Posted:Aug 01 2000 at 11:29 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Aaedor it's funny that you don't mind visiting Allakhazam's site to bleed all the game info you can get, then come here and rip him. HAHAHA i would love to see your web site I am sure it consists of you getting killed by Elgnub or possibly spending 4 hours at NK spires begging for a sow or gate somewhere. Grats on your last name, or, the name you hope to have one day, newb. Illia, filter this clown's posts, hes a leach.
Posted:Jul 31 2000 at 9:08 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Aaedor, put you cynicism in check. This gnoll is extremely rare and if verant ever gets up off their lazy you-know-whats and fixes the second part of the quest I have a feeling everyone that's grown up in BB is gonna want one. I think the pic is really cool considering the rarity of this spawn. If I ever see him myself I'll be sending in a bunch of pics considering I've been hunting him for awhile now. Here's to Verant fixing their quests and to Allakhazam for putting up a great site no matter what the cynical idiots say.
Posted:Jul 31 2000 at 8:29 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) wow a picture of lord elgnub for a broken sword nice job alakazam