Squire Wimbley  

Quest NPC

Uploaded December 11th, 2021 by Drewinette

  • This mob spawns at -21, +862 at the bridge to North Karana.
  • Findable (via Ctrl-F): No

You say, 'Hail, Squire Wimbley'

Squire Wimbley says, 'Hello! Good to meet you. The road ahead is full of all sorts of nasty creatures. If I were you, I would speak with my master, [Sir Morgan].'

You say, 'Sir Morgan'

Squire Wimbley says, 'Sir Morgan is only the bravest warrior in all the plains!'

Sir Morgan is located along the road to the east of Squire Wimbley.

Categories: Templatized | EverQuest
This page last modified 2021-12-11 14:58:21.

Level: 20
Expansion: Original
NPC Added: 0000-00-00 00:00:00
NPC Last Updated: 2021-12-11 14:58:57
Known Loot:
icon Raw Fine Hide

Known Habitats:
  East Karana
Factions Decreased:
  Priests of Life -7
  Karana Residents -50
  Guards of Qeynos -12
  Knights of Thunder -15
  Sir Morgan's Armor

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Raw Fine Hide Drop
# May 05 2019 at 11:59 PM Rating: Good
1 post
Drops Lots of Raw Fine Hide for Spell Research lvl 20+
faction Info
# Sep 20 2015 at 10:00 AM Rating: Good
1,563 posts
[Sun Sep 20 11:59:12 2015] You crush Squire Wimbley for 368 points of damage.
[Sun Sep 20 11:59:12 2015] Your faction standing with Karana Residents has been adjusted by -50.
[Sun Sep 20 11:59:12 2015] Your faction standing with Guards of Qeynos has been adjusted by -12.
[Sun Sep 20 11:59:12 2015] Your faction standing with Priests of Life has been adjusted by -7.
[Sun Sep 20 11:59:12 2015] Your faction standing with Knights of Thunder has been adjusted by -15.
[Sun Sep 20 11:59:12 2015] You receive 5 gold and 6 copper as your split.
[Sun Sep 20 11:59:13 2015] Squire Wimbley's corpse says 'Sir Morgan and the residents of the Plains of Karana will avenge my death. Beware!'
[Sun Sep 20 11:59:13 2015] You crush Squire Wimbley for 265 points of damage.
[Sun Sep 20 11:59:13 2015] You have slain Squire Wimbley!
fate of this guy
# Nov 22 2010 at 12:30 AM Rating: Decent
49 posts
It seems that this guy, in the future, would betray Sir Morgan due to jealousy. He tries to take Sir Morgans life but in the end falls to his blade. (eq2)

Just thought i'd let you know!
# Dec 19 2001 at 6:04 AM Rating: Default
This guy is a sissy. A weakling even by most pale-skin's standards. If he is a quest NPC then he doesn't act like it. At lvl 20, I make it a point to annhialate (spelling?) this goody-two-shoes...every time if I have more than 50% mana. All he does is cry out to Sir Morgan "oh please! please save me sir morgan! The evil and Vicious dark elf is sucking the life out of me, and his skeletal warrior hit me!"
/*makes a sour face* Sickening. So if you want to be a real dark elf and you're about lvl 20, kil this guy. He's a wimp and a disgrace to his countrymen.

Hail Innorukk!

20 Necromancer
The Nameless
# Sep 09 2001 at 11:04 AM Rating: Default
It says he is a quest NPC, but his quests are not listed. Does anyone know what quests are associated with him?
spell use
# Nov 19 2000 at 9:22 PM Rating: Good
54 posts
not so certain he is pure cleric, though he does use a healing spell, and smite. But he also uses another spell, when you resist it says: you resist the water elemental attack spell, and when it hits it says : you are hit by shards of ice. Relatively easy to kill for my 26 sk, except the heals near the end made things risky..I finally wasted my HT to finish him because he just kept healing up and fighting some more.
# Oct 05 2000 at 4:48 PM Rating: Default
Coned blue to a 23rd shaman, and a 26th Necro. He's a caster, cleric I think or more likely a palidin. Only minimal coin as loot. Not to hard. He spawned twice. Both times just after Sir "M" got to the stone sign at the bottom of the pass he poped next to him. Sir "M" left, then a bit later the Squire did (or tried to :).
this data
# Apr 19 2000 at 3:25 PM Rating: Decent
the data here is obviously just imported from the spreadsheet from k2.ch

i have no problem with that, but it's not 100% accurate - it only represents a relatively narrow cross-section (time-wise) of the server. Any mob that is rarely killed, for example, may not have had its full range of spawn levels seen. Also, certain rarely killed mobs that are in cycles (e.g. the 3 bards in east freeport inn by the docks that rotate) may not be represented in the spreadsheet. So don't take the numbers here as gospel, by any means.
# Mar 20 2000 at 6:47 PM Rating: Decent
conning has nothing whatsoever to do with your equipment or ac, see:
for the details.
sounds like either he spawns at various levels, or someone is wrong.
Squire Wimbley
# Mar 03 2000 at 2:35 PM Rating: Decent
He is yellow to me at 18 so he is level 20.
#Anonymous, Posted: Mar 01 2000 at 7:20 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) I conned him last night and he was green to me . I am lvl 20 almost to 21
# Mar 01 2000 at 11:00 AM Rating: Decent
I conned him today and he was red to me at 21
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