
a rare creature

Uploaded July 24th, 2007
Updated December 29th, 2019

This named crocodile is much tougher than the regulars on the beach of the desert. He is usually taken down within seconds of his spawn.

Category: EverQuest
This page last modified 2008-01-02 15:01:36.

Level: 25
Expansion: Original
Post Comment
# Aug 22 2001 at 5:08 PM Rating: Default
It is not the best untill planear armour the damn small scarb piece does more!!!!

One very pissed off halfing
what fun
# Aug 19 2001 at 8:30 PM Rating: Default
lol i do swords of runes on orc pawns they proc 50dd beats up noob real nice
# Aug 18 2001 at 2:55 PM Rating: Decent
622 posts
Is this guy a triggered spawn?
# Aug 15 2001 at 3:34 PM Rating: Decent
Does anyone have the /loc on his spawn point????
Killed him
# Aug 15 2001 at 12:51 PM Rating: Default
Once when I was getting help from a higher level friend LJ spawned and we killed it, I got the Lj Hide Vest and I am still trying to sell the stupid thing!! :)
# Jul 24 2001 at 5:46 AM Rating: Default
i was in a group with 2 outhers we jest killed was meding up i was a lvl 12 chanter with pet up book in face next thing i know i get bit my pet atacks it me and my group watched it as anouther player started in on it but turns out my group got the exp and staff it droped
Respawn ?
# Jul 16 2001 at 6:29 AM Rating: Default
How often did the Lockjaw respawn on a day ?
# Jul 11 2001 at 5:39 PM Rating: Default
Today, not 2 hours ago, on Vaz... he popped 4 times in under 40 min.

I'm not kidding you. I killed him with the aid of a good friend 3 times, have all 3 screen shots, and he popped a 4th time (between my 2 and 3 kill)

Cleric of Innoruuk
trying to figure out what the hell he's gonna do with 3 mnk/dru vests
# Jul 23 2001 at 3:43 AM Rating: Decent
I believe you when you say that. Yesterday i was in Oasis with some lower level guild members just helping em out and hanging around. I heard someone shout Lockjaw at Docks, so for the fun of it i ran up and killed him. He was green but gave me a shred of exp. Dropped the vest. Then 10 minutes later i heard another shout, Lockjaw at Docks. So i ran and killed him again, dropped the vest. I wanted the Crook so i just gave these vests out to druids using leather / splitpaw. So it is possible that they spawned 4 times in 40 minutes.

Fauzen Majere <Deus ex Militi>
29th Wizard - Solusek Ro
Mithaniel Marr Server
# Jul 17 2001 at 8:39 AM Rating: Decent
I would be more than happy to take one of those vests off your hands :) Are you on the Innoruuk server, or just a Cleric of Innoruuk on a different server?
I killed him
# Jul 03 2001 at 10:21 PM Rating: Default
Fwi i soloed Lock Jaw at lv 20 you just have to play it right!!!!
Also he does still drop the Croc i have 1 it is great.
Lv 27 druid human
Gatorsmash maul
# Jul 03 2001 at 1:43 AM Rating: Default
I have heard he drops a gatorsmash maul and not the glowing wooden crook now the is after velious i dont know how old these post are thoe

Healintaz Lifebringer 30th cleric
Shadowtazz 13th Shadowknight
Singintaz 10th bard
Jeta 8th monk
Liltaz 5th warrior
Wolftamer 4 druid
Big Gee
# Jun 20 2001 at 5:02 AM Rating: Default
I remember one vague night where i was minding my own business slaughtering DW crocs in a blood bath of fury and rage when big o LockJaw (which i think is a medical condition) starts attacking me,what do i do? fight it? run to zone? no you run by a noob and let it argo them and laugh your butt off at the site of that nob head in that big mouth.

Also one day someone killed LJ and left his bod there. Like me and 4 other guys were trying to get the loot and i got it first. I see the LJ vest. IM so happy that i get that vest. I click to loot it. What happens next? BANG! inv full it brings me outta loot screen and someone else gets it.

