Buthor Glades told you, 'That'll be 4447 platinum 3 gold 9 silver 6 copper for the Scroll: Adrenaline Fury.'
Buthor Glades told you, 'That'll be 4196 platinum 5 gold 7 copper for the Scroll: Algid Breath.'
Buthor Glades told you, 'That'll be 4673 platinum 8 gold 6 silver 1 copper for the Scroll: Arcing Blades.'
Buthor Glades told you, 'That'll be 4021 platinum 1 silver 3 copper for the Scroll: Beast's Bestowing.'
Buthor Glades told you, 'That'll be 4191 platinum 9 gold 3 silver 7 copper for the Scroll: Bramblespike Bulwark.'
Buthor Glades told you, 'That'll be 4350 platinum 6 gold 2 silver 4 copper for the Scroll: Bramblespike Coat.'
Buthor Glades told you, 'That'll be 4662 platinum 2 silver 4 copper for the Scroll: Chill of the Ferntender.'
Buthor Glades told you, 'That'll be 4469 platinum 4 gold 3 silver 1 copper for the Scroll: Chitin of the Reptile.'
Buthor Glades told you, 'That'll be 4022 platinum 8 gold 4 silver 3 copper for the Scroll: Circle of Laurion.'
Buthor Glades told you, 'That'll be 4086 platinum 1 gold 1 silver 7 copper for the Scroll: Clench of Ro.'
Buthor Glades told you, 'That'll be 4269 platinum 4 gold 9 silver for the Scroll: Cloak of Needlespikes.'
Buthor Glades told you, 'That'll be 4623 platinum 7 gold 4 silver for the Scroll: Coldbite Crystals.'
Buthor Glades told you, 'That'll be 4329 platinum 6 gold 8 silver 1 copper for the Scroll: Coldburst Aura.'
Buthor Glades told you, 'That'll be 4475 platinum 1 gold 7 silver 6 copper for the Scroll: Desperate Quenching.'
Buthor Glades told you, 'That'll be 4551 platinum 9 gold 7 copper for the Scroll: Devastating Spate.'
Buthor Glades told you, 'That'll be 4231 platinum 9 gold 4 silver for the Scroll: Dismantle the Unnatural.'
Buthor Glades told you, 'That'll be 4022 platinum 8 gold 6 silver for the Scroll: Drifting Obscurity.'
Buthor Glades told you, 'That'll be 4113 platinum 9 gold 6 silver 8 copper for the Scroll: Elizerain Spring.'
Buthor Glades told you, 'That'll be 4591 platinum 4 gold 6 silver 9 copper for the Scroll: Emberquartz Blessing.'
Buthor Glades told you, 'That'll be 4269 platinum 3 gold 1 silver 4 copper for the Scroll: Emberquartz Skin.'
Buthor Glades told you, 'That'll be 4051 platinum 2 gold 5 silver 2 copper for the Scroll: Emboldened Growth.'
Buthor Glades told you, 'That'll be 4708 platinum 3 gold 2 silver for the Scroll: Engulfed by the Hunt.'
Buthor Glades told you, 'That'll be 4456 platinum 6 gold 5 silver 6 copper for the Scroll: Eyes of the Phoenix.'
Buthor Glades told you, 'That'll be 4299 platinum 8 gold 3 silver 4 copper for the Scroll: Fernflash Boon.'
Buthor Glades told you, 'That'll be 4300 platinum 9 silver 7 copper for the Scroll: Fernstalker's Vigor.'
Buthor Glades told you, 'That'll be 4647 platinum 8 silver 8 copper for the Scroll: Focused Frenzy of Arrows.'
Buthor Glades told you, 'That'll be 4244 platinum 4 gold 2 silver 2 copper for the Scroll: Forlorn Chill.'
Buthor Glades told you, 'That'll be 4459 platinum 1 gold 3 silver for the Scroll: Frenzy of Arrows.'
Buthor Glades told you, 'That'll be 4066 platinum 1 gold 1 silver 5 copper for the Scroll: Frondbarb.'
