Ulump Pujluk  


Uploaded August 14th, 2020 by Drewinette

  • This mob spawns at approx -111, -1761.
  • Summons: Yes

You say, 'Hail, Ulump Pujluk'

Ulump Pujluk croaks slowly and wipes a filthy muck from its eyes as it tries to look at you. 'Something come to talk to Ulump. Too much pain. Just go.' It goes back to scratching and wiping at its muck and filth covered body.

You say, 'what pain?'

Ulump Pujluk says, 'Much pain. Much pain since tiny priest came to swamp. Found Ulump, once mighty warrior, and caught his soul in bottle. Twisted it and tied it to the earth. All day Ulump feels the corruption and pain of the earth beneath his feet.'

You say, 'what corruption?'

Ulump Pujluk says, 'Corruption spread by priests of disease. It slides and moves just beneath the surface of the land. Ulump not able to hold on any more. If you stormwalker and trying to cleanse the land then you must kill Ulump. Kill him and take his essence and the three foci from the corrupted beasts to the filthy gnome who hurts the land. Ulump can feel him, far off near the large water.'

Categories: EverQuest | Templatized
This page last modified 2020-08-16 00:27:18.

Level: 55
Expansion: Ruins of Kunark
NPC Added: 0000-00-00 00:00:00
NPC Last Updated: 2020-08-14 21:07:52

Known Habitats:
  Swamp of No Hope

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Post Comment
# Feb 02 2002 at 1:18 PM Rating: Decent
I just started an Ikky beastlord, and i'm a bit scared of this guy killing me. My quest is in SONH, so i just want to make sure i dont go near him :-)

Saurus 1 beastlord
Stronghands 5 monk
Haeppin 7 warrior
RE: Newbie
# Mar 18 2002 at 8:55 PM Rating: Default
Don't worry, he is in the swamp pretty deep. Odds are unless your hopelessly lost, like I was when i ran into him :( you will never see him.
# Jan 22 2002 at 7:36 AM Rating: Default
Ok, got my guild together and we took this guy down not long ago. For the record, classes present were:

Warriors: 54, 51, 44
Druids: 52, 51
Cleric: 57
Rogue: 51
Enchanter: 56
Ranger: 57, 53
Mage: 53
Shaman: 51, 46
Wizard: 51
Paladin: 55

With the 3 groups we had, it was real clean and easy, no deaths. The tactic we used to have our main tank (the 57 ranger) engage Ulump for a few seconds while everyone hung back, this built up some good agro. After a few seconds, the rest of the groups moved in and engaged. The ranger, 54 warrior, cleric and enchanter all had Rune 5 on themselves and throughout the fight, the chanter just chain cast Rune 5 on the ranger. Ranger kept chain casting snare so his agro stayed high and Ulump kept engaging him.
However, Ulump does still hit very hard and fast and Rune 5 has quite a cast time. So, we had a healing chain going on the ranger just in case. The 2 shamans and 2 druids (me being one of them) just kept casting Superior Heal on the ranger, while the cleric topped him up whenever he got a bit low on health. Using these tactics meant no one but the ranger got hit and the rest of the melee's and the wizzie just sliced of his HP's. Watch out for his regen tho, it is quite significant and adds a lot to the battle time.
Overall, the fight took about 3-4 mins with no deaths and now i got my Froglok Essence. Just gotta deal with Fay now =P

Ezeekial Stormwolf <Eternal Fury>
52 Druid
The Tribunal
# Jan 08 2002 at 4:47 AM Rating: Default
I am a druid with only a couple of pieces left of my epic, this guy being one of them.

I was just wondering exactly where abouts this guy is in the froggy village. I have cruised around the platformed village a few times, but never had the guts to go inside because i am not sure where he is, and would prolly agro him.
Anyways, is he near the entrance ramp? or further into the city? Do the other frogs agro on you? And is he alone where u fight him, or will sitting during the battle agro more annoying greenies to interrupt the clerics etc? Dont really wanna run my groups around for ages looking for him. Any info on his exact location in the village would be much appreciated, thanks~

Ezeekial Stormwolf <Eternal Fury>
RE: Location?
# Jan 12 2002 at 9:30 PM Rating: Good
He spawns at loc -100, -1770.
RE: Location?
# Jan 26 2002 at 6:39 PM Rating: Default
Thanks for the post on the location, I was killed by him and searched for days. Finally I found your post and went right to my corpse. Kind of tricky getting it back, but the loc is right on the money!!!

