reclusive ghoul magus  

a rare creature

Uploaded August 8th, 2017 by Drewinette
Updated July 29th, 2019

  • Placeholder is: a ghoul
  • Respawn Timer: 9 minutes

Categories: EverQuest | Templatized
This page last modified 2019-08-05 04:03:49.

Level: 22
Expansion: Original
NPC Added: 0000-00-00 00:00:00
NPC Last Updated: 2021-05-16 22:02:39

Known Habitats:
  Estate of Unrest

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Different now ?
# Jul 28 2019 at 7:32 PM Rating: Good
42 posts
The spawn by the bed is always a ghoul or a crazed ghoul and it's on a 9 minute timer. I haven't seen the magus spawn there yet. He seems to be spawning by corner where the ramp is and the PH is either a ghoul or a skelly, on a longer timer.

RGM is on a 17 minute timer for the corner spawn. He's spawned 4 times in a row now, and never over by the bed.

Edited, Jul 28th 2019 9:05pm by Olybino
Different now ?
# Jul 30 2019 at 9:22 AM Rating: Good
42 posts
Rarely, a werebat can spawn here, or in the corner under the bed. Generally though, it's a skeleton or one of the ghoul types, carrion or plain. Have not seen a crazed ghoul as a PH, only over by the bed.
Different now ?
# Aug 04 2019 at 2:04 PM Rating: Excellent
Olybino wrote:
Rarely, a werebat can spawn here, or in the corner under the bed. Generally though, it's a skeleton or one of the ghoul types, carrion or plain. Have not seen a crazed ghoul as a PH, only over by the bed.

Do you have /loc of these PH's?
Allakhazam Developer and Admin

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Different now ?
# Dec 05 2022 at 1:10 AM Rating: Decent
11 posts
Loc of PH is 697, 30, 37

Edited, Dec 5th 2022 2:11am by Ronaldus
Unrest keys
# Apr 16 2018 at 11:15 PM Rating: Decent
61 posts
Key Name       - Mob Name          - Room Name 
Small Stone    - reanimated hand   - magus room 
Polished Brass - recl. ghoul magus - bar room 
Scuffed Silver - undead barkeep    - tower 
Cracked Glass  - an undead Knight  - basement
Baadan - 75 Warrior
Reclusive Ghoul Magus
# Jun 03 2017 at 5:21 AM Rating: Decent
215 posts
I've seen his PH be a ghoul and a crazed ghoul.
# Feb 19 2014 at 5:18 PM Rating: Good
343 posts
his PH is on faster timer to the rest of the 4 mobs in the room
# Sep 20 2011 at 10:57 AM Rating: Good
33 posts
This guys spawns on the 2nd floor of the estate, in the loft above the room immediately beside the fireplace room (701.00, 29.00, 33.00). He will always spawn with a reclusive ghoul magus pet (a skeleton).
# Jul 28 2019 at 7:55 PM Rating: Good
42 posts
Well these days he doesn't spawn with the pet, he's by himself, so if you jump him right away the pet never appears.
Where is he?
# Sep 26 2007 at 3:14 PM Rating: Decent
Well I am a level 35 pally, constantly pwning unrest! I love it there! But in the countless times I've been there, I have never seen the magus. I have seen stuff like "Reclusive ghoul magus begins to cast a spell." in my chat box, but I don't know how to get to him? Is he in the basement? Please tell me so I can kick his butt. :)
magi tsk tsk tsk
# Dec 18 2002 at 3:50 PM Rating: Decent
this one is quite simple to take on a group of 21 lvl people could so me and my group were in round room and we decided to go upstairs but before we went up there the magi pops up we decided to take it on and in the end we so badly kicked its butt it wasnt so simple asi thought it would be though
Level 33?
# Jun 26 2002 at 11:28 PM Rating: Default
I took one at level 30 today. Non-twinked. Just had to root and heal, and LH once. Got the gloves and the key.
where is this char
# Jun 20 2002 at 10:28 PM Rating: Default
i have a 33 pally and wonderin if i can solo the ghoul. where is he in unrest?
RE: where is this char
# Sep 10 2003 at 4:59 PM Rating: Decent
My alt 34 Pally had no problem with this guy... the pally is a bit on the twinked side but I think that an untwinked pally could take him with some heal support. As far as where he is? I didn't look for him... he was a part of a train that was returning from the zone line area (after killing the puller and group) He was still 100% health so they apparently didn't have any business pulling him. I properly mourned the corpses anyway!
RE: where is this char
# Feb 12 2004 at 5:32 PM Rating: Decent
I brought him down with my 33 pally. Used GB and Instrament of Nife. He and his pet got me down to about 20% HP, but a little healin and I was good to go. Good luck.
What Factions?
# Apr 14 2002 at 4:37 AM Rating: Decent
303 posts
At the time of this writing, the Bestiary does not display what faction hits he carries (if any). This information would be helpful if anyone knows.
What Factions?
# Jul 28 2019 at 7:15 PM Rating: Good
42 posts
There doesn't appear to be any faction hit for killing the mgus, just experience.
Camping Magi
# Jan 28 2002 at 2:28 PM Rating: Decent
On a guild raid night.. The group I was split up into camped the ghoul magi. We sat along the wall farthest from the balcony. And if I remember correctly nothing spawned on top of us. Sometimes we got aggroed from a spawn spot across the room near the door but only occasionaly. When the ghoul popped, he wouldnt aggro. We'd clear out the room and etheir run up to him and kill him, or pull him down to where we were sitting. If we pulled him down we would sometimes get aggro'd from the hallway, but only rarely. In a 20-26 group it was fairly easy with only a few deaths from large pulls. When the ghoul down we'd pull from the hallway where the gnome was. Was fun having a night to hang out with friends and mess around with levitation and shrinking =)
Druid in Unrest
# Nov 20 2001 at 6:51 PM Rating: Decent
Do Druids have a snowball's chance of fighting successfully in Unrest (or any other undead communities)? We have anti-summoned spells but no anti-undead spells. This seems to mean we're sol in versus undead situations. Can anyone suggest some strategies for us, other than starting over as a necro,cleric or paladin.
RE: Druid in Unrest
# Dec 29 2002 at 12:17 PM Rating: Excellent
Unrest is one of the rare zones where your 24+ Druid can tank Smiley: yippee If you go in wolf form you can check out the entire estate without even one aggro Smiley: smile Pick and choose your next pull :) (Here's hoping you're 24 bub!)