Buthor Glades told you, 'That'll be 4663 platinum 3 gold 3 silver 2 copper for the Scroll: Frondbarb Rush.'
Buthor Glades told you, 'That'll be 4254 platinum 8 gold 5 silver 4 copper for the Scroll: Frostsquall Boon.'
Buthor Glades told you, 'That'll be 4205 platinum 7 gold 2 copper for the Scroll: Gelid Wind.'
Buthor Glades told you, 'That'll be 4451 platinum 4 gold 6 silver 1 copper for the Scroll: Glitterine Coat.'
Buthor Glades told you, 'That'll be 4583 platinum 5 gold 3 silver 7 copper for the Scroll: Heartbreak.'
Buthor Glades told you, 'That'll be 4214 platinum 9 gold 1 silver 4 copper for the Scroll: Heliacal Immolation.'
Buthor Glades told you, 'That'll be 4395 platinum 6 gold 4 silver 3 copper for the Scroll: Horde of Hotaria.'
Buthor Glades told you, 'That'll be 4044 platinum 9 gold 9 silver 9 copper for the Scroll: Hotaria Swarm.'
Buthor Glades told you, 'That'll be 4129 platinum 9 gold 3 silver for the Scroll: Inevitable Shots.'
Buthor Glades told you, 'That'll be 4236 platinum 7 gold 3 silver 3 copper for the Scroll: Jolting Emberquartz.'
Buthor Glades told you, 'That'll be 4346 platinum 4 gold 7 silver 5 copper for the Scroll: Laurion Ash.'
Buthor Glades told you, 'That'll be 4708 platinum 1 gold 7 silver 4 copper for the Scroll: Legacy of Bramblespikes.'
Buthor Glades told you, 'That'll be 4192 platinum 6 gold 7 silver 5 copper for the Scroll: Lingering Obscurity.'
Buthor Glades told you, 'That'll be 4702 platinum 6 gold 9 silver 8 copper for the Scroll: Lunacea.'
Buthor Glades told you, 'That'll be 4622 platinum 1 gold 8 silver for the Scroll: Mask of the Ferntender.'
Buthor Glades told you, 'That'll be 4539 platinum 4 gold 8 silver for the Scroll: Mythic Frost.'
Buthor Glades told you, 'That'll be 4496 platinum 8 gold 2 silver 7 copper for the Scroll: Mythical Moonbeam.'
Buthor Glades told you, 'That'll be 4544 platinum 2 silver 2 copper for the Scroll: Mythical Thornmaw.'
Buthor Glades told you, 'That'll be 4655 platinum 9 gold 2 silver 1 copper for the Scroll: Nature's Boiling Wrath.'
Buthor Glades told you, 'That'll be 4111 platinum 2 gold 8 silver 7 copper for the Scroll: Nature's Empathy.'
Buthor Glades told you, 'That'll be 4297 platinum 8 gold 6 silver 2 copper for the Scroll: Needlespike Coat.'
Buthor Glades told you, 'That'll be 4212 platinum 6 gold 7 silver 5 copper for the Scroll: Overwhelming Growth.'
Buthor Glades told you, 'That'll be 4218 platinum 5 gold 8 silver 3 copper for the Scroll: Promised Regrowth.'
Buthor Glades told you, 'That'll be 4615 platinum 5 gold 6 silver 4 copper for the Scroll: Protection of Pal'Lomen.'
Buthor Glades told you, 'That'll be 4503 platinum 8 gold 3 silver 9 copper for the Scroll: Remote Moonshiver.'
Buthor Glades told you, 'That'll be 4385 platinum 8 gold 1 silver 9 copper for the Scroll: Remote Sunscorch.'
Buthor Glades told you, 'That'll be 4697 platinum 2 gold 1 silver 3 copper for the Scroll: Resuscitation.'
Buthor Glades told you, 'That'll be 4038 platinum 3 gold 9 silver 6 copper for the Scroll: Revelry of the Stormborn.'