Thanks Gujo 43 Monk - Veeshan
# Dec 31 2001 at 9:00 PM Rating: Default
I dont care what this guy drops, next time I go to the Swamp I'm lookin for this guy an I'ma feed im Alka Seltzer an watch im explode, dropped my lvl 25 Warrior an a lvl 47 Enchanter like we was nuthin, I prolly shouldnt have picked a fight with Exile Iksar close to him but hey ya win some ya lose some
Amazing Group
# Dec 30 2001 at 7:06 PM Rating: Default
Yesterday a group of friends decided to head out and try to smack down this badboy, despite the fact that we feared the worst. We were only one group, and were pretty certain that it would end up in our deaths.

For the record, these were the classes and levels present:

59 Cleric
60 Rogue
56 Enchanter
54 Warrior
54 Druid (me)
52 Shaman

With the Enchanter chain-runing the tank, we were able to not only kill Ulump, but do it without any of the healers falling beneath half mana.

So, essentially, it is possible for one group of players spread through their 50s to take this guy on.

Minadil Stormborne
54 Druid of <Poison Arrow>
Brell Serilis
RE: Amazing Group
# Jan 15 2002 at 8:28 PM Rating: Default
He isn't that tough. i went there for my friends epic and we trashed him with 5 people. We had a
51 warrior (me)
51 Druid
53 cleric
60 warrior
60 paladin

From what i can tell he has about 32,000 hit points. Majority of the time he doubled 175 to 215. He is 100% magic resistant so the druid couldn't nuke. Anyway we killed him without any deaths and my friend got the piece for his epic. Now all he has left is Faydedar and Kedge Keep. Pretty damn impressive for level 51. Good Luck to Krebb on the Xev server.
# Dec 22 2001 at 10:13 PM Rating: Default
I (33 pally) was walking around the swamp of no hope killing skeles (I luv instrument of nife) when i see this huge froglok standing there. I'm like "uh oh, im dead" when i noticed he was dubious. I go up and talk to him, and we hafe a nice little chat about how i had to kill him if i was a "Storm walker". Well, as I worship Karana and he said a necro was to blame for it all, I figured I had to kill my new froggy friend. I was just about to organize a raid on him when I came here to check on him. Glad I did, cause he would have smushed my entire guild. I feel sorry for all the druids who have to mess with him, tho. Oh, and what faction is he on?

Sars Aardvarkofspork, Paladin of the 33rd storm, senior officer of the Ring of Intrigue, baker extrodinaire.
Spawn time on ulump
# Dec 08 2001 at 9:19 PM Rating: Default
I killed him tonight and his spawn time is 12 hours exactly hope this helps )

cearser 54 druid
One last question!!!!
# Dec 04 2001 at 5:24 PM Rating: Default
I am thinking of going on this for a fellow druid. I need to know does he "Only" drop one thing of <<<<Foglok Essence>>>>??
And did I understand this right a 16 hr spawn??
I am a druid as well and want to know if I have a chance of getting one too.
for Druid epic
# Nov 24 2001 at 10:58 PM Rating: Good
One of nine "corrupt" mobs that druids must farm for the second half of the druid's epic quest.

"His location is -108, -1762. He is around level 55+ and hits for over 200 damage with 32000 hitpoints and almost 100% magic resist."


Allakhazam's info is, as always, also pretty good:
"Ulump is a lvl 55 warrior that doubles for 250 and he has 32k hp. He can't be slowed or tashed. You should have 2 groups with 4-6 melee and 2-4 nukers (all as high lvl as possible) to kill him. Lure spells hit for full damage."

Cassiusdreuyhd, Terris-Thule, 50 dru, 11-24-01

Peace: the route we take until the path of vengeance becomes clear
RE: for Druid epic
# May 07 2002 at 11:12 AM Rating: Good
Small Technicallity, he's not one of the 9 corrupted MOBs. The Essence he drops is used to Spawn Faydedar, who is the 9th Corrupted MOB and the only one not named "A corrupted"
spawn time
# Nov 23 2001 at 11:15 PM Rating: Default
Does anyone know the spawn time on this guy? Seem to be alot of ppl going for their epic lately. Might need to take a number :)
RE: spawn time
# Jan 21 2002 at 8:51 PM Rating: Good
12 hours... :-)
Feign Death
# Nov 15 2001 at 4:24 PM Rating: Default
To the monk who sat feign dead for 2 hours, just feign and /quit, its the only true 100% aggro clearer.
# Oct 31 2001 at 8:57 PM Rating: Decent
One 60 warrior, cleric, monk, 57 enchanter and me, druid, killed him today.

