
a rare creature

Uploaded May 30th, 2017 by Bobbybick

A Mythical Giant Armadillo. Good luck achievement hunters.

  • This mob spawns at +6421, -1650, +52.

Categories: EverQuest | Templatized
This page last modified 2019-11-07 11:41:07.

Minimum Level: 12
Maximum Level: 15
Expansion: Original
NPC Added: 0000-00-00 00:00:00
NPC Last Updated: 2021-05-16 22:02:39

Known Habitats:
  North Ro

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# Feb 21 2002 at 10:19 PM Rating: Decent
Maybe he spawns like someother named creatures like Terrorantula. Maybe if someone killed a WHOLE lot of normal armadillos he would spawn. Worth a try
# Feb 19 2002 at 3:43 PM Rating: Default

I ran into Dunedigger last night on the Xegony server while running to Oasis. It aggroed on me, so I killed it. All I got off of it was a armadillo hide. As of last night, I was a lvl 20 paladin. I didn't have any trouble killing it.

#Anonymous, Posted: Feb 19 2002 at 1:52 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Saw this animal last night with my 12 SK ....HT him cause I was low n life and he fell....Dropped that ***** hide and no sheild God damnit....WTF Is the hide for?
# Jan 18 2002 at 8:55 AM Rating: Decent
202 posts
For anyone doubting if this guy still pops, he does. I ran into him yesterday on Luclin server. Very green to a 39 chanter (of course)and he had the shield.
RE: Update
# Jan 19 2002 at 8:24 PM Rating: Decent
Yep, he still pops, after playing the game for over a year and a half, I had never seen him til the other day, unfortunately someone beat me to him, but he still roams nro.
#Anonymous, Posted: Jan 17 2002 at 5:38 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) I am on the Soluesk Ro server and am a lvl 1 Wood Elf Ranger and would like to know if anyone could help me out giving it to me or buy selling it to me for about 15pp......I would GREATLY appreciate it.
RE: Please....
# Feb 27 2002 at 4:33 PM Rating: Default
LOL, 15pp? but i suppose there's no harm in asking...
no shield
# Jan 11 2002 at 4:39 PM Rating: Decent
I just killed this weenie. My level 13 mage had no problem at all. Con blue to me, spawned south of the lone tower.

Fuiaf 13th lvl mage
# Dec 29 2001 at 12:36 PM Rating: Default
Hi i am a lvl-8 Rogue . My Game name is Solja on Morell-Thule Server . There were 2 COUNT em 2 of those sheilds at the Boomba the Big Vendor in W.Freeport about 2 days ago . Very pricey , i bought one . =) dunno if that other one is still there . I highly doubt it !
Exact Loc of Spawn?
# Nov 02 2001 at 3:46 PM Rating: Default
I am gunna start to track the zone. Please tell me where the spawn loc is. And is it absolutely true that this thing only spawns once a game year?
# Oct 22 2001 at 7:36 PM Rating: Default
killed on bristlebane two days ago on my monk twink, near water side about to zone into the oasis...Not jan 1st, October 20th. Dropped a armidillo hide, unlike the ones the regular Armadill's drop, it wasnt stackable and was 0.0 weight.

Starmata- 60th Warlord
Deelorn - 48th Neroid
Starmattaa - 19th monk
Ring of Valor
#Anonymous, Posted: Oct 12 2001 at 9:55 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) I have been told not to give away the entire quest, but I am permitted to tell you this much: Speak with the dragon who lives in the ice of the old world, for she keeps a vast collection of treasures never yet seen by mortal eyes. Good luck ;)~
RE: Armadillo hide, The use of
# Dec 13 2001 at 12:31 PM Rating: Default
you are seriously FULL OF IT!
# Oct 03 2001 at 4:47 PM Rating: Default
My lvl 11 shadow knight had no problem taking this thing out. I had a druid buff on me and my pet. Together we killed him and i had a little less than half my health left. When i killed him he was near derv 3( the one next to the wall)

My name is ener and i am now a lvl 12 shadow knight on the Drinal Server.
# Sep 19 2001 at 12:58 AM Rating: Decent
Okay some starting info...
I'm a 29 Druid
I play on Vazaelle

Now i found him on my Track (so yes he does appear on tracking) and recognized him as an incredibly rare spawn. When i found him he is at what i assume is his spawn point.

Do you know the tower near the mid/back of the zone, with the door at the bottom? He spawned near it up the dunes that surrond it on the North side.

It was around 5ish or so central time when i got him.

It was day time in EQ (guestimating around late mourning, noonish)

He was EASY at 29. Only took 1 creep crud and 1 combust. I let him linger a bit so i could get some screenshots.

