I am doing hunters. I think most of the spawns are of luck and timing. But I sent my ranger and was doing some
fishing to get some fish scales for endear breathing at the location in the picture above. In the process, I killed a few mobs,
a scalded rat, and some goblins. After getting a fish scale and cast endear breathing.
Instead of killing everything that was closed to me I decided to track only aqua goblin mariner that were on the tracking
list. Low and behold Jetsam spawned. I was in the lake killing and pulling the aqua goblin mariner. If Jetsam did not
spawn, I would have continued on the tracking strategy with the other goblins and see if he or other hunters would spawn.
Edited, Feb 14th 2021 5:28pm by lymark
Edited, Feb 14th 2021 5:31pm by lymark