Buthor Glades told you, 'That'll be 3915 platinum 1 gold 1 silver 9 copper for the Scroll: Ring of Laurion.'
Buthor Glades told you, 'That'll be 4042 platinum 9 gold 8 silver 4 copper for the Scroll: Searing Sunray.'
Buthor Glades told you, 'That'll be 4593 platinum 7 copper for the Scroll: Shadowveil.'
Buthor Glades told you, 'That'll be 4340 platinum 3 gold 1 copper for the Scroll: Shalowain's Crucible Cloak.'
Buthor Glades told you, 'That'll be 4049 platinum 9 gold 9 copper for the Scroll: Shield of Needlespikes.'
Buthor Glades told you, 'That'll be 4458 platinum 4 silver 2 copper for the Scroll: Shout of the Fernstalker.'
Buthor Glades told you, 'That'll be 4251 platinum 9 gold 7 silver 6 copper for the Scroll: Shriek of the Predator.'
Buthor Glades told you, 'That'll be 4027 platinum 7 gold 1 silver 2 copper for the Scroll: Spirit of the Unforgettable.'
Buthor Glades told you, 'That'll be 4186 platinum 2 gold 8 silver 1 copper for the Scroll: Strength of the Fernstalker.'
Buthor Glades told you, 'That'll be 4440 platinum 5 gold 2 silver 2 copper for the Scroll: Summer Sunscald.'
Buthor Glades told you, 'That'll be 4513 platinum 9 gold 3 silver 9 copper for the Scroll: Summer's Deluge.'
Buthor Glades told you, 'That'll be 4404 platinum 8 gold 9 silver 1 copper for the Scroll: Sunbliss Blessing.'
Buthor Glades told you, 'That'll be 4560 platinum 6 gold 3 silver 4 copper for the Scroll: Sunscald.'
Buthor Glades told you, 'That'll be 4297 platinum 8 gold 6 silver 6 copper for the Scroll: Survival of the Heroic.'
Buthor Glades told you, 'That'll be 4361 platinum 4 gold 3 silver 7 copper for the Scroll: Swarm of Fernflies.'
Buthor Glades told you, 'That'll be 4547 platinum 3 gold 6 silver 6 copper for the Scroll: Talisman of the Unforgettable.'
Buthor Glades told you, 'That'll be 4613 platinum 9 silver 8 copper for the Scroll: Tectonic Bedlam.'
Buthor Glades told you, 'That'll be 4328 platinum 4 gold 9 copper for the Scroll: Tempest Roar.'
Buthor Glades told you, 'That'll be 4396 platinum 5 gold 5 silver 1 copper for the Scroll: Therapeutic Balm.'
Buthor Glades told you, 'That'll be 4113 platinum 9 gold 7 silver 7 copper for the Scroll: Unrelenting Hail.'
Buthor Glades told you, 'That'll be 4244 platinum 6 gold 5 silver 2 copper for the Scroll: Visage of Ro.'
Buthor Glades told you, 'That'll be 4257 platinum 7 gold 8 silver 6 copper for the Scroll: Vivavida.'
Buthor Glades told you, 'That'll be 4334 platinum 4 gold 9 silver 7 copper for the Scroll: Winter's Wildgale.'
Buthor Glades told you, 'That'll be 4035 platinum 7 gold 9 silver 9 copper for the Scroll: Zephyr: Laurion.'
Buthor Glades told you, 'That'll be 4096 platinum 3 silver 9 copper for the Tome: Convalesce.'
Buthor Glades told you, 'That'll be 4169 platinum 6 gold 9 silver 6 copper for the Tome: Enraging Drop Kicks.'
Buthor Glades told you, 'That'll be 4679 platinum 1 gold 5 silver for the Tome: Fernstalker's Discipline.'
Buthor Glades told you, 'That'll be 4152 platinum 9 gold 6 silver 9 copper for the Tome: Jolting Drop Kicks.'
Buthor Glades told you, 'That'll be 4037 platinum 3 gold 7 silver 5 copper for the Tome: Maelstrom of Blades.'