PH is a soundless devotee. Theres 2 static and 1 roamer in the south west area (just north of Clusterchord). The one that popped for me was at -206.31, 956.38, -25.42.
Also, I wasn't able to verify but there may be a linked mechanic involved. The three Alaran modeled named on the west side all have soundless devotee's as their PH. When I first got into the zone, Saduulj Tserpir was up in the middle area. Since I didn't need them, I left them where they were. I kept the southern and norther devotees down for several hours. It was rather weird because it's the holiday weekend and the named are popping more often. I dropped Saduulj and the very next round, Riffmaz popped. After dropping that one, the very next round The Forlorn Drummer popped. Again...not verified...but very sus. Stormcaller was up the whole time, so IF it is linked, it just seems to be the 3 Alaran's on the west side.