Moral of the story? what comes around goes around and i payed for training LJ to the n00b
# Jun 19 2001 at 4:53 PM Rating: Decent
Whis is it that the Iskar are hated by all I mean every Iskar i ran into is Nice Excppet 1 In CB theres alot of Iskars KS for faction but I rna into like 80 iskars that have helped me out and I wonder why they hated by all there to cool.
what does this have to do with LJ?
# Aug 11 2001 at 12:03 AM Rating: Decent
RE: what does this have to do with LJ?
# Aug 17 2001 at 9:34 PM Rating: Default
I disagree. CHOMP CHOMP AHHHHHHHHHH! Iksar are best i think. They are alot stronger fster and they look scarier too. Plus go look up at our deity and ull be scared *********
Correction to mob description
# Jun 10 2001 at 12:46 PM Rating: Default
Uhm, the mob description says that the hide tunic 'has the best AC a druid can get before planar gear' ... not true at all; far more common, and far less expensive is the Brown Chitin Protector from SolB - 13AC +9 STA AGI & DEX. Can buy one on Xev for about 400pp
RE: Correction to mob description
# Sep 28 2001 at 2:03 PM Rating: Decent
also much nicer is the cured tizmak surcoat off tizmaks in gd ac15 +7 vs magic.
RE: Correction to mob description
# Jun 23 2001 at 1:27 AM Rating: Decent
I have a Brown Chitin Protector on my druid, you got all the stats correct except AC. It is AC 12
My Story
# May 28 2001 at 8:42 PM Rating: Default
I was a sophomore at a small, Midwestern university and I always believed that the stories in here were made up but then .... it happened to me! Sorry, wrong forum.

I want to relate a brief story. I was a level 18 barb warrior fighting in Oasis when something wonderful happened. I was on my way to the bank in FP when i crested the hill just north of the docks and saw a female caster ripping up LJ, singlehandedly. There was no-one else nearby and I decided to watch. She very quickly cleaned his clock, knelt by him, and then ran off.

His corpse remained after she ran off so I thought to myself that maybe, possibly, she might have left something juicy on him. I gave her a tell and asked her if I could loot him. She said 'Sure.' I am convinced this politeness was the catalyst for the events that followed.

I quickly looted and found....halfling parts. Hehe. I was a little disappointed but beggars can't be choosers, so i wasn't upset. As I was about to finish the looting my trade window opened! A tunic appeared in it and a split-second later The Lady said to me: Looking for this? A quick inspect showed it to be the vest. I stammered a bit and finally agreed that it was indeed what I had been looking for.

She then asked me if I was a warrior. When I responded in the affirmative there was a pause (I was trying to figure out why she asked me my class) .... then my trade window opened again. And in the window was a Short Sword of the Yakesha. At the time I didn't know what it was exactly, but knew it was something special.

Her name was Krystal. My name is Bokken. I am currently a 26th Warrior on Tholuxe Paells.
KSing vs Helping!
# May 14 2001 at 8:21 AM Rating: Default
My necro was in oasis when LJ spawned last night, noone was in a group but about 8 of us ALL jumped to help the 1 poor b'stard who he decided to eat!

At the end the guy who got xp looted and got the LJ vest at which point he suggested we ALL /random it as everyone played a part (I nearly killed meself keeping him alive with dark empathy) unfortunately igot a 6 so lost but hey.. guess the point is as long as loot goes to the right place with these big guys we ALL welcome help sometimes!

Oh an i usually kill the mob and then kill the lighty if its one of those pinkies in trouble



14th level necromancer

And really finally YES at 14 LJ DID resist all my spells!
#Anonymous, Posted: May 02 2001 at 10:13 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Okay, maybe this is a bit late, but id like to get my point across. I dont mind KSing!!! I have had people KS me a lot, and it is very, very annoying, ive even had ppl heal the things i was fighting on 2 seperate occasions (i guess all you good clerics and paladins dont like trollies much, do you? buncha amoral racists) but really, KSing is kindof necessary, when someone makes you angry, you challenge them to a duel and they refuse, there isnt much else you can do, except maybe KS them, sadly, GMs tend to kick you off for this practice, so I have not yet put my theory into effect
# Apr 25 2001 at 4:36 AM Rating: Default
A sweet halfling priest and I (lvl 18 and 19) killed him twice 2 days ago (with a little help). He dropped the staff, the vest and some meat from halflings, trolls and more. Is this meat for a quest?
# Apr 23 2001 at 11:27 PM Rating: Default
Hail! I am a druid of the 18th and last night (april 22nd) I kited this *******. There were about 15 people in zone and i was grgouped with 1 warrior (18) and a bard (19). Well some newbie group pulled him to the beach so we took him seeing how theyd be creamed (The accused us of spawn stealing! A 4 man group of 9 -12!) Well the druid and bard melee'd with the druid twisting dmg/heal/buff songs while i healed (Had clarity 2 from a passing enchanter) as well as throwing the (almost always resisted) nuke at him, oh and i ALWAYS kept stinging swarm on him, never resisted it once :). Anyway about 6 minutes later with both tanks at about 1 and a half bubbles of life, he dropped. It was a hard fight, and took a long time but it was worth it. And i won the roll on the vest! *waves goodbye to his leather tunic* Bye leather Tunic!

