Today i was kiting Cougers in IC until i dinged 36, experience was getting slow i decided to go kite some spirocs. They are very easy for a bard to kite it just takes some time. i kited 19 of them and 40% exp it was great i dinged 37 in no time. I'll be kiting these guys til mid 40's most likely )
Just want to clarify a couple of things here, since i wished someone would have done this for me.
First I strongly suggest the sow potion, it is a great idea, this will run you roughly 60-120pp depending on server, but will eliminate the need to twist songs and will alow you to concentrate on your circles more, (this will be a highly needed skill as you get higher if you want to continue to solo kite)
Second this is going to be a guide / list of what i did, and what i have shown several bards on the stromm server and all have enjoyed this.
So to start this you need sow, regardless of how you get it, always refresh just before you pull so you are certain it will not wear out before the kite is done.
****WARNING spiroc Proven backstab for 220-380hps
OK to start this one i did this....
First equip your flute and sing invis, then run up to the top of the aviary. Now at the top stand on the ramp and face the building entrance. Now fire up Levitate, as soon as the spiroc charges you from inside the building, turn and run all the way around the building at the top to arg the ones on the platforms and in the building, once you make it back to your ramp that you came up, head back down this will pull all of the chickens in the aviary. When you hit land run around the aviary till you see the sea, now out in the ocean there is a bird house up on a pillar, run towards it (lev is still going) and when you get close target the single chicken in the coop and hit him once with chant of flame, then switch back to lev and head back to dry land. now run toward the mountain and head halfway up it, from there run like you were headed to the raft, as you pass the birdcage on a post stop and chant it too, now fire up heal song ( stops hurting the chicken so they all drop at same time and heals what little damage you have taken) and head to level part on beach near aviary where you can run in circles. Now you have all of the spirocs that you want in your train, find a semi level area and hit numlock and F9 four times quickly, this will keep you runnin and switch to an above / behind view, (so you can see the circles you run in.)Now fire up Denon's Disruptive Discord (with brass equiped) and run in circles. When only the last spiroc is standing he will try to run, chain him and dot to death. Wait for repop and rinse and repeat. The Spirocs will take you up to level 47 or 52 before tooo many of them start turning Light Blue, then it is time to go to Raptors which will get you to 60 with patience.
Now for some helpfull hints i have picked up and will share with you.
1. create a macro as follows Line 1= /stopsong Line 2= /pause 25, /cast 1 (one being heal ) Line 3= /stopsong Line 4= /pause 25, /cast 2 (two being DDD) 2. place this macro on hotkey 3. now if you ever get hit, just hit this key several times and you no longer have to twist, the macro does it for ya, and you are back to full health.
Next For those of you just learning to AE kite, or that have never tried cougars i STRONGLY reccomend only pullin 2-4 spirocs your first couple times till you get the handle on things.
I hope this helps fellow bards, if you ever need assistance my game name is TAIISIEN on the Stromm server, just send a tell.
today i was quadding spirocs, when one of the provens got low around 20% i got a message something like "A spiroc proven begins using a spiroc watcher as a living shield!" and then when it died it said "A spiroc watcher stops protecting a spiroc proven." anyone got a clue what it means?
the last couple of days, i've been soloing here with my bard ... What i've done, is that i have pulled the entire aviary, about 15 parrots ... It takes time, but at lvl 47, it gives about half a yellow pr. round ... :)
Ok, here's what I have found with spirocs, the lightfoots have about 2k hp's, provens have about 2500 and watchers are in between... you can pull any singly except from inside 2nd hut, so long as you are carefull. Xp till 51 is super, especially quadding. At 51 with KEI you should be able to do 8 to 12 per full bar of mana, however you should stick to 8 or 9 at a time (9 for a double simply becus they don't all have the same hp's and you waiste less mana) Night before last I and another 51 druid were here each pulling 11 and 12 at a time while the other medded, by full mana there would be enough to do it again, so if there is more then 1 person camping here work together there spawn rate has gotten faster and you'll find by helping eachother you have more fun, someone to talk to and may even get a partner for hunting umbral plains later =) Also just to warn people who are planning to hunt here the warriors are shammies and are a seriouse pain when they root you dot you up and start to melee you like a tank... they spawn on the hill ocean side and do not wander.
I have been doing these birds for two days now am alm 54 and plan to do them till 55 i use the Snare then root them then Dot them with breath of ro and wringed death they die about 2 mins later. im able to pul 7 this way but dont forget kei or it will be real slow.