Not 100% MR
# Oct 04 2001 at 12:12 PM Rating: Good
Just wanted to post for any who are out there wondering. I was told that this mob was 100% Magic Resistant (not just magic based magic, but cold and heat based as well). I just want to verify that this is incorrect. A druid in our guild needed this mob taken down to get his epic component, so we gathered 13 people to take him down, and he went down quickly.

60 Warrior, 52 Warrior
57 Rogue
53 Paladin
53 Monk, 50 Monk
51 Ranger
59 Druid, 54 Druid, 53 Druid
52 Shaman
50 Cleric
53 Wizard (me)

Since I was told this mob was 100% MR, and that he flees at 30% health, I decided to try a nuke since I had nothing better to use my mana for. Using Lure of Frost (640 damage), I was able to hit the mob for full damage 5 times, for a total of 3,200 spell damage. I did get 2 or 3 resists, but when I got right up on him, the spells did land. So, if you are planning on taking down this mob, you can bring a few wizards with you to make things go a little more smoothly. Now, none of the other casters were able to land spells, but they were druids/shaman.

Cobal Tyrchiylde
Channeler of Silver Faith
Mithaniel Marr Server
RE: Not 100% MR
# Aug 06 2002 at 5:53 PM Rating: Good
We did him the other night:

60 Warrior
59 Warrior
52 Warrior
54 Rogue
58 Cleric
59 Cleric
58 Druid
60 Wizard

Our wizzy landed 1 nuke on him for 625 dmg. The rest was pure melee fight, lasted about 3 minutes and was not hard at all.

Basically let tank get agro for 1-2 mins then have the melee come in and beat him down. Your melee are expendable on this fight, if Uulump ping pongs then that person dies... MT stays alive and you have a dead frog.
# Nov 08 2001 at 1:51 AM Rating: Default
For the sadly uninformed flamer this mob is almost totally MR. The only spells that land are Lure spells(i.e. lure of frost). For future reference friend do research before flaming less you set yourself on fire 8)

Perrcival 51 druid Drinal
RE: perrcival
# May 07 2002 at 11:19 AM Rating: Default
Dude, what's your issue? We wasn't flaming anybody. I'm so SICK of people posting here with ignorant comments like yours. You flamed this guy who wasn't even flaming. Now I ask you, who's the real jerk here? Geez you people are immature. And I'm only flaming the person who was flaming, who are the only people I ever flame.
#Anonymous, Posted: Oct 28 2001 at 11:23 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) um, he is 100% mr you dumb fuqing twit
RE: Not 100% MR
# Oct 30 2001 at 3:00 PM Rating: Default
He just said he personally landed 5 spells, did u not read that, AND he signed his name which u didn't.
#Anonymous, Posted: Oct 31 2001 at 1:23 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Don't be a moron, the guy landed 5 COLD based nukes.
RE: Not 100% MR
# Mar 13 2002 at 6:30 AM Rating: Default
Cobal isn't a flamer. It is true lures will land on him but it is also rummored that a wizard could land a lure spell on Kermruf (the sleeper spelling) in EW. Lure spells hit almost everything in the game. If only druids were so effective...
# Oct 03 2001 at 10:32 PM Rating: Default
IS this guy on Frogloks of Guk or Frogloks of Kunark faction???
# Sep 24 2001 at 2:52 PM Rating: Default
So here I am touring the Swamp of Little Hope. A human enchanter of the 35 level. Gliding along admiring the North West side of the FrogCity. I was exploring and looking for Ton Warriors to complete the Illusion Iksar Spell Quest.
Anyway, here this guy is standing there looking into the water. He liked me. I conned him and he was indifferent to me. Proceeded to glide right past him without him blinking an eye.
p.s. I was in Illusion Air Elemental form.
While some other frogs would test their bravery against me and mt animation, this guy didnt care i was there. I bet it was the illusion form. If I see him again i will test from a distance.
RE: Norinrad
# Jan 05 2002 at 8:53 PM Rating: Decent
Actually, I'm a 55 Necro Erudite. He cons even (of course level 55)..and he was indifferent to me...He ws dubious to the half elf druid with me...No telling what he prefers ~smirk~
Damn Frogloks
# Sep 07 2001 at 12:52 PM Rating: Default
As a Shammy, I decided to get the rest of my Scaled Mystic armor (hafta kill the Froglok Reparier). I was next to the city, not far from the enterance, coning some stupid Frogloks under it. All of a sudden this guy sees me watching the weaker ones and he wasnt happy at all. He hits for a max of 255 dmg. Didnt even bother with my pet and riped me in half.
# Sep 04 2001 at 8:20 PM Rating: Default
well if a zone was safe it would not be a very good zone now would it he must be a certain spot for him to attack think he dont like u in water or something cuase he killed me then i got res right in front of him and he con dub
how we killed it...
# Aug 19 2001 at 7:09 AM Rating: Default
We killed this guy yesterday... That was way easier than we expected... we had :

