Raster of Guk  

Quest NPC

Uploaded April 1st, 2018 by iventheassassin

  • Respawn Timer: 10% spawn chance

Categories: EverQuest | Templatized
This page last modified 2021-02-11 02:46:13.

Level: 37
Expansion: Original
NPC Added: 0000-00-00 00:00:00
NPC Last Updated: 2019-05-04 22:14:20

Known Habitats:
  Lower Guk
Factions Decreased:
  Frogloks of Guk

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More information on how I got him
# Oct 31 2000 at 4:56 PM Rating: Decent
I spend 6 days at Lower Guk. The first 3 days I spent looking for people to help me fight at the Elder's Room. Getting to the Elder's Room is very hard. It took me 1 day to figure the location out.

I would shout for forming an Elder's Room grp, but nobody wanted to come, and if they did, they didn't know how to get there or affraid of the Gargoyles. (Best thing is to form the grp at the Bedroom and work your way to the Elder's Room)

On the 4th day, I decided to fight at the Bedroom. I met many different players, by the 5th day, I was still in the Bedroom with a new lvl.

On the 6th day, I started a grp with one person. He was a 46 war. He knew some players and began to bring them over. When we found Raster we had two monks and a druid. (Monk 1 was 49, Second monk 38 and druid was 44). We took the room well, sometimes when a train arrived we had problems, but we were able to get out of it.

We used the despawn method. It is very funny that the mob will disappear at around 8am (EQ time). Then another mob or Raster would show up.

What puzzled me was that Raster appeared at 10PM (EQ Time) TWICE! And one time after respawn.

So, try it out, don't kill the place holder (the mob that is holding the place for Raster). Let him stay until he disappears at 8am EQ time, then a mob appears, kill that and wait again until another mob appears, and wait until it disappears and see what pops out.

In 1.5 hours we saw Raster 3 times!

Good luck.
More information on how I got him
# Oct 31 2000 at 4:34 PM Rating: Default
Group lvl
# Oct 14 2000 at 12:24 AM Rating: Default
What would be the lowest lvl that a person could camp the mino elder room? I am a lvl 30 monk and would like to get exp while waiting for Raster to spawn.
RE: Group lvl
# Jan 30 2001 at 12:33 AM Rating: Default
A buddie and I started camping Raster at 30 and 35. I was 35 (monk) he was 30 (druid). I am now 46 and he is 43, we have still not seen raster. We have seen over 200 place holders in 2 months. So to answer your question, you and a druid or shaman or cleric could do it if you wanted.

Taerous Teveril
RE: Group lvl
# Oct 31 2000 at 4:33 PM Rating: Default
You need a grp of 4 35+, or a strong balanced grp of 30+. You need a healer type for sure, the minos hit hard. A chanter will be good in the grp, for the mobs aggro alot.
monk quests
# Sep 26 2000 at 3:30 PM Rating: Default
and i thought the treant fists blew chow...well looking forward to camping this bozo forever and still havent killed Targin yet been there for 16 hrs and havent seen him. At least I am in these places in my 30's so still getting xp but man monk quests just blow.
RE: monk quests
# Nov 09 2000 at 9:17 PM Rating: Default
I could not agree more.Its a damn nice robe,but it not THAT nice.
I feel, this is just part of Verants plan, to keep us playing the game for as long as possible.
Lets not forget, that quite a few hours went in to the sash and headband quests also,and they are worth next to nothing.
Shape up Verant.Monks are not the only class with rediciolus quests.
RE: monk quests
# Feb 07 2001 at 9:02 PM Rating: Default
HEHE sorry to get you bent, but i was only in targen for about an hour and i saw him spawn =) +2 str woohoo! now with an oracle or danlir robe i can prertend to be a caster.... /em 's spell fizzles =)
RE: monk quests
# Jul 06 2001 at 5:23 PM Rating: Default
Aye... but not only is this a nice weapon. But I'm sure you all realize that its for the monk epic quest ;)

# Sep 18 2000 at 6:36 AM Rating: Default
Well, I got Raster during my second camp. First camp, killed everything, the minos, the elder. Spent 24 hours. Second camp, a group was killing the elder, etc. and I just camped Raster's spot, occasionally killing another mino that spawned near there. Took about 8 hours, but Raster spawned.

I don't think the despawning method does anything for you, but to shrink down the time you'll see 2 spawns. Personally, I just think it's a super-rare spawn, and you have to go back and spend time when you can.

All told, about 32 or so hours for me to get Raster. A friend of mine took about 80.
# Sep 04 2000 at 6:31 AM Rating: Good
are you people listening to yourselves? "the despawn method works great! only took me 4 RL days to get him to spawn!!" lol.

ive spoken with a few monks who have gotten him in much less time then that simply killing everything in the room. I myself am going on about 12 hours killing everything (over a few days) and im even getting a bit of exp from the odd mino.

i find it incredibly amusing when people get lucky and try to convince themselves that it was because of something they did.

eventually ill get him, but i wont try to convince people that he only spawns if youre practicing disarm on the elder while singing the hokie pokie and eating vanilla ice cream or something equally unprovable.

