterday and prolly 9 hours
total other nights. Have seen him once.
Quite easy
# Jul 30 2005 at 11:53 AM Rating: Default
Thought he'd be tougher, but when the fellow spawns his just about as tough as the pools that are his tougher PHs. Only problem camping this is to break the spawn, as you'll have to engage 2 of em in the first place.

After camping for like 3 hours I got my boots. Gonna return there later, althought I do realize how DAMN lucky I got to get them that easily.. =P

I think best pull spot is in that small corner in the other end of bridge as you enter the pool room. You get two from there as well, but you wont have to kill any others that aint his PHs. Of course setting your camp by the corridors outside the pool is more relaxing, as you wont hear the bubbling noise constantly, but then you'll be having to kill either that mosquito and the pool, or loner pool. Anyhow those appear as little extra exp.
spawn time
# Feb 15 2005 at 10:59 PM Rating: Decent
Feb 15, 2005 - The placeholders for this are on a roughly 20-minute respawn timer.
Finally spawned
# Nov 08 2004 at 11:22 PM Rating: Default
FINALLY got this guy to spawn I camp him off and on during some nights I'm there and camping other mobs - he spawned in the very first spot as you enter the room - dropped the stupid earring.... finally saw him atleast and hope I can kill other named oozes cause they seem to be more rare than any other mobs in zone
RE: Finally spawned
# Nov 09 2004 at 7:34 AM Rating: Decent
The Earring? The Earring of Living Slime is not supposed to drop anymore. Did you get the Ring or really get the earring?
Very Very rare spawn
# Aug 09 2004 at 4:32 PM Rating: Decent
thoose who say this mob would spawn averge each 4 hour if ur killing its phers whenever they pop is wrong. ive been doing this camp for like a total of 30+ hours and it only spawned once. seeing how long it can take really puts the boots price into perspective. if you plan on camping this mob bring ALOT of patience
# Apr 30 2004 at 5:16 AM Rating: Decent
positive this mob does not see inviso it poped on me right b4 i was gona quit for the night i was inviso and in the next room over to right ran righ over it inviso and no agro con to confirm DOES not see inviso /shrug
Nice Guide
# Feb 13 2004 at 1:49 AM Rating: Excellent
Awesome Guide Tells you just about everything you need to know.
Pure Luck
# Dec 13 2003 at 3:44 AM Rating: Default
Had to post, this mob popped back to nack for my group tonight, got boots and ring :)

Edited, Sat Dec 13 03:45:50 2003
Spawn Location?
# Dec 08 2003 at 10:56 PM Rating: Decent
Spawn Location?

Hi, I've been trying to camp this mob with my 65th beastlord, and have run into some trouble. I am not sure if there is just one mob down there that is the PHer for "A swirling red mass" or if it is any of the blobs in the sewer. Could anyone please tell me which it is? And, if it has a specific spawn, using my discription would you please tell me which mob it is =)? Well, here it is:

As you go up the ladder, enter the door, you pass two blobs as you go down the ramp to the safe room. There are no mobs in the safe room, and going strait through will take you past a small hallway with one blob in it, to a room with three blobs. Past that room with three blobs, to the right, there is yet another small hallway, with its own blob in it, and further in is another room like the two previous "safe room" and "3-blob room" except it has a mosquito in it, and as far as I can tell one other blob. Are any of these mobs I listed the PHer, or are they all considered a PHer?

I can manage taking down all of these mobs, constantly if needed, but I am hoping there is one spawn so I don't have to actually pay attention, and just do homework while I camp it =). Don't get me wrong, though... its amazing solo exp for being this sort of dungen, but eventually it gets boring. Thanks for any helpfull info in advanced!

Edited, Mon Dec 8 23:05:09 2003
#REDACTED, Posted: Jul 22 2003 at 1:54 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) All and all, I bet I've camped the sewers for 60hrs. Seen the swirling red mass 4 times. 3 times he dropped the ring, 1 time he's dropped the boots (yay my 2boxed Shaman). I would bet his normal time is about 6hrs, so if you want to have a good chance at seeing him, I'd bet on about a 6 hr wait.
# Jul 21 2003 at 9:11 AM Rating: Decent
This dude is VERY rare. Been here for about10 hours seen one Diseased mosquito. No mass, camp can be held pretty easily. I bot 65 druid war and 58 shaman to hold the first pool.
Mob INFo
# Jun 20 2003 at 4:04 PM Rating: Default
Does this guy cast, how much hp he got?
Uber Lucky
# Mar 18 2003 at 3:02 PM Rating: Decent
I kid you not, we had this sucker pop not once but TWICE within an hour, both times gettin the 2 melee (me and a sk) the ROFS, and some words too. My 1st time at that camp, so i didnt realize it was so lucky. (we have a theory that it spawns when your party wipes, cuz both times it poped, i caught it on tracking while we were rezzing lol)

Edited, Tue Mar 18 14:58:52 2003
Ring Stats
# Sep 11 2002 at 3:23 PM Rating: Decent
Got one the night after the patch, and you *almost* have the stats right.

It's 8ac, 15str, 10sta, 55hp, 35mana. Much better than my Velium FO for sure.
# Sep 09 2002 at 2:38 AM Rating: Decent
just had this drop from this guy

ring of flowing slim,
ac 8
str 15
sta 10
HP 35
MP 35

race all

...heh, our warrior was kinda pissed
Spawn rate
# May 21 2002 at 10:30 AM Rating: Default
Does anyone know the spawn rate of the swirling red mass?
RE: Spawn rate
# Sep 09 2005 at 8:04 AM Rating: Excellent
57 posts
Hideous. Here's a funny story: I arrived at the camp, and after killing 2 spawns it popped. That's right, in 40 minutes. And it dropped the boots. I said dang, that was so easy, I think I'll get another pair (famous last words). Here I am now, 12 hours into the camp and counting, and it's only popped once more. Dropped the ring.
Neat item
# May 03 2002 at 6:01 AM Rating: Default
I won some boots of this mob on bertox

Boots of flowing slime
Lore item
Ac: 7
Hp: 20 Mana: 65 Save Magic: 10
Recomended Level 51.
Flowing thought III.
Class: All Mana users.
Rase: All

Crusader Efus
#Anonymous, Posted: May 01 2002 at 8:36 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Is the earring of living slime dropped off this mob? if so, could anyone post where on the map he spawns?
Earring of Flowing Slime
# May 01 2002 at 7:56 PM Rating: Default
Anyone know if this is the creature that drops the earring of flowing slime? If it is, how many peeps, what level, and what classes are reccomended?
His spawn is rare
# Apr 21 2002 at 9:50 PM Rating: Default
Ive camped the sewers 9 times so far, each time 4-5+ hours of straight pulling. On my latest attempt we finally saw him. No skeeter spotted yet.
Ooze Spawn
# Apr 19 2002 at 3:20 PM Rating: Good
I've camped the sewers on several occasions and he's definitely a random spawn but he seems to pop atleast once every 3-5 hours. He's dropped boots both times i've seen him. Sewers is a pretty easy camp for a balanced group of 58+. If you are facing West from the typical camp spot, his PH appears to be the ooze that is immediately to the left.
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