Wood elvel druid of the 18th season
RE: Llaina
# Apr 24 2001 at 7:48 AM Rating: Default
um Clarity 2 has a minimum lvl of somewhere in the 40s not sure exact lvl. i tried to cast it on the lower lvls in my guild to help them and i couldnt get it on anyone who conned green to me at lvl 54 which is around lvl 40 maybe higher not sure offhand

Auedaar Mystique of Forgotten Shadows
55th Beguiler
Druzzil Ro
Place holder
# Apr 21 2001 at 6:25 AM Rating: Good
Was In oasis a few weaks ago killing crocs and working on my bind wound, was hacking away on a croc, it started to run so I chased it down the second I killed it I turned around and saw Lock Jaw drop outa the sky. Befor I could shout that LJ was up the poor Gnome who was minding his own biz was gobbled in one bite.
I know I shouldent Laugh but it still cracks me up the memory of that little guy turning around and LJ was in his face. Didn't even slow him down.
Thats one hungery croc.
# Apr 20 2001 at 4:31 AM Rating: Default
he also has a rare drop which is a glowing wooden crook its ok beter then the vest in my opinion

lvl 29 mag. of drainal
Spawn LOC plz
# Apr 04 2001 at 2:21 PM Rating: Default
WHere can i find one?
RE: Spawn LOC plz
# Apr 10 2001 at 7:19 PM Rating: Default
By the dox and between the little hut and the hill is where he spawns.
RE: Spawn LOC plz
# Apr 05 2001 at 8:39 PM Rating: Decent
I realize that this ansewer is vague but the times I have seen LJ it has been south of the the docks, north of the inn and on the ocean side of spectre isle.
RE: Spawn LOC plz
# Sep 02 2001 at 9:53 AM Rating: Default
He spawn 2 times in less than an hour near the first columm in the water, south of dock.

Ihar Clayman ( Clan of Wisdom )
Lanys Server.
RE: Spawn LOC plz
# Sep 24 2001 at 1:52 AM Rating: Default
Had him spawn near my 13-16 party near the North Ro zone line on the beach. Nearly killed one of our Barbarian warriors.
Ksing vs helping out
# Feb 03 2001 at 3:11 AM Rating: Good
I am a 19 Paladin and saw a mob of about 8 or 9 people on him. I took note of the situation and who he was attacking. I noted that the person he was attacking would not last much longer so I started healing him with lay hands ready just in case. As it turns out the person saw My healing(which is always free to anyone as are my cures) and rewarded me with the Lj vest. It seems that healing and buffing someone to help them out would outweigh stealing their kill. Just something to think about.
RE: Ksing vs helping out
# Mar 10 2001 at 2:39 PM Rating: Default
The way you did it is being commended throughout the game. As I tend to do just that, heal, when helping out; it's greatly appritaited, however it's rarely recipricated. As twice now the guy I healed watch the mob take me out; Wish we had more Altruism in Norrath; Spiritwolfe Silverheart Morrel-Thule
RE: Ksing vs helping out
# Mar 31 2001 at 11:10 PM Rating: Decent
I really did not expect this much of response :) While it is true that My method does not repay itself very often but it is not for repayment that I help people. First I am a paladin and try to maintain a higher standard that is sometimes difficult to maintain. If someone wishes to repay Me I usually ask them to help someone in need when they have the chance. In response to some of the posts below: I have seen both races and classes of darker bends helping out as well and have had a number of them even save My butt a time or two. Also, it is true that rangers and paladins are limited in their healing abilities, we paladins at least have cure poison, cure disease and Lay Hands all three of which can save a life. If mana is gone I will ask before I engage in combat with the creature they are fighting but that is only after I am oom. Granted this tactic is difficult for mana challanged classes such as warriors and rogues.
RE: Ksing vs helping out
# Feb 05 2001 at 12:43 PM Rating: Good
190 posts
Couldn't have put it better myself. The coast of Oasis is crowded enough without having to put up with all the KSing that goes on there. I'm sure some of it is unintentional but for the most part, seems the people looking out for just themselves far outnumber those looking to help out fellow hunters. Kudos Sarlin....
RE: Ksing vs helping out
# Jul 17 2001 at 8:07 PM Rating: Default
When I see someone soloin a mob I just click on the person, check thier health, then click on the mob. If its obvious thier gonna die, I just start slashin. If theres time, I'll ask if they need help, and if the mobs below half health I don't even hesitate, they'll get the xp even if I kill it.

Lamder Icestryyker
34 Warrior
Rodcet Nife
RE: Ksing vs helping out
# Jul 18 2001 at 11:08 AM Rating: Default
I don't do that anymore. The last time I saved someone, they told me that they were going to report me for KSing.

