Opholonas the Harvester  

a rare creature

Uploaded March 9th, 2012 by Cylius
Updated March 20th, 2012

Spawns one floor below the library in the Pillar of Light.

Category: EverQuest
This page last modified 2012-01-25 15:25:55.

Level: 99
Expansion: Veil of Alaris
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Use fast casts
# May 07 2018 at 11:06 AM Rating: Decent
273 posts
Smolo 105 Mage. Silver account

Spent a lot of time on this guy, his damage output isn't significant but the constant spell interruptions make most casts fail.

In the end I tried the mage Searing Sands nuke, which is ultra fast cast. Result!
Chard ~ 120 Magician of Bertoxxulous
Mean Ole Men
Formerly a soloer but now twin boxing another mage.
Easy fight
# Oct 21 2015 at 1:26 PM Rating: Good
I had much less trouble against him than expected (105 druid with merc tank). I could use my usual direct damage spells with no problem, even though they have a casting time, while on the other hand I had trouble using the instant AA Storm Strike, it was often interrupted ("Your ability failed"). Overall, I just kept casting DD spells and all went fine. He even dropped a Violet Crystallized Essence (25 Purity augment).
another spell
# Apr 18 2012 at 3:51 PM Rating: Decent
in 174 seconds, he casted 160 spells. 154 were quick dagger stab, 6 were another spell, focused extraction of light, a 30k dd single target spell. Have fun with him....average hit was alil over 3k with final stand going. max hit was 6k on a 95 warrior, max aa, 9146 ac.

Edited, Apr 18th 2012 5:57pm by morezozy
# Mar 20 2012 at 11:35 AM Rating: Decent
this guy is ridiculous, can occasionally swarm pets, the fabled weapons that summon swarm pets dont work on this guy even when running a 100% proc skill and mage pet swarm host of elements is apparently not available for him as i have tried pulling him with this skill it fails every time, best luck i have had is using 2 cleric mercs, and tank merc with summoning swarm pet and casting instant nukes as often as possible

his dps does get lot, so just have real cleric wait until 30% on tank and chain cast his 11th light or whatever the instant heal is, works every time no silence
until of course u get a spike and tank dies heh.... i need 2 more necks from this cheap ******* so best of luck.

also i have killed him 8 times and no armor drops and 6 daggers so be in for a long pita of a camp.... this named is cheap
Strange fight
# Jan 31 2012 at 1:41 AM Rating: Good
770 posts
Very strange fight with this one. Mob appears to spend all his time turning to face ALL attackers and attempting to interrupt all spells by casting Quick Dagger Stab. This effect interrupts the current spell being cast at him, and also locks out all your spell gems for an extended period of time. Don't expect to be casting any spells on him; he interrupts nearly everything. Tossed a swarm of pets on him and watched him go into seizure mode trying to target everything nonstop. As a result, his damage output is pitiful. With a high DPS group, particularly with a few pet swarms, he probably goes down without the need for a single heal.
Strange fight
# Feb 12 2012 at 8:14 PM Rating: Decent
103 posts
the ench only item is very very comman.. killed him 4 times and dagger the first 3 times.. as stated before he does stop EVERYONE or attempts to stop everyone from casting anyone at all. or Using any AA's/disc. you might get lucky once in a while. or if u get it in early. mercs heal never went off.

I wiped the first time with my boxes cleric bst wiz > merci tank 2 merci healers plus one 95 shaman. wiped first time cause there was no info on him at the time..(this was nearly a month or so ago) so didnt know we could not heal tank or heal anyone... could not slow unless we did it on pull. ...pull with shaman slow so that it last 8 mins or so.. his dps is worthless anyways... we did have a 3 mage boxer come to help and that took care of him... mage could not cast so i just thinking pets did most of the work.

this is mainly a melee dps mob....

i need to get him again for my SK... so gonno try a new strag.... 1 have cleric one floor below in the safe room healing... hopein heals will be land this time.... also Change all my healer mercis to dps meleee mercis.... so one tank and 2 dps merci's .. hopefully it will work with just me boxing it...

I will probally forget to post if this works..... so just send me a tell in game if your courious. wizard was not able to cast anything or cast pet swarm....... but BST pet swarm worked... but BST is a Instance cast and wizard is not... it seems Instance cast are the only thing u can cast. no heals ever got casted when i did him... his dps is just very sucky
Strange fight
# Sep 07 2012 at 6:11 PM Rating: Decent
103 posts
ok so melee and pet swarm is good, also mage summon orb does work on him, his DPS sucks so i just had cleric DG the tank and cast HOT before pull, and i just waited to hit the AA HOT if needed. I had 1 tank merci 2 dps mercis switch to burn after pull,, (Melee Dps merics) cleric didnt heal at all after HOT couldnt cast anything, The first think u should do if u have pet swarm AA/spell is cast that. before u even send in your pet so u dont get blocked and not cast. click all burns right before the pull cause you can no click them if u have arrgo. his DPS sucks, obviously since i didnt heal besides DG and HOT. seems like the more NPC/PC 's on the named he starts to get distracted and sometimes u can start casting. hint why u do pet swarm first.
where he spawn
# Jan 10 2012 at 7:06 PM Rating: Decent
103 posts
i figured the place holder is a harvester, but anyone know which tower he is in. 3 of 4 towers have harvesters.
where he spawn
# Jan 25 2012 at 11:25 AM Rating: Decent
Light tower, one floor below library. ENC dagger seems to be the common.
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