Yngaln the Frozen  

a rare creature

Uploaded March 10th, 2013 by Loweball
Updated March 11th, 2013

Categories: Templatized | EverQuest
This page last modified 2018-12-13 00:36:36.

Level: 101
Expansion: Rain of Fear
Effects Used:Frozen Barrier
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I suspect any "a frost giant captain" is a PHer?
# Dec 06 2018 at 8:09 AM Rating: Good
3,024 posts
I got him just northwest of the orc fort, near the one-way exit from Crystal Cavern.

Loc is -3124. 1122.

Magelo shows him spawning at several spots right around here. Interestingly, Magelo shows NO spawns at the locs provided in another post here, which is around/inside the giant fort to the west. Which makes me wonder if EQ moved this named's spawn spots at some time...

Curiouser and curiouser.

This zone is SO big that druid tracking can't come close to covering the whole zone. I was lucky to find him where I did because I had stopped checking that general area once I was done with Crystal Cavern. Moral is "assume nothing", I guess.
Sippin 115 DRU **** Firiona Vie ****Agnarr
FV: 115 WAR ENC CLE MAG WIZ SHD SHM Master Alchemist ROG Master Tinkerer & Poison-Maker
Master Artisan (300+) * Baker * Brewer * Fletcher * Jeweler * Potter * Researcher * Smith * Tailor
# May 11 2016 at 2:07 PM Rating: Decent
40 posts
i can confirm that he spawn at
P -1310.8231, 3353.2146, 255.4815, 127, 0, 0, 2, Yngaln_the_Frozen
P -1128.5681, 3122.6614, 223.5883, 127, 0, 0, 2, Yngaln_the_Frozen
P -1249.9794, 3570.5708, 194.7695, 127, 0, 0, 2, Yngaln_the_Frozen
Have fun kill lots... it's a game lol

Duramater 88 Mage E,Marr
Auibe 84 Paladin E,Marr
Auguz 87 Shaman E,Marr
# Jul 19 2014 at 9:25 PM Rating: Decent
82 posts
Yngaln's Frozen Wampum
Lesser Dreadmote
Fear Touched Tunic
Another PH
# Apr 01 2014 at 10:19 PM Rating: Decent
211 posts
In addition to the middle captain in that location, he popped tonight on the right (northmost) spot. He can probably spawn in any of those three captain spots, so be sure to clear all 3 of them to increase chance of seeing him.
Buanu Connoy
Champions of Norrath
# May 11 2013 at 2:49 PM Rating: Good
He dropped Fear Touched Arms for me today
Spawn Point?
# Apr 06 2013 at 2:37 PM Rating: Decent
I have heard this named spawns from one of the three captains near the orc forc in the center of the zone, but I have yet to confirm it.
Spawn Point?
# Apr 07 2013 at 3:10 PM Rating: Decent
32 posts
saw this post and decided to go see if he does spawn from 1 of the 3 there and he did, popped where the middle of the 3 was
Spawn Point?
# Apr 08 2013 at 12:54 PM Rating: Decent
Thanks. I will try my luck again this weekend.
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