4 Warrior 46, 52, 55, 60
1 monk 57
2 druids 54 and 55
1 wizard (which wasnt able to cast anything, so lets not count her :P
1 cleric 54
1 enchanter 52

At end of fight, chanter was 40% mana and cleric was at 60%...

Tactic? Rune V on every tanks, +cleric and chanter because they are suppose to agro a lot (cleric with heal and chanter with rune), then send the higher lvl tank in the fight , wait for him to aggro well, then engage everybody... Chanter keep casting rune on main tank, and cleric use CH + celestial healing (to reduce the aggro, cause celestial healing wont aggro mobs).

That was way too easy... I had to cast rune only 3 times on our main tanks, and the others werent touch 1 time!!!

And oh yeah... he CAN summon... (my heart almost stop beating when he did it on me... :P
Druid Epic
# Aug 15 2001 at 4:31 AM Rating: Decent
You punks know he's for the druid epic? Well he is! High MR!!! need loads of tanks and clerik juice to beat him down.
# Jul 27 2001 at 7:39 PM Rating: Decent
Every Mod that is 51+ can and WILL summon you.
RE: /sigh
# May 09 2002 at 3:54 PM Rating: Default
Not EVERY MOB over 51 Summons.
no long lvl 34
# Jul 22 2001 at 6:02 AM Rating: Default
geez i didn`t know that guy was in zone and who would figure that i`m exploring when he spawn, not a pretty site, it was over quick i only had 1250 hp :(
Think the guards could handle it
# Jul 18 2001 at 2:06 AM Rating: Default
Got killed a few times by this clown losing about a bubble so far attempting a CR..(still haven't been successfull). Once i get everything in order, i'm going to have to train this MOB on the guards and have a seat ring-side....HEHE
RE: Think the guards could handle it
# Mar 13 2002 at 4:06 PM Rating: Decent
93 posts
Ulump would definitely wipe out the guards.
Philip <Chill Mode VII>, Teek server, 60 monk
Axcellent <Chill Mode>, Vaniki server, 105 zerker
Rangerer <Scions of Time>, Agnarr server, 65 ranger
Lifegiver <Iratus Lepus>, retired
100 Druid, Xegony
RE: Think the guards could handle it
# Mar 18 2002 at 9:05 PM Rating: Default
Probaly would own them, but if someone got all the crusaders and troopers on him I bet they would take him down pretty low maybe finish him off.
# Jul 14 2001 at 1:09 AM Rating: Default
What the hell does this **** drop anyhow? If he is so hard he should be dropping something pretty good
RE: Loot
# Jul 29 2001 at 8:37 AM Rating: Good
He drops Foglok Essence needed for the Druid Epic Quest. When the froglok essence is given to Dolgin Codslayer in Timorous Deep, Dragon Faydedar spawns and rises out of the water. Faydedar drops the Pod of Seawater which is also needed for the Druid Epic (Cleansed Spirit of Kunark portion).
some more info
# Jun 14 2001 at 2:39 PM Rating: Default
1. he for sure summons
2. he doubles for 255
3. he can be slowed
4. he is very magic resistant - only lures will land
5. 32k hit points

We dropped this froggie last night with 2 groups of 51-55 and me (47 wizzy). Bring a few clerics and tanks. Druids heal and debuff only. Shammies heal and debuff only. Wizzies cast lures only. We dropped him in about 2 minutes.
RE: some more info
# Jul 05 2001 at 9:55 AM Rating: Decent
I was in a BG group last night that took him down on CT. There were 2 groups as well with 6 tanks ranging from 49-60. Total Melee damage was 35,766 plus another ~3,000 hp in damage shields. His max hits are for 225 each and has closer to 40,000 hp. His total damage output in the 3:10 that the fight lasted was 16,216 pts, so the healers were working overtime.
Spawn Time
# Jun 08 2001 at 1:28 AM Rating: Default
So does anyone know an actual spawn time on him?
RE: Spawn Time
# Jun 28 2001 at 8:31 PM Rating: Default
I believe Ulump's spawn time is 16 hours??.... not too sure
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