a drolvarg captain  

a rare creature

Uploaded May 16th, 2019 by Drewinette

In Karnor's Castle: Spawns on the upper balcony overlooking the entrance of Karnor's Castle, as well as the 'left' courtyard. Hits for a max ~300.

In Al'Kabor's Nightmare: Hits for a max ~13,000 and is slowable; PHs are the "a drolvarg lieutenant" on the Dreadlands island. Note: For all map points of nameds in Al'Kabor's Nightmare (for "alkabormare.txt" map files), see this quest entry.

Categories: EverQuest | Templatized
This page last modified 2024-07-15 20:33:27.

Level: 48
Expansion: Ruins of Kunark
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Wants to Buy
# Apr 27 2002 at 9:46 AM Rating: Default
Anyone that gets a Lupine Dagger on Tholuxe Paells or Rallos Zek I'll buy for 10k...or trade a 32/40 20% haste 2hs...hehehe )

Kayle Darkmist, Dark Elven Arch Mage
Kalea Darkmist, Dark Elven 44th Wizard
Xiia Darkmist, Dark Elven 23rd Warrior
Purr Fect, Vah Shir 19th Beastlord

Please Send Tells, I mostly play Xiia these days )
Can a lvl 46 hunt here?
# Apr 27 2002 at 8:46 AM Rating: Default
Im level 46 warrior and was wondering if i can hunt here?
When can i go here?
# Apr 13 2002 at 1:06 PM Rating: Default
I am a 46 monkey on the rathe and i have been soloing in solb for xp right now, but i really want to go to kc to camp this guy to get the jm (using fist/sos now) would i be ok if i go now? or should i get like 48 or 50? thanks alot!

Doneeb 46th Monkey
The Rathe
RE: When can i go here?
# Apr 19 2002 at 5:50 AM Rating: Decent
You can go there, but you will not be able to solo. You have to find a group and to roll for the mace. But sometimes its not easy to find a group... Most people here are 50+ ...
Anyway, good luck )

51 monk
RE: When can i go here?
# Apr 14 2002 at 10:45 AM Rating: Default
yes,u would be able to go there:)

hehe Kixfu 47th monk
the rathe
# Mar 21 2002 at 10:57 PM Rating: Decent
hi im a 44 warrior and was looking at this zone a bit and it really seems like a fun and interesting zone with a lot of good drops that i would be happy to have hehe. and i was wopndering how come i never hear anyone talk about this zone as if it wasnt a good place to go or somfin? so i would like to get a bit of info on the zone like could i fit in here? would i be getting any of the good drops and what r the risks or is there a better place to go mostly for loot is what im after? plz respond

# Feb 11 2002 at 2:01 PM Rating: Default
hehehe dont know what all you ppl are complaining about, i was in cappy a few days ago, spawned 5 times in a row and 3 jade maces dropped :) although clerics won 2 of them and the 3 we lost to a train, when i am in cappy he has no problems spawning with a mace :)
RE: gorrilaz
# Mar 16 2002 at 8:48 PM Rating: Default
sup gorrilaz TP photowolf seen yo around
jade mace
# Feb 05 2002 at 4:52 AM Rating: Default
hi would like to get a jade mace on karana
thanks bye!
#Anonymous, Posted: Jan 29 2002 at 12:30 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) this is to the ***** dwarf war, first of all why in the hell would you start a dwarf war are you ******* kidding me.Second there is no way in hell your stank *** soloed captian at 52 you cant even solo a hill giant get real you dum ****!!!
#Anonymous, Posted: Jan 11 2002 at 9:17 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) ******
#Anonymous, Posted: Feb 14 2002 at 8:06 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) ahhh what nice grammar you have. i especially like the use of all caps.
Lupine Dagger
# Dec 22 2001 at 5:30 PM Rating: Good
The Lupine Dagger is the ULTRA RARE on this MoB...He drops Mantle every time, save he drops Cobalt Boots, Gaunts, Jade Mace, or Lupine Dagger.
I was in a Captain group for over 5 hours and we only got 1 Boots 1 Gaunts, and a million Mantles.
RE: Lupine Dagger
# Feb 04 2002 at 9:09 PM Rating: Default
would love one of thos edamn mantles!
the straight truth
# Dec 20 2001 at 9:48 PM Rating: Decent
As a ranger, ive put up with more flaming than almost any other class in this game, so i am prepared to take anything you throw at me.

on my friends account, i had a 51 ranger (he disables the account and went to DAoC) i camped this guy a lot, and it pisses me off when other classes insist "its only fair" to roll on the lupine dagger drop.