Been quadding these babies since 44. Just hafta know where to pull singles and where doubles. They resist snare very rarely, they resist lightning strike pretty often, but they are still great exp. One quad = one blue bar easily. Even better if you got KEI (even though most people charge 100pp for KEI - its still worth it). The only problem is - spirocs are being camped most of the time, and there are not a lot of them. 2 druids can hunt there, but more then that - tough...
Ive been hunting these solo since 40th as a necromancer using fear kiting.. having yet died or had to gate out... there are plenty of spirocs outside the city and just pull one in at a time.
I got a Proven on me once, so i decided to kill it. Low and behold, I recieved just under one blue bubble of xp! They can be tough at times with slightly more hp's than Hill giants. Have a play with them at 41 :)) Well worth it! :D
I came here with my lev 41 druid on New Year's eve, as an alternative to getting drunk and sick. The experience is so great I stayed for a week, and was lev 44, when I left on Jan 4th. The loot is not great, but this is an exp area for the most part anyway. One of the less frequent loots is Spiroc Bone Dust, which is supposedly for a Rogue poison, or some such thing. Couldn't find anyone that wanted it, so sold to vendor for decent coin.
Started hunting these when i turned level 45(in hell) great exp for a hell level. I'm a necro so soloing these are easy, a few resists but no problemms other than that.I like to partner with a 44 Druid, and the exp is still good(great for her) using call of bones and a chloro from 44 druid i can stay at 70 to 90 mana and kill non stop. Just snare by druid, one dot from druid two dots from me (VOS & Asystole fear send in pet and keep feared, just med while your pet kicks *****
Bought a luminescent staff and came here around 7:00 pm one night after JUST dinging 46 the night before. I had no exp and by 10:00 i was level 47. Get the timing down and these things are gods for exp
We hunted these with a group consisting of, two paladins (35, 36), and two necros (36, 42). Both necros had pets and we'd (us pallys) pull and the necro would fear the chicken and we'd chase after it hitting it from behind. It worked very well. We could handle provens all day. If we pulled two, we'd fear one and let it go, and it would come back eventually for us to take it out. The biggest problem we faced (it accounted for the only deaths) were that from kiters whom "prey" got away and pummled us. So the biggest fear it unskilled kiters, not the birds.
While I don't doubt you had your experiences with bad kiters, I find it hard to believe there would be kiters sufficient level to handle these that didn't know how to kite. I personally (47 druid) started kiting late in life (41 or so rather than 39 when I get the quad spell), but have gone through Ulthorks and Rhinos in EW and dorfs in BB to hone my skills. Kiting is cake now if you find an open area to work in. It doesn't even need to be large.
The moral of this story is that if you choose these birds to learn to kite on you should go to someplace lightblue like I've mentioned above and practice first. It doesn't take long to get the hang of it. Remember that when we kiters run around we need to watch out for unsuspecting folk we may run over. That's called unintentional training and still makes people dead and mad.
We did fairly well with a group which consisted of two 35 paladins, and two 35 druids. Mainly the Lightfoots and watchers is what we hunted, the Provens were doable but very difficult. I have good equipment for 35 and the Provens was triple attacking for 99. These birds seem to be very agile because we had problems getting hits in, and have quite a bit of hps. Provens would go through two drones of doom and 3 immolates before we could hack them down far enough to make them turn to run.
Loot consists of not only coins but the occasional research component (words, pages, and runes) associated with their level. Those magicians looking for Words of Duress and Convocation and find them on the various Spirocs in Timorous Deep.
Loot on these is coin only so far and betweeen 8gp and just over 6pp. Lightfoots kick your **** these smear your ***** 43 Pally 34 Cleric and 33 Shaman al well outfitted, buffed and full mana, we bearly lived against just 1 of these.
I started hunting these at lvl 47 with my necromancer - piece of cake...had just come from hunting HGs in Rathe Mountains and the ease of killing these (while still getting really nice exp) was a nice change of pace. Guess I was getting sloppy because once when one of them backstabbed me for 290 points of damage when darkness and root wore off at the same time. Gave me a new respect for them... :o)
Posted:Nov 22 2000 at 4:14 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) this place is a great spot to powerllvl ,,, I have a Twink Sk 34lv that i've been powerlvling with my low 50's druid and I'm getting a level every 2 hours or so.