Not in database: Ossifided Eye of the Eelworm Faded Celestial Zenith Helm Armor Faded Celestial Zenith Arms Armor Faded Celestial Zenith Breastplate Armor Faded Celestial Zenith Wrist Armor Faded Celestial Zenith Hands Armor Faded Celestial Zenith Leg Armor Faded Celestial Zenith Feet Armor
Added: Glowing Deepshade Runestone Greater Deepshade Runestone Median Deepshade Runestone Minor Deepshade Runestone Lesser Deepshade Runestone Khata Dun Arming Sword Dire Fulgurating Amethyst Doodad of Aurora's Luminosity Fortified Bone Facade Otherworldly Belt Buckle Polished Yttrium Gorget Spiritbound Epee Twin Effigies of Knowledge and Experience Zealot's Moonmace Brilliant Band of Potential Spittle Pocked Yttrium Coin