That thing is extremely rare, i would say even moreso than the mace. I never did get my lupine dagger, because the very few times it did drop, i would loss the roll. I am NOT a rich player, as a matter of fact, im extremely poor. i do not want to save up for the stupid 9-12k (at the time, thats what it was worth, not sure now), especially when i can camp the guy who drops it. And when other characters feel the need to have pp dripping out of their pockets by rolling on this item, they remind me of people like...

1. Bill Gates
2. Donald Trumpt
3. Steve Forbes

who likes them?? i cannot count too many. When a dagger THIS rare, for RANGERS ONLY, you should realize that Everquest is a MULTIPLAYER game, with OTHER PEOPLE, with ACCUALL WANTS AND NEEDS. and a 9/18 dagger that procs greater wolf form drops off this guy that is for rangers, we NEED it. and YOU do not. unless we already have it or have something better, there is NO excuse as to why the rangers should not have SOLE oportunity to get this item.

and to anyone who will reply to this calling me a "whiny ranger", i can tell you that you can suck it.
#Anonymous, Posted: Apr 15 2002 at 10:39 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) To the ranger whining about not getting a Lupine Dagger....STFU. When people go to Karnor Castle they shout Looking for group, not Looking for raid to get a ranger a Lupine Dagger. All loot is divided evenly between ALL members of the group, unless it is no-drop. You demanding the Lupine Dagger just because your a ranger is you being a complete loot *****, so STFU.
RE: the straight truth
# Mar 12 2002 at 3:54 PM Rating: Default
A quite simple quote: "Need before Greed"
This means that those who can actually use a loot item get precedence over those who just want the item to sell.Once an item drops,determine if it is an upgrade to your existing equipment or not.If it's not an upgrade,then it's not a "needed" item.

Told ya it was quite simple.

Talvaran Falmari
Warrior of the 53th season
Mithaniel Marr
RE: the straight truth
# Feb 04 2002 at 9:14 PM Rating: Default
I say loot the damn thing and run! and get off the game as soon as u can ) and put those ppl in the grp. on ignore )
RE: the straight truth
# Feb 01 2002 at 9:43 AM Rating: Default
Ok, heres what happens.

When a server is brand new everyone wants need before greed because items are rare and havein alot of pp is rare and people will help each other out to get the items that each class can use.

But as the server gets older and everyone has a high lvl char an is now playin twinks they like to do the everyone rolls deal and the people who have started playin on that server later who are playin their first chars etc get screwed.
RE: the straight truth
# Jan 09 2002 at 9:40 AM Rating: Default
106 posts
The only way to do it is to agree when you join the group how the loot will be split. If you agree stay if you dont join a different group some groups will loot by need others will roll for all - take your pick. Although chances of finding a group looting by need are much slimer.
RE: the straight truth
# Dec 31 2001 at 12:09 PM Rating: Decent
Everyone should roll. Drops in pickup groups are so rare that NBG should not apply. Am i gonna be in the same group for the next big item drop? Probably not. Everyone needs PP, everyone wants to get their hands on these rare items. This guy does'nt drop anything for a cleric or chanter, but good luck holding the camp without one. If they don't get a shot at the items why would they even bother with this camp. Let everyone roll. One day you'll be the one that wins, and you'll change your tune.
The Straight truth is that NBG sucks. If all groups were NBG, groups would be dictated by the items that drop.
#Anonymous, Posted: Apr 02 2002 at 7:30 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) you sir are a loot *****.do you base your whole presence in a group on the items that drop?people could be in the group with friends or for the XP but if all you care about is the loot then you mustn't get very much groups.I think NBG is a good system because the people in the group put their time into it as well and if a weapon drops that their class can only use then they should get it mainly because the other people cant use it and they put their time to group and help kill the mob just like if you are a warrior and a warrior only weapon drops and you are the only war in group and you took time to help the mob you should get it mainly because the other people cant use.If the cleric or enc want gear to sell for PP or gear they can use then they should camp things they can use and not take it from players that could put it to use
RE: the straight truth
# Feb 26 2002 at 5:01 PM Rating: Default
RE: the straight truth
# Dec 22 2001 at 1:34 AM Rating: Default
I completley agree. I have seen that same thing happens a million times and i think it is terrible. People should give out by neccestity.
1 year later
# Dec 01 2001 at 4:32 AM Rating: Default
One Year later this guy is still widely sought after / camped.
# Nov 15 2001 at 11:04 AM Rating: Default
Spawned yesterday in T1 about 6 times in a row, dropped the mantle everytime, nothing else, not even my damn lupine dagger
# Nov 12 2001 at 6:44 PM Rating: Default
He drops the mantle EVERY time. Everyone in our grp had one so we started /auction "Free Drolvarg Mantle at T1!"
# Oct 31 2001 at 12:23 PM Rating: Decent
we were doin entrance like always and had him pop twice in 2 hours....had a great group and only 2 warriors(myself being one of them).pulled him and a Gaurdian,Capt goes down first,then on to gaurdian,Shammy says cobalt....and im thinkin wooo hoooooo!!!!!!!then ah ****...lost em on a roll.....well theres always later
Bunch of babies
# Oct 21 2001 at 5:50 AM Rating: Default
Quit yer whinin' ye bunch of little ninny's!! I am a Dwarf Warrior of da 52nd season, and I find myself takin dis guy down all de time by meself. If yer too lazy to get off yer ****** make ye money, and buy ye the FBSS, Wurmy, Lammy, etc...then ye do not deserve the dagger, gauntlets (which i own), and da mace, which i have got but sold. It be a good camp site lookin fer da PP and some EXP, but me wishes ye good luck in gettin' any better at dis game, and hope someone will get da dagger soon..i have not heard of dagger droppin in a long time, aye!!
# Oct 19 2001 at 2:00 PM Rating: Decent
This guy spawns in LT(Right in front of the balcony) To get here you zone in and follow the bridge,go through the gate turn right, then go up the steps and your there easy peasy. His spawn time its totally random in my group we killed him and he popped 2 mins after then after that it took 30 mins so there isint an exact spawn time. In my experiance I've killed him 4 times and only got Mantle's. I've heared its something like 1 out of 50 for any other pieces but I think thats over exagerated. Good Luck Camping this bad Doggy
# Oct 14 2001 at 5:44 PM Rating: Default
This guy spawns on the balcony right after the first drawbridge, right?
Some info
# Oct 03 2001 at 5:05 PM Rating: Default
ok, here's a little info from a wise bard.. hmm?
1. the spawntime is random
2. all other than mantle is a rareish drop.. (just killed him 8 times tonight, nothing but mantles, and i've killed him in the past too, only mantles)
3. you need a well balanced group to hit him if you go at mid 40's or a bit higher. at 50+, he's easy as cake.
4. if he drops cobalt, let the warriors have them. when something that you need finally drops, and you see it go to someone who's just gonna sell, we all feel like /crying like a baby. fair is fair...

