what are you talking about i am a 14 shaman on rallos zek and i've never been KOS to these things. i run by then while sowed all the time and they never give chase
Could a lvl 14 shaman kill one of these? If not what about a 15 shaman cause im almost 15, and i have some cab scaled armor and alot of banded just so ya know.
I played an Iksar monk for a short time, and was hunting scaled wolf pups at about lvl 3 when one of these things attacked me... apparently they sometimes wander out to the very edge of the desert and will run a fairly long way to assist their pups. Needless to say at lvl 3 it killed me in one hit.
Oh and one more thing, they also attack the various Iksar Mmob's in Field of Bone (bandits, marauders, etc). Greater skeletons will help them fight (like the decaying skeletons in GFay help black wolves fight orcs). Not sure what kind of strange link wolves and skeletons have, but there seems to be one.
A similar thing happened to me. As a level 6 monk I was board and waiting for my health to come back. So I kicked a puppy and wham here comes the stalker. I was dead in no time.
They have fairly big aggro and frenzy range but aggro to anything, at least they aggro to me at lvl24, and they love to gang up on you. so be sure you can get someone to help or have sow before fighting these boys.
Could it be that perhaps they are kos because all the other wolves in Norrath are kos? Just cause they are scaled wolves doesn't mean they don't have the same traits as normal wolves.
why are you surprised? unless you are a druid/ranger or perhaps follower of Tunare (none of which are iksar-applicable) then wolves attack anyone that could get exp for them. and apparently the scaled variety will even go after dr00ds and rangers. good. hehe
I saw them con blue when I was lvl 16 & 17. Everytime I hadd one down to 1/2 health a Greater skel would attack me. I never stayed to see if i could take them both.