Edited, Sun Dec 29 11:52:41 2002
RE: Druid in Unrest
# Nov 20 2001 at 10:45 PM Rating: Default
I forgot to mention that the level 25 to 30 skels and such there only have between 600-800hp.

You don't mention your level, so it's hard for me to speculate as to which spells you can use.

RE: Druid in Unrest
# Nov 28 2001 at 2:31 AM Rating: Decent
Thank you so much Stohrm for your information about wolf form in Unrest. And for your very nice offer! I'll look for you! I'm only a lvl21, so it'll be a while before I get wolf form, but when I do, I'll send you a tell and would love to meet you. Thanks again.
Good hunting!
RE: Druid in Unrest
# Nov 20 2001 at 10:43 PM Rating: Decent
Yup, matter of fact... we can pretty much rule Unrest. All you need is wolf form and you've got the run of the place. Nothing will aggro on you. You can explore as you like. I play on Tholuxe as well. /msg me sometime... if I'm not terribly busy, I'll show you around the place.

Stohrm Sabrewin
50 Druid of Tholuxe
RE: Druid in Unrest
# Dec 15 2001 at 4:34 AM Rating: Default
Gotta correct you o that one i would have too say that rangers run the place best class too farm there after wolf form cause rangers are known too take mobs out using very little mana if they like:P then they are ready for the next named

lanedil 51 ranger
RE: Druid in Unrest
# Jan 16 2003 at 4:00 PM Rating: Decent
Just have to throw a cheap one-up-ya in here.

Druids can do it better & sooner than Rangers

ES Vambraces :) ok cheap shot's over.
yea i know
# Aug 04 2001 at 10:05 PM Rating: Default
seriously... im looking to go get these gloves myself... at lvl 26 or higher it should be easy. yea a lvl 40 rogue who can't handle a lvl 22 thing is pathetic.
Easy to camp
# Jun 25 2001 at 1:23 PM Rating: Default
While helping a cleric camp this room I discovered that it is BORING. However for lower levels it's not quite so bad. The best place to sit is underneath the balcony part... when the reclusive ghoul spawns he will attack you right away with no pet... as soon as you see attacks, just run out from under and he will come down to you. Pretty good loot in this area of the building... but be careful with Fritchoff. I hate that gnome!

#Anonymous, Posted: Jun 21 2001 at 9:27 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) By the way ... i am pathetic
#Anonymous, Posted: Jun 21 2001 at 9:26 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Rare drop, its easier to just kill a few Barbed sell the bronze and buy a set. or wait till your 50 then pay some newbie twink to pull the house, drop a supernova, instant spawn broken. just my 2cp
#REDACTED, Posted: May 26 2001 at 10:12 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) i think your all ****. Al of your info contradicts eachother. just stop posting if you dont know stuff
#Anonymous, Posted: Aug 27 2001 at 8:28 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) i think somone who playes on a pvp server and thinks rangers kick *** is a ***.
#Anonymous, Posted: Jul 26 2001 at 12:58 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Who's Al?
Spawn Times
# Apr 13 2001 at 3:03 PM Rating: Decent
I tried to time this out the other night with a group, but some adds interrupted our camping before I could be sure of the times.

My estimate is 18-20 minutes for each of the 4 spawn spots in the room. They are on separate clocks, but each will spawn about 18-20 mins after it drops.

I have yet to figure out the best place to sit in this room. There is a spawn spot by the couch that allows you to see the other 2 spawn spots, but there are 2 problems with sitting here: 1. It is a spawn spot, so casters medding get jumped when it spawns (minor problem) and 2. The magi spawn point is right above this and whatever spawns there (we saw only placeholders) can hit the people below through the floor (grrrrr...). That is a bigger problem. By the door seems to have a problem with creating adds from the other room. Bottom of the ramp blocks your view of 2 spawn spots, but still may be best if you are watching the clock.

