I dont think you should know and i wont tell you b/c If i do you will say to your self 'OMG i cant believe i have wasted my time trying to know the stats on this hunk 'o junk' and that is why you shouldnt know.
It is tolapmuj - Jumpalot Qeynos - Sony Eq Faydwer - (anagram) Ye dwarf Kerafyrm - (anagram, dont know if intended) Key farmr Veeshan - (anagram) Heavens
i have read that martin has to be out of the house wandering around when you ask him about it. if he is in the house than he says that joseph is safe at home. but if he is out and about he is looking for his child i guess. and you hail him, and he gives you the quest. this is what i have read.
Lord Elgnub is not a myth. When you kill him you get the Gnoll Slayer. A 2H Slashing weapon with added damage to gnolls....The weapon stats might not be completely accurate, but everything else is. To spawn him, you have to clear the room mentioned earlier.
Accually, what you just said is exactly the opposite of what it really is. it is a 1hs, no added damage against gnolls, AND Elgnub doesnt drop it himself, you get Joseph Sawyer off of him and give it to Martin. Hope i cleared things up for you :P
Ok folks :) You do have to talk to Marton Sayer first , you do have to clear the spiked pit room and only this room to make him spawn and he drops the baby doll . Now here is where things change when i last did this the gnoll slayer quest was no more you just got coin xp and some faction from it all . it may be that is doesn't work anymore at all .
Posted:Apr 30 2001 at 7:23 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) BAHHHH!!!!!To hard to get to spawn-my gnoll ust will have to redirect itself to splitpaw.
I am going to take a look and see what happens when I speak to the poor eyeless sap and clear out the room... Look for a post late tonight or tomorrow morning....
Added 02/07/01: Well, I took a look and couldn't get him to pop. Perhaps I just didn't kill the High Shaman enough times. I'll give it another shot Sun or Monday when I have enough time to sit around and wait for his furry butt to show up.
Added 04/22/01: Still haven't seen him.. Can't prove he is still there, but can't disprove him either. Anyways, i am too high to go hunting in there now, so i will leave it to those of you who will get Exp from him. Good hunting and may Tunare guide you.
Posted:Jan 16 2001 at 10:17 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) you can always tell who the crappy *** players are from UO and Diablo that got PKed every day because they blew *** when they cry like the reply listed above. I would also like to mention that its **** like him that have made it so that we cant kill eachother freely anymore wich has destroyed the roleplaying aspect of all these games, examples are: Name one guild in the game that doesnt recruit both evil and good chars, how many groups a day u see with paladins or rangers temed up with SK's or necro's. If we could freely PK then those traitors would be punished like the gamewreckers that they are.
Qeynos = SonyEQ Tunare = Nature Xegony = Oxygen E`Ci = Ice Tarew = Water and the list goes on... probably because no-one at Verant has any imagination.
Posted:Dec 29 2000 at 12:26 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Dude, you don't like it, go somewhere else, like UO or Diablo II. It's rudeness like that which really kills it for some people.
Your last comment was unnecessary. It shows a great deal of imagination to scramble words so they appear in context. It's also a little added fun for all. It shows an amazing lack of kindness on our part to add an unnecessary flame (or any flame, really).
If no one at Verant had imagination, then you wouldn't be playing this game.
Posted:Nov 30 2000 at 6:36 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) heheheheehehe, you were a meaney-poo
Posted:Dec 05 2000 at 1:43 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) I swear! If you think this game sucks, then quit and play UO and get pked 5 times in 10 minutes
LMAO omg all you people flaming that guy are pretty pethetic lmao. Lay off and get a life and stop flameing flamers like im doing! i mean good god do not become like me! its bad i jerk off all the time omg i need a life do not be like me! I REPEAT DO NOT FLAME FLAMERS THAT FLAME THE FLAMERS! =) happy hunting
Posted:Sep 11 2000 at 6:30 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) LOL. I never noticed that! ROFL. yup, they DEFINATELY don't have an imagination. (giggle)
Posted:Dec 29 2000 at 12:29 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Takes even less imagination to flame someone than it does to compliment them.
theres even more then names backwards. some are scrambled too.
. . . dangit now that i think of it i forgot em all! LOL oh well if i remember any ill post em again i know theres way more then just Veeshan though heh )
Can anyone tell me how to get him to spawn and how often does he spawn been trying to catch him for almost a week off and on and noone seems to have seen him or most haven't heard of him
Go to Allakhazam's quest database for info all about Elgnub and the quest he is related to (The Gnollslayer). I killed him a day ago but he is an extremely rare spawn. Doubted him at first but not anymore :)
To get him to spawn you need to talk to martin sayer and here the story about this "powerful dog" lord elgnub and get to BB and clear out the spike room ASAP (in 10 min. or less) he will spawn by the locked door being all mad about something and drops the baby doll (joseph) when u kill it. Give the baby to Martin and he will give u the gnoll slayer and some good exp. and 1 pp i think
Posted:Aug 03 2000 at 3:16 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Call me I'm gay
Posted:Aug 03 2000 at 3:14 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) lord elgnub more like lord fuzzyball
Posted:Aug 03 2000 at 3:13 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Oh yeah I just remembered it was cabage patch Kids right?
Posted:Aug 03 2000 at 3:10 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Has anyone ever seen that one show with Elmo character on it. What was that called again