a Pickclaw Slayspell  


Minimum Level: 18
Maximum Level: 19
Expansion: Original
NPC Added: 0000-00-00 00:00:00
NPC Last Updated: 2019-05-04 22:14:20

Known Habitats:
  Clan RunnyEye
Factions Increased:
  Guardians of the Vale +1
  King Xorbb +1
Factions Decreased:
  Pickclaw Goblins -10

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# Oct 19 2015 at 10:40 PM Rating: Excellent
292 posts
a Pickclaw Slayspell says 'I wiggle my fingers, I wave my hands. Your name shall be forgotten in all the lands!'
Your faction standing with Pickclaw Goblins has been adjusted by -10.
Your faction standing with Guardians of the Vale has been adjusted by 1.
Your faction standing with King Xorbb has been adjusted by 1.
You receive 1 platinum, 9 silver and 2 copper from the corpse.
a Pickclaw Slayspell's corpse says 'I wiggled my fingers and waved my hands. But there is no glory in failed last stands!'
# Oct 21 2015 at 7:41 PM Rating: Excellent
4,580 posts
Nniki wrote:
a Pickclaw Slayspell says 'I wiggle my fingers, I wave my hands. Your name shall be forgotten in all the lands!'
Your faction standing with Pickclaw Goblins has been adjusted by -10.
Your faction standing with Guardians of the Vale has been adjusted by 1.
Your faction standing with King Xorbb has been adjusted by 1.
You receive 1 platinum, 9 silver and 2 copper from the corpse.
a Pickclaw Slayspell's corpse says 'I wiggled my fingers and waved my hands. But there is no glory in failed last stands!'

Updated, thanks.
# Jun 05 2011 at 9:59 AM Rating: Decent
New item this drops. I was camping named for a BAM and as i was running around clearing trash, one of these Slayspells actually dropped it!!! Black Alloy Medallion I would assume it will be an ultra rare drop.
bards best friend
# Sep 17 2002 at 7:10 PM Rating: Decent
I went sticking my nose where it didnt belong and before i knew i had a couple of foes a zek and a slayspell on me. Im a bard so i charmed the slayspell which started doing massive casting on his gobo friends. When all the adds were dead and it just me and slayspell, he was out of mana and took a beating from me after he helped wipe out the room. I shoulda been a rogue, backstabbing my friends like that.
Lvl change after patch?
# Jul 30 2002 at 1:50 PM Rating: Decent
I just ran down to runnyeye for the first time and ran into one of these guys. He conned dark blue to me (30 Pally), and was one tough fight. Did VI tweak the lvls after the last patch?
they cast...
# Jul 21 2001 at 3:37 PM Rating: Decent
i fought a few last night with a 23 cleric, 25 warrior, and me (26 rogue). Here's the skinny: They cast a 170 or so dd, a 70 or so AoE, and hit in the upper 40s. They also have a damage shield. Not too hard to kill, make sure you have a healer though. Dropped some black alloy gloves.
# Jun 22 2001 at 11:05 AM Rating: Decent
My group killed one of these the other night and he dropped the new Black Alloy Medallion. Very nice drop. I won the Medallion and traded a guild member for his BA Coif (Crown). I'm Happy ;)
# Jun 03 2001 at 6:08 PM Rating: Default
Two of these guys charmed me, so don't let them cast.
Harder than they look
# Jun 03 2001 at 10:56 AM Rating: Decent
If you are between the lvls that these guys are, Never take them on alone! Like the guy above me said, they do nasty dd spells and can wipe out a person in mere seconds if u allow them to cast. That is unless you are lvl 60.. Then you could take them out easily.
Bull Level
# Jun 02 2001 at 11:47 AM Rating: Default
I had one of these con high green to a level 32, so, they are not in the 18-19 range.
RE: Bull Level
# Jun 02 2001 at 6:43 PM Rating: Default
They con blue to me at 28. The first one I killed without much problem. The next four I saw killed me very easily. They have a very a very nasty spell which only took 4 hits on me to wipe me out with 800hp.
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