Kaggy Krup  


Uploaded July 11th, 2024 by Sashimie


Category: EverQuest
This page last modified 2008-01-02 15:06:04.

Level: 55
Expansion: Ruins of Kunark
Effects Used:Kaggy's Curse
NPC Added: 0000-00-00 00:00:00
NPC Last Updated: 2024-07-11 17:55:19

Known Habitats:
  Swamp of No Hope
Factions Decreased:
  Frogloks of Kunark

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Solo at 60
# Mar 18 2016 at 5:22 PM Rating: Decent
28 posts
Just solo'd him in-era as a level 60 epic'ed shaman on Phinny. Tough fight if you aren't expecting it - had to Gate the first two times til I got the strategy down right. He doubles for 250 and is highly resistant. I fully buffed myself and hasted my pet, then opened with malo, sent in my pet with taunt, slowed him before he got to me, and then just kept Bane+Plague+Epic dots on him while alternating between canni and healing myself.

Kaggy Krup on 3/18/2016 in 167sec

--- DMG: 15303 @ 92 sdps (92 dps in 167s) [100%]
------ Shaman:
--------- Total: 12190 -- DoT: 10694 -- DirDmg: 760 -- Pierce: 736
--------- Normal rate: 100% (100% of DMG)
--------- Attempts: 118 -- Hits: 98 -- Misses: 18 -- Defended: 2 -- Accuracy: 84.5%
------ Shaman`s named pet:
--------- Total: 3113 -- Bite: 2945 -- Bash: 168
--------- Normal rate: 100% (100% of DMG)
--------- Attempts: 163 -- Hits: 93 -- Misses: 69 -- Defended: 1 -- Accuracy: 57.4%
--- DMG to PC: 4408 @27dps

Unknown Class
--- DMG: 15303 @ 92 sdps (92 dps in 167s) [100%]
--- DMG to PC: 4408 @27dps

Special: 2: Infusion 6: Staunch 7: Intensity 9: Armor G: Glyph M: Secrets K: Kiss X: Slain $: Saved by DI
Produced by GamParse v1.5.1.7
Kaggy Kurper
# Apr 13 2004 at 11:10 PM Rating: Default
Is Kaggy a triggered or time spawned mob. If so what is his respawn time.
very MR
# Sep 04 2003 at 9:59 PM Rating: Good
68 posts
I just killed him as a 62 shaman. He is fairly magic resistant; slow bounced several times before I could stick it. I recommend pulling with malo (or bringing another caster with an unresistable magic debuff) to help land slow if possible. I probably would have had to gate if I didn't manage to channel torpor and tnarg's mending a few times.

Once slowed he was a piece of cake. I just had to do some careful mana management since all those attempted slows and heals had me really low before I even started doing any damage.

I had 202 PR and didn't resist his proc at all. In looking closer now I see it's got a -300 modifier, so it's really, really hard to resist. If you can't get your PR up around 300 at least it's not worth wearing resist gear unless you won't sacrifice other stats for it.
Shaman Cudgel Frog
# Jan 23 2003 at 11:00 AM Rating: Good
We killed Kaggy today for the final stage of my shaman cudgel quest. Here is a little info to share with other who may be considering him...

He spawns at -782, -1283 (or at least he ws standing still there when we found him)
He summons.
He hits for up to 241.
He procs Kaggy's Curse
Decrease Movement by 25%
Decrease Attack Speed by 25%
Increase Poison Counter by 9
Decrease Hitpoints by 50 per tick
He did not resist shaman and cleric nukes
He is slowable and rootable
We killed him with a 54 shaman, 55 cleric and 57 warrior