Happy Hunting!!
#Anonymous, Posted: Dec 24 2000 at 9:09 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) I usually camp this guy in a group, but once when i was alone, i just wandered in here, there he was alone with his pet. I walked up to him and hit him twice and he died, one for 7 dmg and another for 15. His pet had more than quadouple his HP. That never happened before...
#Anonymous, Posted: Apr 07 2001 at 10:20 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) WTF are you talking about? thing nearly killed me in a couple seconds... (level 40 rogue dual proccing yaks like mad) got him down to low hp after about 20 procs, then he cast a life tap and got it all back...i dunno what you were on at that time, or what verant was on =P (probably verant smoking in the computer systems again =/)
#Anonymous, Posted: May 22 2001 at 7:14 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Moron. Haha this poster above me is so full of crap. 20 procs in a fight? That's 1500 damage from just procs, maybe you did another 1500 damage melee? Lol. This is a lvl 22 mob, it doesn't have that many HP. Oh but that's right... you lifetapped you for thousands of HP too =P.
spawn point
# Aug 19 2000 at 12:43 PM Rating: Decent
ok, if you come in unrest from the zone, and hang a left at the entrance, go around those plants..there will be a wooden patio type thing on your right. go in there, go up the staircase to the second lvl, hang a right outside of the staircase, and turn right into the first door. This room should be fairly large, and have a little ramp to a second lvl inside the room..the ghoul magi spawns on top this ramp. Pretty rare i think.
RE: spawn point
# Mar 28 2001 at 1:50 PM Rating: Default
What are his place holders?
RE: spawn point
# Jul 01 2001 at 7:03 PM Rating: Default
A monkey and a seal. You will see the monkey - but the man winding up the music box is invisible.

Be careful he procs "beg".

The seal will dance for ice cream (only vanilla).
If you give him chocolate he chain stuns and nukes with Ice Comet.

Some real info please.
# Aug 08 2000 at 4:50 AM Rating: Decent
just wondered if i could get some real info on this guy ... how commonly is he camped what phs are if there are any... what spells he uses ( i asume a mage would use spells ) how hard he is... does he have pets... is he alone in room.... all that good stuff.... if someone could let me in ... )

Inert Chaosummoner < Flame of Hate > (initiate)

"Only through the blackness of the flame of our father Innoruuk may you find true salvation, my wayward brother."
RE: Some real info please.
# Aug 24 2000 at 2:06 AM Rating: Good
ok, real info, he is a lvl 22 necro so he uses necro dots and has a pet. it is a 4 spawn room 3 on the floor and magi at the top of the ramp. phs are drybones, barbed bones, skelly monks, werebats, or carrion ghouls and he is almost always camped.
RE: Some real info please.
# Sep 29 2000 at 4:11 PM Rating: Decent
Most of what was said above is correct... The only thing I would like to add is that he can be 20 to 22, and werebats never spawn in his room. The room is on the second floor. Go up the the stairs turn right and it is the first door. If you can attack him right away he wont get a pet. The only spell he really ever gets off is engulfing darkness which is easy to resist. He almost always rops the savants cap. The gloves are dropped and 1 in every 6 times, and they are qite nice for casters. A balanced group of low 20's can take this room easy.

Phreaky Phreaks
DE Necromancer'
RE: Some real info please.
# Oct 29 2000 at 4:34 PM Rating: Default
werebats DO spawn in this room, and they will resist spells and roots, and they DO run which can be an enormous pain, so if you want this room and see a bat, make sure you have someone who has the bat in yellow range at the most, because when the bat runs and you dont kill it, well lets just say its a long run downstairs and its a long run from kaladim/kelethin...
It's a longer run from Ak'anon
# Dec 24 2000 at 1:48 AM Rating: Default
42 posts
It's a longer run from Ak'anon!
I love to be bound
# May 14 2001 at 4:27 PM Rating: Default
I jsut bind myself in the cauldron's side of the zone. So in case of a little mishap. I get to have fun nukin gobbies while the rest of my group runs from all over the continet
# Aug 04 2000 at 8:13 AM Rating: Decent
Yeah this dude drops a different kind of key just like the hand drops another key... The keys (i guess) where for the beta but the doors are no locked now
The key
# Aug 02 2000 at 2:54 AM Rating: Decent
Dargon, the priest of nanjena ( najena? ) drops the brass key, anyways. lates.
Mackie Shadowleaf
RE: The key
# Oct 18 2001 at 5:01 PM Rating: Default
The Key the priestes of Najena drops is for the High Elf prisoner in Najena. A relatively long quest, but worth it if you need a god Int Cloak. Just a little wisdom for those who care.

Wrayyth Athiyk'faer
Qu'ellar D'oloth
Xev server
#Anonymous, Posted: Jul 18 2000 at 11:28 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) heya dips$#T above me -^, Hubban was asking a question. Answer him beotch.(bow to me)
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