He dropped the shield for me. Pretty nice sheild. Now adorns my human SK alt.
# Sep 12 2001 at 7:36 PM Rating: Default
anyone know what time dunedigger spawns?looking at these posts it seems the time depends on what server you're on.also,can this guy be tracked?thanx for the help
Saw it once...
# Sep 10 2001 at 2:49 PM Rating: Default
I saw him once, on Karana Server. It was my necro and 2 other necros. We all had pets, so it was quite fun to watch it die :) It killed 2 and almost got a third, but we didn't get scratched. It was lvl 12 for sure, because i had a lvl 9, red, and to the 10 it was yellow. All it droped was a skin, worth 1pp to the vender.
# Sep 08 2001 at 4:05 PM Rating: Default
i was hunting dervs when he came right up to our group, hits in the 20s, and all he dropped was some food thing and a hide.. i guess im just unlucky(
# Aug 28 2001 at 8:51 AM Rating: Default
would a level 15 war and 15 shamen beable to take this thing plz let me know or give me a tell

auragil 15 level war
the nameless
# Aug 19 2001 at 3:08 AM Rating: Default
i was fighting a scarab and when i finished it off this guy came up behind me and whacked me pretty hard i put up a good fight but it was a futile effort. I was only lvl 8 monk :(

12 monk
Druzzil Ro

28 ranger
Armadillo thingy
# Aug 11 2001 at 11:59 PM Rating: Default
Yo,this is Pindawen and I play on the Solusek Ro server.Last night I saw that Dunedigger as I was running past the south side of Derv 3 it was around midnight.I didnt fight it because Im only lvl 10 pally.Can someone sell me that sheild??
#Anonymous, Posted: Aug 05 2001 at 3:50 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) What is so great about this sheild.Its not all that great it only gives 15ac and 9sta like thats anything great i have a way better sheild so why waist ur time trying to loot this sheild when u could be lvling.
RE: What is so great
# Aug 11 2001 at 7:43 AM Rating: Good
We don't care if you're a twinked char. It's good anyways think of all the extra HP it'll give one at 10+!
#Anonymous, Posted: Aug 01 2001 at 8:07 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) I just stuck my finger behind my ear and rubed there then sniffed my finger and it stunk bad like your **** might smell. thats my 2 cents
# Jul 28 2001 at 2:35 AM Rating: Default
Now i'm not for sure if he spawned or not didn't actually see him but someone said they killed him right before i zoned into N Ro. I typed time in real fast and it was May 5th 1 AM EQ time. this was acouple of days ago. Once again though not sure if he spawned because i didn't actually see him.
# Jul 25 2001 at 8:17 AM Rating: Default
Dunedigger spawned last night around 8:00PM CST in RL. Don't know what date/time in game. Myself, 11 Necro and my partner, 11 Cleric killed it easily with my pet helping. Dropped the shield.
Dune dogger's real spawn time
# Jul 16 2001 at 3:28 PM Rating: Default
Ok I see all you guys are confused, Dunedigger spawn january 1st eq time, that's once a year for you math prodigies =P but yes, it's right behind derv 3 not sure on the time omn january first but always jan first eq time. Good hunting and WTF is this hide for? lol
RE: Dune dogger's real spawn time
# Sep 19 2001 at 1:00 AM Rating: Default
Guys i just killed him and it was NOT jan 1st EQ time.
RE: Dune dogger's real spawn time
# Aug 26 2001 at 2:14 PM Rating: Default
I'm not so certain of this spawn time of Jan 1st. He spawned in NRo at approximately mid-August game time. Right now, it is August 28 game time and he spawned about 4 hours ago.
RE: Dune dogger's real spawn time
# Aug 25 2001 at 7:47 PM Rating: Decent
Well I camped with a guildmate at Derv3 with good LOS all around all day January 1 EQ time and no Dunedigger. SuZek server :\
RE: Dune dogger's real spawn time
# Aug 19 2001 at 8:17 AM Rating: Default
yes jan first EQ time but the hour is random which means he spawns any time of day on jan first EQ time. one more thing he loves to pop right behind you and hit you from behind.
# Jul 14 2001 at 8:50 AM Rating: Default
what ever happened to widow mites? i saw one a year ago and ahven't seen one since, have they stopped spawing or something?
:( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :(
# Jul 13 2001 at 9:44 PM Rating: Default
I am a level 15 mage.I think i was level 11 when i found out about this mob.I have tried to find this guy for about a week,IRL.I REALLY want that shield!someone,please sell or trade it it to me.i'm on eci,if you have the shield,i have a backpack full of fs weapons or i can buy it.if this guy can be tracked,please post.
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