This guy has millions of HP.
Raid War, alt-Wiz Shammy. Wiz-merc x 2, and Healer merc. Long fight.
Wiz mercs on burn, War controlled agro, and Alt wiz on Twincast x 2 Burn.
Clear your way to him (about 8-mobs) and he will spawn when someone in
the area has the task for his drop. Clear fast or repops will haunt you.
He is attackable on spawn so be careful and choose your time to fight.
If you hail him and are not ready he will attack you anyway after a brief pause.
I didn't bother with the hail and just whacked him upside the head when I was
I was able to clear very fast and take down two of his spawns, but
by mid way through the second kill adds appeared x 2. You will
need a Warrior for this if you stay for another pop without clearing
again. Aggro control.
His DPS isn't that bad, he just has Tons of HP. His AE didn't effect
the mana on my alts but the AE Damage did for the 45k. And we
were all bunched up together.
Max DPS on this guy including Spider's Bite for casters, Everyone melee
because it's FUN!
Good luck.