

Uploaded July 24th, 2007

In the low level Feerrott: Spawns outside the Plane of Fear portal in the hidden tunnel system in the zone's southwest.

In the high level Feerrott: Spawns outside the Plane of Fear portal in the hidden tunnel system in the zone's southwest.

In Feerrott's "A Tearable Fear" instance: Spawns at about -1570, 2770.


Category: EverQuest
This page last modified 2010-11-02 17:14:31.

Level: 40
Expansion: Original
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Gems in loot table
# Sep 17 2005 at 12:19 AM Rating: Decent
40 posts
Killed her a few times while waiting for PoF group.

She droped:
Fire Opal
Star Ruby

so she drops some good gems to.
Cyndreela Cinderalla...
# Jul 12 2005 at 4:48 PM Rating: Default
276 posts
Cyndreela....Cinderella...anyone notice how similar they are? heheh
# Mar 18 2005 at 10:00 PM Rating: Decent
any faction hits?
RE: hits
# Apr 22 2005 at 11:14 PM Rating: Decent
RE: hits
# Feb 02 2008 at 9:12 PM Rating: Decent
then why is she so h8full?
exp @ 53
# May 21 2003 at 11:18 AM Rating: Default
128 posts
i need to kill her 3 times to get 1% exp. she still cons blue to me. the scellis arround her are terrible adds. easy kill, but not worth.
# Mar 21 2003 at 12:11 PM Rating: Decent
i tried camping her as a 47 magician.. didn't have any problems. dunno what people rave about, the exp was pretty low. made faster exp in dreadlands solo. maybe they nerfed her again?

pet and 2 lame nukes kill her quick. i only got feared once. her spawn rate was slow. not the 5minutes previously mentioned.

not the hunting spot she used to be i guess.
her loot table
# Feb 26 2003 at 12:44 PM Rating: Default
102 posts
she drops a rusty dagger 100% of the time - along with a random chance of these:

Cloth Gloves
Cloth Cap
Cloth Shirt
Cloth Pants
Cloth Sandals
Cloth Sleeves
Cloth Cape
Cloth Wristband
Cloth Cord
Cloth Choker
Cloth Shawl
Cloth Veil
Bronze Main Gauche
Bronze Jutte
Bronze Dagger
Bronze Warclub
Bronze Mace
Bronze Flail
Bronze Short Sword
Bronze Axe
Bronze Smimitar
Bronze Broad Sword
Bronze ******* Sword
Bronze Rapier
Bronze Short Spear
Bronze Spear
Bronze Morning Star

She has a bouts of generosity with her gem stash too - Fire Emeralds and Star Rubies.

...i think she's a SK.
Yet Another Post about Cyndreela
# Feb 02 2003 at 10:08 PM Rating: Decent
I've started camping Cyn just recently and everything follows the script. The Spectres don't CON higher than Lt Blue to me (easy to solo and adds are just annoying); she CONs Dk Blue. I move to the right side of the Fear Portal and let loose the pet (Air for stuns) and it makes short work of her and her pet. I cast one or two Shock of Swords to help her along to Respawnland and sit down to wait. Spawntime is approximately five to six minutes.
The only problem I have is when I get aggro from one of the several Dry Bone Skellys that meander about. She's only Feared my pet once but never Feared me despite having caused most of the damage many times (guess it was the stun after all). Only one, maybe two Dots stuck and my Magic Resisitance is only average (about 60). She drops decent cash, and lack lustre items (Dagger, Bronze Spear and Cloth items?!), but does drop the occasional gem/jewelry which makes up for it.
Killing her gets me a bubble or two of XP which is not bad.

