The right/western spawn had two possibilties:
- "an iksar slave" that's indifferent to all (even my DE), gives no faction hits, drops nothing, not even coin, and when asked if they're Veltar, responds positively (note: NOT how the text above appears, I think that must be for the shaman version, since the skull you need is Digalis, not Veltar)
- "a crazed iksar slave" that is KoS to all, on Forsaken faction
The left/eastern spawn had two possibilities:
- "an enslaved iksar" who is for the SK Greenmist line, is extremely resistant to spells (even resisted a Lure from my 60 wizard more than once), gives a fairly hefty Cabilis merchant/guard faction hit, and drops nothing
- "an iksar slave" who seems to be on another Cabilis faction (my guess is Shaman, KoS to my DE) and started buffing himself immediately upon spawn, this is the one that dropped the skull
Levelwise they were all somewhere between 23 and 30.
Spawn time was significantly longer than the surrounding goblins, but still not too horrible, maybe 15 minutes or so.
Edited, Sep 20th 2023 1:12pm by UraniumAnchor