
a rare creature

Uploaded May 30th, 2017 by Bobbybick

A Mythical Giant Armadillo. Good luck achievement hunters.

  • This mob spawns at +6421, -1650, +52.

Categories: EverQuest | Templatized
This page last modified 2019-11-07 11:41:07.

Minimum Level: 12
Maximum Level: 15
Expansion: Original
NPC Added: 0000-00-00 00:00:00
NPC Last Updated: 2021-05-16 22:02:39

Known Habitats:
  North Ro

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# Jan 30 2001 at 3:04 PM Rating: Default
After reading all these posts, am i correct to assume nobody know's where or when he spawns. I've heard from several other places that he spawns just south of Derv 3. But I also heard spawn times of 5 hrs to 2 weeks (real time). Please, if you don't know for sure, don't put the fecking info up. This quest is hard enough as it is :)

If anyone does have guaranteed info, please leave a post. ;p
RE: What quest!
# Mar 04 2001 at 3:09 AM Rating: Default
You mention a quest in your narrative, is this the one that involves his hide. Me and my guild mates were in one of the towers for a guild meeting when he agro'd on our only guildy below 10. Of course there were like 12 people there and all but one were over 25 so we won. Got the hide, but whats it used for?

Aramoos Twofoottall
Halfling Druid
i got lucky
# Jan 23 2001 at 5:04 AM Rating: Decent
found him when he came near derv 1 he conned low so i killed him and took the shield. I thought it was really good and than later a friend of mine told me it was a very rare spawn.

Druid of the 21st Season
never seen either, til last night
# Dec 04 2000 at 7:09 PM Rating: Default
In all my everquest life, I had never seen this thing, nor really heard of it, but last night, while playing a newbie character of mine, he spawned. We were camping derv 2 and all of a sudden, on the hill behind, he popped. He only dropped armadillo hide though.
RE: never seen either, til last night
# Mar 02 2001 at 7:56 PM Rating: Decent
did you see where he popped?
That confounded hide of his
# Nov 12 2000 at 9:23 PM Rating: Default
Does anybody know what the hide is used for? ANY information would be greatly appreciated.
Very nice shield
# Nov 11 2000 at 12:53 AM Rating: Default
I was in North Ro, looking for Dunedigger when someone said they just killed him, so I wander over to where I thought he had fought and who do I see, Dunedigger, not even 5 minutes after the other guy killed him. He was hitting me for around 23 with a lot of double attacks, was blue con too, and he dropped the shield again(dropped for the first guy). I don't know why from what the stats are it doesn't make sense but with the shield my ac goes from 299 to 322, that's more than the 15 that the shield says. Might have something to do with the +9 sta, gives me 8hp, and the extra ac from nowhere is of course 8. Who knows.