In short, she's a nice spawn that will net you decent cash and pretty good XP. Two Shock of Swords spells won't drain you and your mana bar will be 80m at least by the time she respawns. I don't know when she turns Lt Blue, but I hope it's not too soon. The only thing that scares me is if she Fears me and I run screaming like a little girl into Fear. That would stink.

lvl 54 Mage
Yet Another Post about Cyndreela
# Feb 02 2003 at 10:07 PM Rating: Decent
I've started camping Cyn just recently and everything follows the script. The Spectres don't CON higher than Lt Blue to me (easy to solo and adds are just annoying); she CONs Dk Blue. I move to the right side of the Fear Portal and let loose the pet (Air for stuns) and it makes short work of her and her pet. I cast one or two Shock of Swords to help her along to Respawnland and sit down to wait. Spawntime is approximately five to six minutes.
The only problem I have is when I get aggro from one of the several Dry Bone Skellys that meander about. She's only Feared my pet once but never Feared me despite having caused most of the damage many times (guess it was the stun after all). Only one, maybe two Dots stuck and my Magic Resisitance is only average (about 60). She drops decent cash, and lack lustre items (Dagger, Bronze Spear and Cloth items?!), but does drop the occasional gem/jewelry which makes up for it.
Killing her gets me a bubble or two of XP which is not bad.

In short, she's a nice spawn that will net you decent cash and pretty good XP. Two Shock of Swords spells won't drain you and your mana bar will be 80m at least by the time she respawns. I don't know when she turns Lt Blue, but I hope it's not too soon. The only thing that scares me is if she Fears me and I run screaming like a little girl into Fear. That would stink.

lvl 54 Mage
Cyndreela the Sly
# Jan 07 2003 at 10:50 AM Rating: Decent
I did a really stupid thing while fighting Cyndreela last week...

While chain stunning her, I knocked her down to about 50 HP's, and she turned around to run, and fled through the Zone to Fear. Of course she doesn't zone when she goes through it, but in my haste to finish her off...I accidentally zoned!

I was lvl 52 at the time, and just knew that I'd be toast, but luckily didn't get ANY aggro upon zone in, and I ran straight ahead to a zone wall, went up as high as I could, and kept as quiet as possible. While sending tells to organize a swift rescue, a nice guild came in for a raid, and joined me up. I ended up having a blast, no deaths, and some jewels and NO DROP loot!

I lucked out. A word to the warning...Cyndreela DOES cast on occassion some dispel spell, and wiped out my four top buffs (Including KEI). I was pretty pissed, and have learned to wait on my stuns until just after she starts to cast, so I always time them right. Having 3 stuns up, I almost always have at least one available. She's dropped fire emeralds 3 times and an emerald ring. Snuffed her about 30 times.

TerreFeu Purifier
53 Paladin, Saryrn
Easy solo as a 52 Paladin
# Oct 15 2002 at 5:26 PM Rating: Decent
I set up 3 fast casting stuns on a hotkey and mashed it every time I saw her cast. One time she decided to try to cast the whole fight and not melee me at all... Didnt do a single point of damage to me.

Aside from the stuns the key was high MR (self buff and gear to 117) so that her fears would not stick.

Camped her today
# Sep 25 2002 at 7:50 AM Rating: Decent
13 posts
I read in some solo stratigy that she is a great camp for a 51 mage, being that my grouping days are over, So I go to where the lone spec is... kill him with my 51 earth pet Burnout3 and DS...I walk in the tunnel and i see 1 spec.. so i send the pet right? and from no where 2 spec's come at me.. I run around with Jboots on and let my pet finish's off the first spec.. acouple of nukes here and there an i end up with a earth pet down to 40% hp and me at 60m. So i go on.... Stick to the right wall and go strait throu the fake wall and I'm there... i see the portal with the necro on it. after a quick med I kill her with 2 nukes. then i change to an air pet let him guard here on her spawn point and wait... from there on killing here was too easy and the xp sucked... I'm going back to killing Elementals in the hole.

51 Mage

Edited, Wed Sep 25 08:39:02 2002
Gnome of Quelious
Es facil
# Jun 19 2002 at 12:31 PM Rating: Default
Its not that difficult (speaking as a 49 druid) Wizards, paladins, druids, sk's all can solo her quite practically and easily. Harmony as needed, the pull 4 specteres and start kiting them. Once they are dead, you move in and take her. Me and a 49 chanter took her and the specs easily. Keeping banish summoned loaded is nice to get rid of the irritating pet. Chanters pet "tanked" we rooted.. I got feared once but just ran up against the wall. ro's firey sundering, followed by callification, followed by starfire is good. Thats around a 1000 damage. The chanter matched.. and she was dead. Very good xp until we messed up and the chanter died. It's very doable, but much less dangerous with two people.