Terris Thule
RE: Ksing vs helping out
# Feb 24 2001 at 8:40 PM Rating: Default
I couldn't agree more. I think the same goes everywhere in Norrath you travel. KSing just does not pay. You will only anger potential friends and create enemies. Helping is a much better way to go about it. If you are rewarded, great, if not, big deal. You helped someone in need and someday that favor will be returned upon you. I spend a good portion of my time healing players and casting buffs.

Sienea (still no last name)
20th season Hafling Druid
Xegony Server
RE: Ksing vs helping out
# Mar 28 2001 at 11:49 PM Rating: Default
But leave us not forget that we are playing an alter-ego. My Iksar SK may not have a problem KS'ing from some stinking human, while my Halfling Druid would indubitably stand by and heal. True, my Ik would not be well liked, but it is in his nature (if he was on a race-war server, he'd wait til you were almost dead, kill you then KS). He'd be a hero amongst his fellows.
RE: Ksing vs helping out
# Jun 23 2001 at 1:35 AM Rating: Decent
Some people would object and not agree with me, or this Iksar, but I think that if you play an iksar, by ALL means play it as an iksar...hate everyone. It IS in the rules that any torment is legal as long as it is still within what is considered, "Role-Playing." Also, KSing is not illegal by any means. Just isn't very nice. I do not KS, but if I played an Iksar, I can't say that I wouldnt openly KS. that's just my thoughts.
RE: Ksing vs helping out
# Apr 04 2001 at 10:54 AM Rating: Decent
That excuse is a bunch of BS - "I'm playing an evil race so I have a right to be an A-hole" - problem is that no-one else can play "in character" and run you through when you "play your alighnment." If you want to be a SOB because your character would act that way, then I suggest that you move your "roleplaying" over to a PvP server where you'll be served up a true "roleplaying" experience.
RE: Ksing vs helping out - Oops
# Mar 28 2001 at 11:54 PM Rating: Default
My wife just corrected me on my last post. I'm glad that I haven't put these ideas into practice. For my Ik, I guess I should wait 'til you die, then finish what you started. Hope I didn't ruffle too many feathers, there (what are Aviaks doing reading these posts anyway?)
RE: Ksing vs helping out - Oops
# Apr 04 2001 at 11:03 AM Rating: Decent
Yes - I so much more prefer someone to let my character die, lose XP, have to make a long CR trip and have what I was fighting KS's anyway - that's even more amoral than just KSing it outright.
RE: Ksing vs helping out - Oops
# Apr 04 2001 at 11:02 AM Rating: Decent
Yes - I so much more prefer someone to let my character die, lose XP, have to make a long CR trip and have what I was fighting KS's anyway - that's even more amoral than just KSing it outright.
RE: Ksing vs helping out - Oops
# Mar 29 2001 at 10:48 AM Rating: Decent
80 posts
I'm a Ranger and help others any chance I get. Unfortunatly my heals don't do that much good unless those that need it are low levels fighting low level mobs. I use snare or grasping roots the aid others in battle, or I SoW the person. There are times however when those options are not practical to save a person and the only way to help them is to jump in and assist in the slaying. Normaly I'ld ask first unless the delay would be fatal. What I'm trying to say is that It all depends on the situation and quick thinking is the key.
#Anonymous, Posted: Jan 02 2001 at 4:21 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) I have killed this guy quite a few time, dropped the GWC once, the vest all other times. It seems that all rules are off regarding this guy as everyone in the zone starts beating on him when he appears, so blast away!
I saw him once
# Nov 27 2000 at 2:38 PM Rating: Default
I saw him run EVERYONE out of the zone, I being a mage of the 16th season at the time followed him, didn't get the kill but saw a hoard of LvL 15 people attack him and miss miss miss miss miss. he chased them away, I typed a backslash and i was the only one there.
Now I'm of My 30th season, wanna kill him but he dies the moment I see him, what makes him spawn?

Necromancer Takes Revenge
# Oct 31 2000 at 12:38 PM Rating: Default
I was happly hunting the crocs and caimens when all of a sudden I see a shout msg "Drynnor watch out LJ" LJ? I thought hmm must be a Lighty I think, so I get up looking around I see the last few remaining HPs on my skelli snuff out and the LJ is still hungry and I was next. Being scared and all I panic and run although I was relatively low on HP myself it only takes a bite to reduce me to a crawl.....
Mins later I respawn at Pillar1 and I see the LJ again full belly with me in it and big grin of satisfaction. All this happend when I was in my youthful teens.
Now Lvl 39 I gave the honor to my pet to eat him. Even got a vest off of him and halfing parts,hmmm. Must of ate before I got there.

Drynnor DarkHear
DarkElf Necromancer 39
Ascendants of Miragul
Vallon Zek
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