

Uploaded December 6th, 2012 by Railus

You say, 'Hail, Vkjor'

Vkjor says, 'Greetings, Human. Welcome to the great arena of Kael Drakkel. I am Vkjor, master of the arena. The games begin and end when I wish them to. Gladiators train themselves year round to entertain the populace of Kael. Have you come to watch, or is there something else I can help you with?'

You say, 'I have come to watch'

Vkjor says, 'Well then, if you present me with a ticket I might consider having a few gladiators come forth and fight.'

You say, 'there is something else'

Vkjor says, 'What is it you need? Do you wish to be a gladiator or something along those lines? I do not allow your kind to fight in the arena, I am sorry to say. It is a sacred place for the children of Zek. If you wish to hone your battle skills, however, I do have several things I need taken care of.'

You say, 'What do you need taken care of?'

Vkjor says, 'I have several things which must be dealt with. However I must know if you are capable of the tasks before I send you off. Do you fight like an ice wurm or a dragon?'

You say, 'I fight like an ice wurm'

Vkjor says, 'Very well, young one. A friend of mine named Graktar recently traveled to Ice clad in search of the remains of his brother, Vkalth. Please take this note to Graktar and assist him in his search. Return to me when you have news of his fate.'

You say, 'I fight like a dragon'

Vkjor says, 'If you fight like a dragon, I suppose destroying one might not be that hard for you. Several years ago, Nevederia led a flight of dragons to defile the Temple of Rallos Zek. We beat them back to the skies but not without our losses.'

This page last modified 2019-09-08 18:20:12.

Level: 97
Expansion: Rain of Fear
NPC Added: 2012-12-06 11:48:01
NPC Last Updated: 2019-08-03 20:37:48
Factions Increased:
  Apparitions of Fear
  Iceshard Manor
Factions Decreased:
  Dragon Death Keep

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