49 druid Inny Server
Some info...
# May 29 2002 at 2:16 PM Rating: Default
Ok...this chick isn't too bad if you've got some decent resists. From what I can see, she casts Invoke Fear, Invoke Fear2(not sure what that is), Nullify Magic, Shock of Poison, and Scourge. I keep disease resist buff/magic resist buff on at all times, so the only thing that hits is usually Shock of Poison, Nullify Magic(that's a pain), and rarely get feared. My DR is 88, and MR is 89, and I do just fine with her.

She can duel weild and will hit for up to 118. And yes, she can that wrong). Most of the time if you can deal enough damage she won't hurt you much due to her constantly casting her spells. In some cases you get a bad streak of luck and she melees alot..heh.

She drops mostly daggers and bronze daggers/spears, with the occasional pages and runes. Even more rarely she drops Emerald Rings and Star Rubies, which sell for a good 60pp each. The daggers sell for 1-2pp, and bronze will get you about 1-3pp each. She's not exactly best hunted for quick cash...but I made 500pp from huntin her about 8 hours straight in level 54. Not the best, but it helps while you get pretty good exp ;)

Best of luck with her, she's my plane ticket to level 55. Just remember to get those resists up or she can be a pain...80's do nicely.

Sigoniax Eve
80 Paladin
Erollisi Marr

*The beginning of the end or the end of the beginning..Choose your path*
bad bad bad
# May 08 2002 at 5:58 PM Rating: Default
My magic resist was 58, fear stuck, and i ran straight into PoF. Unbelievable. There was no raid going on so i had to have a guildy mule a teleport potion.
In other words: Yes, you can get feared into PoF. BTW, i was level 51 :(
RE: bad bad bad
# Jun 05 2002 at 12:29 PM Rating: Default
yea , rite , u cant zone feared u run on zone like its a wall
RE: bad bad bad
# Jul 17 2003 at 1:46 PM Rating: Decent
True that you run on the zone line like it is a wall, but when Fear breaks any movementbut back makes you zone. I know that I normaly try to turn after I am feared, I was told to always back up first. that way if you are on a zone line you wont TP.
RE: bad bad bad
# Mar 07 2004 at 9:36 AM Rating: Decent
Actually u can be feared into a zone. Didnt happen here but rather in paineel. One of the people walking around the zone was KoS to me and pheared me. I went straight down the hole and down the 20k drop. About running into a zoneline it cant be done but being feared over and down into a zoneline will : P
RE: bad bad bad
# Apr 17 2009 at 7:41 AM Rating: Decent
Ya, just imagine floating there and running in circles :P
# Apr 09 2002 at 10:26 AM Rating: Decent
I started killing her as a 52 SK.

If she has her pet up, I usually hit her with an HT so my pet and I can dispatch them without too much trouble. After the initial break, you can jump her before she gets her pet.

Summon pet, scream of death and banshee aura to prepare, then darken, boil blood, melee a couple of rounds (bash to interrupt her spells), siphon life, life leech when she's at just under half then she will turn to run. Honestly, this will be a bit tougher without the life leech, after all, that's a 560pt swing. Fights usually ended with me down 1 bubble of hp and 2-3 bubbles of mana.

Then sit to heal and med. As of 4/8/02, she was on exactly a 6 minute time from the time she died to respawn. Which is just enough to get back to full hp and mana.

She will constantly cast invoke fear. With a base MR of 75, it rarely stuck on me. When it did, I didn't run anywhere, just stood there. If she fears you, she will usually turn to fear your pet. If you are standing with your back to the portal, pet will run off to the right.

She also casts some kind of DD spell that generally didn't do much damage. And there's that scourge spell. Not too bad, just a pain in the butt DoT that lasts just a couple of minutes.

XP? Well, I made it through 54 yesterday with her. At 54, she was giving almost a pixel of blue every kill. Making about 1 blue bubble every 80 minutes. Doesn't sound like a lot until you're in 54 and see how slow it is. She was still dark blue at 54. Didn't con her after I dinged.