-Lonthan of E'ci
RE: heh
# Jul 22 2001 at 10:35 PM Rating: Decent
The despawn method has nothing to do with making Raster spawn. The main reason for it is the 8am despawn. If you are randomly killing PH you could have a pop at 7:55 am EQ time and have, say 3 seconds to kill the mob before it despawns. If it was Raster you would be very sad to see him pop, then imediately despawn. The other thing it does for you is ensure you get 3 well timed pops per EQ day.

28 hour/ 63 PH empty-handed veteran Raster camper
RE: heh
# Nov 03 2000 at 2:03 PM Rating: Default
They didn't say RL days, they said game days. camping him for 4 game days is only like 5 game hours which isn't that bad considering the rarity of him spawning...
Very Very Rare
# Aug 05 2000 at 5:33 AM Rating: Good
I just wanted to say. I tried the de-spawn method. It works like a charm. 8am he or the PH de-spawns. 5 mins later, he or the PH re-appears. If you kill the placeholder it will take 29 mins. If you wait for him to de-spawn, it takes exactly 1 hour and 12 mins. Now I saw him twice. The first time, I tried to FD pull him to my friend, unfornately for me. All the minotaurs attacked me as I pulled. So he has faction with the living. Now, after that I couldnt get to him in time and he despawned. So I was determined to get this guy. 48 hours and 5 mins exactly since his last de-spawn and 40 some placeholders, He finally showed up. Need less to say, I took the Minotaurs in effect this time. Bam, I got his Idol. So if you are looking to take this guy. Be prepared to wait around. You guys have a better chance of seeing Elvis, then seeing this guy. Unless you want to wait though all the placeholders. I did took me 4 days of straight camping him, and some 55 min naps in between, but I got my idol. Good luck my friends.
RE: Very Very Rare
# Apr 03 2001 at 3:34 AM Rating: Default
Actually, if you do the math it works out better if you kill the spawn in between the despawn time. I'll explain:

Despawns at 8am and respawns at 10am. You kill that one.

He then respawns 29 minutes later. Kill that one too.

Again 29 minutes later he spawns again... This one is at roughly 6am. Let this one live.

He despawns at 8am and respawns at 10am.

Thus instead of only getting 2 possible spawns, you get 3 in the Game day period.

Just note that the mino's will start to hate you after you are killing off Place Holders, so you should either clear out the entire area, or you should be high enough that you can take on a few mino's at a time. Just keep an eye on the timer so that you don't end up low on health when Raster does eventually spawn.
# Jul 06 2000 at 11:43 AM Rating: Decent
I hope that really does work Taima. I have logged almost 100 real life hours now just trying to get Raster, I think I am just really unlucky because one time a ranger said he saw him on track about 10 mins before I logged on. Another time i was waiting in the room while a group was camping it(they said i could loot the idol if they killed him) then i went LD and guess what? they kill Raster while im gona and get another monk to loot it. Well anyways i hope this works cuz if it doesnt im giving up on it. THanks for the info though
How I got Raster
# Jul 03 2000 at 2:46 PM Rating: Excellent
Hello Everyone,

Well, if you're a monk you know by now how frustrating this guy is to find. I hope my story will help you.

I DID NOT kill PH's to get him to spawn. His PH (that's up the stairs near the fire pot) de-spawns every EQ day just past 8AM EQ time (using /time). About 5 mins later Raster or a PH will pop in that spot.

I got him this way. I camped my monk right there and played another character I had and just logged my monk in every EQ day at 8AM to watch the de-spawn and wait to see if Raster would appear. It took about 15 to 20 de-spawn cycles for him to pop (not in a row.. spread over several days of playing). Also, not sure if it's important, but this was at 12:30 AM Pacific Coast time in the US.

It works. It's not a lie. Look me up on Veeshan server if you want to see my Robe or ask about the camp.

At level 47 the blue / green dubious Mino's nearby did not join in the fight against me when I started fighting Raster.

Good luck Monks.

Taima of Veeshan
This worked for us
# Sep 04 2000 at 7:48 AM Rating: Decent
This worked very well for us. We would kill the PH after the despawn and still got Raster on the next spawn-despawn cycle.

Luckally, it only took us 4 spawn-despawn cycles.
# Jul 02 2000 at 7:26 PM Rating: Decent

/rude Raster of Guk
#Anonymous, Posted: Oct 16 2000 at 3:05 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) LOL, that is about the most appropriate comment i have seen yet on this board.
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