You say, 'Hail, Scout Danarin'
Scout Danarin says 'Hello Illia, welcome to the front lines of our war against the bastard grimlings. As I'm sure you know, we Vah Shir shun violence, but with this enemy there is no other way. Let me know if you'd like to see some action.
You say, 'I would like to see some action .'
Scout Danarin smiles, 'I can escort you to a camp rich with enemies. With my help you can take possession of their camp. They'll try desperately to reclaim their lost territory and, if we're lucky, an officer will show up. You'll want to bring about ten soldiers as powerful as me. When you're all here and ready for battle, give me a marbled acrylia sphere.
Giving him the sphere will start the quest. You MUST keep him alive in order to win. Reccommend 10 level 40s or a group of high 50s.