Worried about the specs? At 54, they are green and light blue, but still not fun. Run in following the right wall, as soon as you get to the cavern with the fear portal, go to the right (big rock and tree) and FD. Then /q and come back. Those specs remember for a very long time.

I looked all over the place in 54 and couldn't find better xp where you could solo (I'm sure there are some places. I just didn't find them). Fear kiting in Scarlet Desert is ok but xp is not as good. The Hole is great, but you can't solo there. BW is not bad. There are others, but xp with Cyndrella for me was great !
# Mar 25 2002 at 12:26 PM Rating: Decent
Verant has nerfed this spawn, it's running at about 7 minutes instead of the 5.5 minutes it used to be at, not nearly as desireable as it once was, still not bad, but definately not as good.
can i
# Mar 01 2002 at 10:26 PM Rating: Decent
Can a 51 warrior and 56 cleric take her ?
RE: can i
# Sep 06 2002 at 9:10 AM Rating: Decent
i started to do her solo at lvl 49 as a cleric and at level 51 as a mage, so you shouldnt have any trouble
RE: can i
# Mar 19 2002 at 3:49 AM Rating: Decent
lol, yeah, I started camping Cyndreela as a 49 Pally, and the only problem I had was killing her when she was buffed and with her pet. If you have the ability to chain stun Cyndreela is no problem at all. Good luck to you.
General Info
# Nov 29 2001 at 9:30 PM Rating: Excellent
42 posts
Ok, heres the scoop on Cindy. She has around 2-2.1k hitpoints. Two ice comets always kills her.

She isn't resistant to anything really. I haven't ever had a resist against her yet.

She spawns ever 5-5 and a half minutes right at the portal to Fear, in the center top of the ramp. If you get her right when she spawns, then you won't have to deal with her pet, which is quite annoying.

She doesn't hit very hard at all, maybe max 122 and yes, a pally can solo her (gasp!) She continually casts Invoke Fear, which might be annoying if you don't have enough Magic Resist. If you have 80+ MR, then you shouldn't worry at all. She also casts a Direct Damage spell which deals 70-120 damage, with 54 Poison Resist. She gives experience all the way up to 55-56, but the exp isn't that great up there as you can imagine. Good Luck everyone!
# Nov 04 2001 at 1:54 PM Rating: Default
How much hp is she packin?
Can 49 Paladin Solo her?
# Oct 14 2001 at 10:27 PM Rating: Default
Well I'm lvl 49, looking for palce to hunt. but pally sux at soloing.
Can lvl 49 Paladin with Wurmslayer + bash + 2 stun spell solo her?

Just asking.. since there is no place for paladin to solo
RE: Can 49 Paladin Solo her?
# Jul 24 2002 at 11:45 AM Rating: Decent
332 posts
I found an awesome place for a pally at 49 to solo.

Go up to Luclin and find your way to Echo Caverns. There are two separate areas in Echo Caverns; one area (the northern side) is entered by passing a secret wall behind the soulbinder in ShadowHaven, and the other area (the southern side) is entered by travelling south from the spires in ShadowHaven or from the water under the bridge to Paludal Caverns.

Go to the southern area and find where the Taskmaster spawns. Mem your Spook the Dead, Haste, and Instrument of Nife spells.

All you have to do now is pick an undead skeleton slave and reverse fear-kite it to its demise. Rinse and repeat. They are blue up to 51, do not get KS'ed by the guard, and do not agro their fellow slaves.

The key is to keep the slaves feared at all times (make a hotkey). Pally fear uses up a whopping *10* mana. I didn't even stop to buff or heal myself, just made sure IoN and pally self-haste was up, and there was enough mana for more fears. The fact that the slaves do not agro you is also important.

If they are kept feared, they usually died right at the junction where some Gnomes hang out. One Gnome is a vendor, and pays 6pp for the pick that the slaves carry (their only loot). You get a blue bub of exp for every 3-5 kills, and 6pp loot if you sell the picks.

You may need to clear out the area just outside the taskmaster/slaves because it is populated with aggressive mobs that hit quite hard. You can solo them, but it is not easy. I suggest you agro them, one-at-a-time, and run them to the guard by the zone.

