A frazzled opponent has aprox. 2.5 million hit-points
A frazzled opponent uses the following effects (as parsed by GamParse ‘Circle of Lightningâ€, “Concussive Respiteâ€, “Debuff Melee Slowâ€, “Mental Breakdownâ€, “Blazebeamâ€, and “Telazekariaâ€
There is no aggro-linking of any sort. The pawns are not aggro-linked to the players (frazzled or grandmaster), nor are the players aggro-linked to the pawns. Normal direct-aggro and assist-aggro rules apply in all cases.
Upon freshly spawning the event (server reset / event completion and re-spawn) the pawns and the frazzled opponent will instantly re-spawn when killed, but only once. This means that with a fresh event you will have to kill all nine pawns and the frazzled opponent twice, each. After which, they do re-spawn quickly (~5 mins); but with no relation to one another.