13th season Erudite Shadow Knight
RE: Very nice shield
# Dec 24 2000 at 9:07 PM Rating: Default
sheesh!! ac is a rate or percent, not a fixed add.
an ac rating of +1 on an item can sometimes raise it 2 instead. all you people need to get your facts straight!!, by the way im not trying to be insulting, just telling it like it is, the truth can hurt sometimes!!
#Anonymous, Posted: Dec 24 2000 at 9:06 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) sheesh!! ac is a rate or percent, not a fixed add.
# Oct 31 2000 at 5:55 PM Rating: Default
From what I've seen, the shield can sell for up to 3k plat. I didn't belive a shield with these stats (15ac +9sta) could sell for that much but judging from how rare it is, it probably really is worth that much.
RE: Shield
# Jan 30 2001 at 3:10 PM Rating: Default
Its supposedly the third best ranger shield in the whole game, if i get it, I'm settling for no less than 3k. Gonna try and get a Wurm for it first though, hehehehehe!
spawn? good luck
# Oct 14 2000 at 11:10 PM Rating: Default
I come to you as a level 17 pally who spent much of his time in NRO. I have only seen and killed Rahotep once, and that was only because of my sense the dead spell. I worked and I worked and I worked on searching the desert for this beast Dunedigger, but to no avail. Sometimes I believe this beast to be retired as so many things that are worth your time and effort are in Everquest. I have asked about Dunedigger, and been only left with blank stares. I have befriended rangers to track the beast, and have never found it. As with a lot that I find the more I play the game, I believe that the only way to get a scute shield is to buy one, and they aren't auctioned commonly. Sometimes I think that they make the game too unrealistic. I finally was able to kill a guard, and all he had was a rusty short sword? How many characters can hit for 175 points of damage without something better? And the loot that some of the NPC"S give os ludicrous for the damage you take.
# Aug 30 2000 at 9:47 AM Rating: Default
Well, he spawns every 5 hours, 7am, 12am, 5pm, 10pm, 3am, 8am and so forth, Rahotep's I haven't figured out yet
# Oct 05 2000 at 4:04 PM Rating: Default
personally i think this is BS cos i've never seen him in nro, and i've virtually lived there for days, huntimg at derv3, waiting for his *** to pop out of the dunes. But to no avail, he spawns almost never i've spoken to people that have hunted him and they told me to give up cos he's such a rare spawn. but i'll keep trying, until he spawns, and knowing my luck he'll not drop the shield, don't hunt him unless you have an iron will and rock-hard patience!!
# Sep 03 2000 at 12:50 PM Rating: Default
have to say that is wrong and most players will say the same thing...When i was a newbie for about 13 lvls with 4 chars i have been there never saw him ...Then today running in there with my cheric i saw him..killed him canr rember the name of the sheild but 15ac +9str
# Dec 31 2000 at 8:08 PM Rating: Default
What do you mean, can't remember the name of the shield? It's listed right there on the same page you typed that post.
# Jan 15 2001 at 5:17 AM Rating: Default
haha yeah for real buddy....get w/ it!
Spawn Time
# Aug 28 2000 at 1:01 PM Rating: Default
I heard a rumor that Dunedigger and Rahotep spawn at midnight game time. I decided to check this out myself. I went the the area between the scarab tower and the other two buried grey towers there south of derv 2. I killed every orc warrior and mummy/zombie I could find until 12:00 AM game time. Bang !! Dunedigger pops right on top of the ridge between the two grey towers. I killed him and looted the hide : ( I have since tried the same tactic a couple times but no spawn of either MOB. So here I am with a hypothesis that seems legit but dragging a 'useless' hide around forever. hehe oh well
RE: Spawn Time and Jahl the ninja looter
# Sep 18 2000 at 3:46 PM Rating: Default
The Dunedigger dosent just spawn between those towers last night i was at derv 3 and it spawned right on top of us, about half way up the hill away from the derv camp. He droped the hide also. Didnt even see the hide hehe thanks to Jahl the ninja looter. By the way Jahl if your reading this J/K tell me for a group some time.
Scute Shield
# Aug 22 2000 at 11:39 AM Rating: Default
I had this shield once. Someone gave it to me when i was lvl 3. Its stats are 15ac +9 sta. A very nice shield. I got offers up to 200 pp.
RE: Scute Shield
# Nov 24 2000 at 2:48 PM Rating: Default
Um, if you sold it for 200pp, you got ripped. I have seen them sell for 5,000pp. Does he always drop the shield, or every other spawn? He spawns about once every 2 weeks and I camp him everyday but he never spawns. I want to know if I'm messing up my time.

Half Elf Ranger
13th arrow
Erollisi Marr
#Anonymous, Posted: Aug 22 2000 at 11:40 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post)
# Aug 13 2000 at 2:41 AM Rating: Default
i seen him near the dune whit the colapsed tower (near oasis zone)
i am high level rogue so he was pretty easy . he dropped the hide ... wish i knew what its for hehe
# Aug 12 2000 at 7:31 PM Rating: Decent
Saw this beast and thought: never seen one before think I'll kill him! Dropped the shield. Wonder how much it's worth??
Lucky me
# Aug 07 2000 at 9:21 AM Rating: Decent
Soandso shouts, "whos dunedigger"

I promptly wasted him. Close fight, I was level 12 or so at the time, he was yellow. Kited with about 3 bubs of mana, meleed the rest. He doubles for 14'ish. Got the shield. :) (He's more rare than Rahotep, btw.)
# Aug 06 2000 at 12:52 AM Rating: Decent
In a year, I've seen him once by Derv 3 North Ro. A bunch of people promptly surrounded and pummeled it.
# Aug 03 2000 at 6:40 AM Rating: Decent
I came across a dying man fight Dunedigger, I saved his life by finishing off the beast. I've only seen him that one time, he was right in front of Derv 3... He dropped only an Armadillo Hide... no shield..
# Jul 08 2000 at 10:41 AM Rating: Decent
Never seen this guy, but I just killed Rahotep last night (the other rare N. Ro spawn) and all I did was run around like a maniac killing every creature in the zone, then POP, there was Rahotep. I've hunted both these rare spawns for awhile, and the only sound advice I've gotten is that they both have placeholders that are common mobs and both will spawn near the Scarab Obelisk when they do finally pop. Clean that zone and you might get lucky....I did.
# Jul 06 2000 at 8:25 AM Rating: Decent
Does anyone know where he spawns? I have never seen him.Never.That goes the same for Rahotep
RE: Spawn
# Dec 28 2000 at 8:57 PM Rating: Good
I seen him just two days ago and my group killed him. I got pictures to prove it. Didn't drop the shield though, just some armadillo hide, which some rat ******* looted and wouldn't lemme see it. Very easy, saw him by derv 2. Took awhile to die.
# May 24 2000 at 10:15 AM Rating: Decent
also drop amadilio hide not sure what it is used for tho =(
# May 19 2000 at 4:33 AM Rating: Decent
The shield dropped is called "scute Shield" it's stats are AC +15, +9 Sta.
# May 02 2000 at 10:22 PM Rating: Decent
drops some excellent shield. forgot stats. called armadillo shell shield.
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