Shazda Kaekwon  


Level: 35
Expansion: Scars of Velious
NPC Added: 0000-00-00 00:00:00
NPC Last Updated: 2019-09-08 21:39:46

Known Habitats:
  Stonebrunt Mountains
Factions Decreased:
  Kejek Village -25
  Peace Keepers -2

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Faction info for kill
# Jul 20 2015 at 10:49 AM Rating: Good
1,563 posts
[Mon Jul 20 10:39:04 2015] Cendabik hit Shazda Kaekwon for 756 points of non-melee damage.
[Mon Jul 20 10:39:04 2015] Your faction standing with Kejek Village has been adjusted by -25.
[Mon Jul 20 10:39:04 2015] Your faction standing with Peace Keepers has been adjusted by -2.
[Mon Jul 20 10:39:04 2015] You receive 1 silver and 5 copper from the corpse.
[Mon Jul 20 10:39:04 2015] Shazda Kaekwon is burned by the Scars of Sigil.
[Mon Jul 20 10:39:04 2015] You have slain Shazda Kaekwon!
This guy is not lvl 30
# Jan 24 2003 at 2:26 PM Rating: Default
currently i am a 32 enchanter, and i have just started hunting in this zone. Just wanted to say that this guy is not lvl 30, maybe he was before, but not anymore, he cons red at 32
Heretic Invader Quest
# May 24 2002 at 11:31 AM Rating: Decent
OK all, the Heretic Invaders con light blue to low blue to my 36 Human Ranger. I am indiff to the Kejekans and have been hunting in Stonbrunt mts since I was 33.

The Heretic Invaders look like either a female erudite necromancer in a tan robe or a Sk looking male Erudite. They are random spawns and everytime I have tracked them, they are always in different places. The don't despawn per say but sometimes I arrive too late and find them being ripped to shreds by the local mobs. Their spawn times are random. Sometimes I see two one right after the other and sometimes I might have to wait an hour or longer. They seem to spawn night or day, therefore I can not see any pattern. There is no place holders since there are so many mobs in the zone and I only hunted a small percentage of mobs that I can't imagine that I happened to find the one place holder out of the entire Large zone. I play at off times for my server and find myself as the only person in the zone frequently, so I know that there are no other player's influences to the Heretic invader's spawn times.

It takes four Heretic heads to fill the satchel and you must hit the combine. Each head weights 5.0 and adds up fast. I have completed this quest 3 times so far and each time I only received the common reward of a Kejek Tribal Head band:
2ac, +3wis, +3int, +12 mana.
I will continue to do this quest until I get the rare reward of the Swiftclaw sash.

Azzecia Battlebow of the Karana server

Hmm, Just Wondering?
# May 21 2002 at 8:59 PM Rating: Default
Hmm, Was just wondering... See I myself have some pretty bad faction. Not with Human race of anything, But I do with Venril Sathir, Do I need any particular faction for this guy?
Hehehe, and I have done some quests harder then what the lvl to attain is, so would it be best to do quest on my druid (lvl 40) or my ranger (28)
Tazain Blackmontain <Dragoons Of Armageddon>
# May 14 2002 at 1:47 AM Rating: Default
Are all the eurdins heads in stonebrunt or do you have to go to a diffrent zone to get the heads??
Heratic heads
# Apr 22 2002 at 10:04 PM Rating: Default
I dont know about now but in Tox there used to be a few necros wandering around. They are heratics. But I have not been to tox in 2 years and whether they drop a head or not is a whole different matter. Might be worth checking out. Since erudite necros are heratics.
# Feb 25 2002 at 12:23 PM Rating: Default
anyone know how to raise faction??
Wheres he at?
# Feb 01 2002 at 7:14 AM Rating: Default
Where is this guy located? What creatures do the heretic heads drop off of?

Karuth Shadowsoul
Warrior of the 40th season
Seventh Hammer
hmm kos?
# Jan 27 2002 at 5:25 PM Rating: Default
would i iks monk be kos? or do i have to be forced to rip the living hell out of her?
all are not kos
# Jan 24 2002 at 8:39 AM Rating: Default
iam indifferent to all the kats in zone as a 45th half elf ranger maybe the 2 times ive killed the warrens help dont know dont care just want the dang sash oooh well back to hunting the hertic invaders good luck all )
KoS? Not me...:)
# Jan 01 2002 at 3:51 AM Rating: Decent
I'm a 28 monkie and when i went there i had no problem with this mob, in fact the whole village judged me indifferently and some of them are beginning to judge me amiably. Please dont ask how all I've been doin is major, wide-spread mass-murder Warren rapes (poor little doggies). I don't fight anything when I go into Stonebrunt Mountains, mainly because too many things can do to me like what I do in Warren. LOL!!!!
Anyway, my question is where do i find these invading heretics, i've been lookin with druids and other trackers of course, and we can't find anything in terms of trackers. "And one more thing,...." why can't isn't there anything about heretics in the bestiaries, even a picture would be cool. :)

Edited, Tue Jan 1 03:54:56 2002
Brokk Bloodsearcher
# Dec 09 2001 at 9:38 PM Rating: Default
WELL.....i know where i'll be untill i achieve gettin good faction and talkin to this cat person.i will be in SBM.part of a quest if for a haste item which i wil have by the end of the week.hehe,i will have my combo of 3 to do this.heh.well i'll see ya all later,and you'll see me with this item.

Brokk Bloodsearcher
47th season Basher
The Rathe Server

Effron Dotron
40th season Cleric
The Rathe Server

Dalden Trueseeker
37th season Porter
The Rathe Server
1.-Cat Faction raising , 2.-Transferable bag, 3.-head bag ca
# Dec 03 2001 at 10:09 PM Rating: Default
1.-How can i raise my faction with this MOB ?

2.-Can someone else ask just for the bag n then transfer to me ?

3.-How many heads fill the bag ?

Cerverus SK42
Thalon Zek
# Nov 22 2001 at 5:19 AM Rating: Default
this freak can see invis!!! ARGH
cat ppl
# Oct 23 2001 at 3:22 AM Rating: Decent
i am relativly sure all races are kos u need to improve faction before talking to her or u are most likly dead i was 31 and uber buffed an a wood elf druid and i died quick she hits fo 80+ and so do all the ppl around her
# Sep 23 2001 at 2:45 AM Rating: Default
what is the loc on this guy?
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