Rodcet Nife
# Oct 01 2001 at 8:32 AM Rating: Default
Been in Kc for 3 lvls now - started doing the DT more and more because of the excellent exp up there.

Need a balanced 50+ group: Tank(me), Monk, Cleric, Chanter being the best group ive been in.
Anyway, This fellow is VERY random (had two in two pulls once)

In total now 12 killed --> 1 Jade Mace (now mine), 1 Cobalt Gaunts, 10 mantles.

If he has the mace it shows so you can get all excited, and if he hits for 142 - 147 he has the mantle. (When he had the mace he hit alot harder)

An excellent camp,

Basho Matsuo
51 Champion
# Sep 03 2001 at 6:25 PM Rating: Default
I was wondering if a level 45 druid or 46(need 1more bub till 46) could group for the capt'n. BTW warriors all you warriors... stop complaining! You sound like babies and its much more harder for casters/pure casters in EQ with leveling and all than you think.
RE: question
# Jan 29 2002 at 2:58 AM Rating: Default
Shut up *****, Go KITE SOMETHING....noob
RE: question
# Feb 12 2002 at 6:58 AM Rating: Default
Well that was a witty and well thought out response.
Spawn Times
# Aug 25 2001 at 8:25 AM Rating: Decent
Does the Captain spawn at regular intervals or is it random. Also, does it have a place holder?
RE: Spawn Times
# Apr 18 2002 at 2:52 PM Rating: Default
I guess you could say he has a PH, but it doesn't really matter, because you'll be killing everything in the tower, all the time, and wishing they'd pop faster.

Teriuk Blackarrow
Warlord Teriuk Blackarrow
Morell-Thule (Erollisi Marr)
RE: Spawn Times
# Aug 31 2001 at 12:57 PM Rating: Default
Seems very random. Last night he popped twice in 10 minutes and then not again for 2 hours. Had the mantle both times, nothing else.

45 TSK
RE: Loot
# Aug 21 2001 at 2:02 PM Rating: Default
I Have Killed the Captain many, many times( over a long period of visits to KC)..he drops the Drolvarg Mantle a lot! Dropped Jade Mace once ( I won roll) and, until today, I have never seen the Cobold Gaunts drop. There were no Warriors in Group ( I am a MOnk) so we all rolled..I won them..:) They must be a VERY rare drop, like the blade he drops..
# Aug 20 2001 at 7:32 PM Rating: Default
Quit your whinin about losin class only armor... Ive been in KC 7 lvls never seen any class only armor or seen anything at all i could use(warrior). Once again i say: quit yer whinin.
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