Safe hunting,
Rhysp Dreamwalker
Test Server
# Oct 09 2002 at 2:13 AM Rating: Decent
yes, the ******* summons. :( tried taking him down with a 59 necro. after his pet died he got summoned and killed.
does anyone have any tips on taking him down?
classes/levels/amt of ppl required?
RE: summoner
# Jul 25 2003 at 5:46 AM Rating: Default
Solod him as a 58 shaman. Standard slow, dot, heal as needed. Was a fairly difficult fight, with friends he would be a joke.
taking him down
# Sep 11 2002 at 1:19 AM Rating: Decent
anyone have a good idea of what it takes to take kaggy down? i want to get some help doing this, but i want to know what kind of help to ask for and how much.

heyokah Ishkandar Fireshackle, a.k.a. R
L51 scaled mystic, hierophant of Cabilis
<Song of the Raven> of Povar
# Sep 10 2002 at 4:10 AM Rating: Good
just for everyone's info, i saw kaggy at 775neg 1250neg.

- R
does it summon?
# Sep 02 2002 at 8:19 AM Rating: Decent
but the real question here is does he summon?
Low aggro range
# Jun 09 2002 at 11:02 PM Rating: Default
Been killing frogloks in the huts right next to where he stands, all day, and havent had him join in once.BTW great xp in froggy city for low lvl necros...if you can break the spawn cycle=)
yea he's 55 alright
# Apr 27 2002 at 12:59 PM Rating: Default
Yellow to me, even to my 55 druid friend. was kidda scary running around the town. cuz they were all green, then i took a second look and i was being hit in the 250's. i was likf "WTF".

53 disciple on drianl
RE: yea he's 55 alright
# Oct 07 2002 at 3:38 PM Rating: Default
748 posts
This guy is DEFINITELY higher then level 45, as he conned red to me at 45 during my exploration of Krup... the only thing in Krup that's any threat at all at my level!
Nasty Surprise
# Apr 14 2002 at 8:54 PM Rating: Decent
Pops in frog town, near the center, I think (stands at edge of a platform). Red to 47 monk, casted a snare(?) "Froglok goop" or something right away that cancelled my SoW.

Good thing no one ever hunts in the frog city. This guy could really ruin your day, if you didnt' know he was there (which I didn't when I went in for the froggie plank).
his lvl
# Apr 08 2002 at 6:13 AM Rating: Default
he conned red to a lvl 49 iksar monk and drop him pretty quickly kaggy was punching for over 200dmg and has a nasty dot also.
# Apr 08 2002 at 1:41 AM Rating: Decent
The amulet is one of the 4 parts needed for the first half of the 8th iskar shaman cudgel quest. The other 3 come from Xalgoz, Thuuga (FM), and...unfortunately....Venril Sathir(KC).

Cirin Insandjis
53 Shaman
Keepers of Kithicor
Fennin Ro
"There can be no perfect society without bacon"
# Mar 31 2002 at 4:20 AM Rating: Default
Conned Yellow to a LvL 53 druid human...seen me as dubiously...killed him dropped a Glowing Kunzar Amulet. (No Drop, Lore)
RE: Kaggy
# Oct 07 2002 at 4:04 PM Rating: Excellent
748 posts
That amulet is part of the final cudgel quest for iksar shaman (though the cudgels, as with all of the other rank quests for iksar, are no longer iksar only, and non-iksar shamans can theoretically do them, if they can raise their faction high enough. However, worshippers of non-evil deities can't ever get off KOS to Scaled mystics, so that leaves vah shir and barbarians out, though trolls and ogres can quest for these.)

Edited, Mon Oct 7 16:48:12 2002
All I know
# Mar 27 2002 at 10:10 AM Rating: Default
All I know is he was RED to my level 40 Ranger when she took the pic of him =)

I also didn't hail him in that also KoS to other frogs around him and well what happens if HE joins any ensuing battles...DEATH! =(

Tuasai Skywatcher
Level 51 Cleric of Erollisi Marr
Officer of Forgotten Guard on EMarr

Aimie Skywatcher
Level 40 Ranger of Karana
Member of Forgotten Guard on EMarr
# Mar 26 2002 at 5:11 PM Rating: Decent
Hes level 55 conned even to 55 wizard he was dubious to a high elf and all other frogs were KOS to me I didn't try and hail him.
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