One last thing, the Taskmaster will spawn every half hour or so. He is very tough, but you can solo him exactly the same way as you solo'ed the slaves. He will resist the fears a little more than the slaves, so be buffed when you engage him so you can survive while trying to fear him.

One odd thing about fearing in this zone is that, eventually, the mobs will make a beeline to the Shadowhaven zoneline and then just stand there. If you haven't killed them by the time they reach the zoneline, they will just stand there, at the zoneline, until fear wears off. Be careful if you do this because (1)This can be considered a pathing exploit, and (2)If you follow them too closely, you will zone out. You will have to stand at the very edge of the zone border and melee (and eventually loot) from there.

Sell the taskmaster loot for decent pp, but keep his guts if they drop (rare). When you get three guts, do the quest in Katta for a necklace that has the effect "Enduring Breath".

Also, use this opportunity to practice your alternate weapon skills. I got 1HB and 2HB up past 100 while soloing here at level 50.
Duke Ardnahoy
Noble Lord Protector of the 70th Crusade
Fennin Ro - EQ I

Ardnahoy II
Fearless Guardian of the 40th Tour
Mistmore - EQ II
# Sep 12 2001 at 5:14 PM Rating: Default
I didn't have sow and I tried running short distances between FDs to find her (specs all over). Not much luck - must've taken a wrong turn or two. Found my way out and pulled up pet, slaugtered Spec at tree and went inside. Attacked the first Spec inside secret cave and KAPOW! I had 5 specs on me instantly. After I was no longer stunned I ran outside and FD'd with half health left. Got up after about six minutes and they were on me again - FD /q ) Oh well, she's not easy to get to . . . will try more tomorrow, am tired now.

I just wanna make 49!

Frija Beodere
48 Necromantress
Tarew Marr
RE: Ack!
# Oct 06 2001 at 5:47 PM Rating: Decent
64 posts
she in all honesty is rather easy to get to, all you have to do, once you get inside of the cave is follow the right hand side wall, and usually the easiest way to get in, is follow a raid in, they clear the tunnel, and you can waltz in and bind in there.. once you do that, its a calk walk. ;)

49 Wizard, 7th Hammer
Steel Thunder
RE: Ack!
# Feb 02 2002 at 7:13 PM Rating: Decent
I agree, the guy who said she was easy to get to, I think he's had too much crack or something. I spent two hours trying to figure a way past the specs, and then gave up. They pop right on top of you as soon as pet attacks one of them, and its really not a good idea to try and run around with the way they stun, you get turned around real easy cuz of that, end up with no idea where you are.
Anyway, if anyone knows of a way past them, one that actually works would be nice, I'd love to hear it, not many static spawns with fast respawn to camp at the post 50 levels.
RE: Ack!
# Mar 29 2002 at 10:56 AM Rating: Decent
If you cannot handle the specs along the way to Cyndella, then it's probably not a good idea to try to kill her anyway.
RE: Ack!
# May 12 2002 at 3:30 PM Rating: Decent
Hmmm... ITU potion maybe? specs = unded?
70 Druid Retired from Vis Maior...Quellious
What faction hits do you take?
# Aug 23 2001 at 4:46 AM Rating: Default
RE: What faction hits do you take?
# Sep 27 2001 at 1:40 PM Rating: Decent
Cyndreela sucks
# Aug 20 2001 at 7:24 AM Rating: Default
Cyndreela must have a bug , its not possible that she gives me so badass exp and i just need to chain cast drain life on her... takes me a blue bub to kill her.

Nothing else to say :)
Eltab Spiritstealer
53th Heretic Of Innoruuk
Rallos Zek
# Aug 15 2001 at 2:03 PM Rating: Default
I've killed alot of these and specs do not fear the spell they cast looks like fear butt it is some kind of life tap spell and hits low if you have steelskin or diamond skin on if you are a necro. I always keep these up when fighting specs, and harmshield just incase =). Getting feared into plane of fear will not happen. Just need to make sure that specs are dead near the camp so they don't argo while killing the chick or you could have some problems hehe
# Aug 15 2001 at 2:00 PM Rating: Default
SPECS see through IVU and they see though anytype of invis the only way to get to the chick is to kill the specs.
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