
a rare creature

Level: 12
Expansion: Original
NPC Added: 0000-00-00 00:00:00
NPC Last Updated: 2021-05-16 22:02:39

Known Habitats:
  Dagnor's Cauldron

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# Feb 14 2021 at 4:19 PM Rating: Excellent
60 posts
I am doing hunters. I think most of the spawns are of luck and timing. But I sent my ranger and was doing some
fishing to get some fish scales for endear breathing at the location in the picture above. In the process, I killed a few mobs,
a scalded rat, and some goblins. After getting a fish scale and cast endear breathing.
Instead of killing everything that was closed to me I decided to track only aqua goblin mariner that were on the tracking
list. Low and behold Jetsam spawned. I was in the lake killing and pulling the aqua goblin mariner. If Jetsam did not
spawn, I would have continued on the tracking strategy with the other goblins and see if he or other hunters would spawn.

Edited, Feb 14th 2021 5:28pm by lymark

Edited, Feb 14th 2021 5:31pm by lymark
# Jul 01 2020 at 3:03 PM Rating: Good
484 posts
Spent many hours across many days killing what i guess would be place holders. Today i did this to the point that not a single a cauldron rat, a sandbar serpent, a scalded rat, an undertow skeleton, a shoal serpent was on track for nearly 2 hours. Of course this is the last mob i needed to get the hunter achievement and i am sure it's close to nothing compared to what others have dealt with. It's also July 1st and supposedly Bonuses for "Independence Holiday and Canada Day" is in play which among other things, says that rare enemies will be 76% more likely to appear. EDIT: It literally spawned within 10 minutes of posting this.

Edited, Jul 1st 2020 4:17pm by Rickymaru
Achievement: Hunter of Dagnor's Cauldron
# Dec 31 2019 at 1:24 PM Rating: Decent
of all the rare mobs in the hunters achievement for this zone, this guy seems to spawn the most often... spent a ridiculous amount of time swimming laps around the cauldron killing every mob i saw and this rat popped about once every three hours...
Maulis Thefool, Ranger of the 86th season on Firiona Vie...
# May 20 2017 at 7:34 PM Rating: Decent
39 posts
you can stand right at where he is on the picture "top left side of the island" and you will kill him and Flotsam if you kill every thing that paths near you

Sobmre The Burning Champion - Luclin-Stromm Server
Ginni The Peace Maker - Luclin-Stromm Server
Last thing...
# Aug 17 2002 at 4:41 PM Rating: Default
Yeesh after all this explaining about what flotsam and jetsam mean, people still fail to mention that flotsam and jetsam were the names of Ursula's two pet eels from "The Little Mermaid." Doesn't anyone remember that? *sigh* No.

31 Paladin
RE: Last thing...
# Jul 10 2004 at 9:16 PM Rating: Excellent
the flotsam and jetsam in the Gunthak harbor for the stoicism quest, not the ones in this zone
Still more useless info
# Jan 21 2002 at 5:56 PM Rating: Decent
Naval cargo that ends up in the water, due to a wreck or other occurrence, can be classified as flotsam or jetsam. Flotsam is the cargo that floats, and jetsam is the cargo that sinks.
Tadanya <insert last name here>
Lvl 19 Bard
More useless info
# Nov 20 2001 at 10:34 AM Rating: Default
Flotsam is the bits o' ship AFTER the wreck, Jetsom is stuff that was thrown off before the wreck. (presumably to keep to ship afloat)
Gilrion Sindrandir
Tunare's Druid of 32 Seasons
Tholuxe Paells
Floatsam and Jetsam
# Oct 18 2001 at 1:28 PM Rating: Default
hmm seems to be a question as to what floatsam and jetsam are. Well i shall tell you. Floatsam and Jetsam is a coined frase used by mariners to refer to the debris and pieces of metal from a destroyed ship floating in the water.
RE: Floatsam and Jetsam
# Feb 19 2002 at 10:29 AM Rating: Default
also the band in which "Jason Newstead" of Metallica was in before he joined up for the ...And justice for all album =P
#REDACTED, Posted: Nov 12 2002 at 12:31 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) My favorite one of their albums, even though Black is supposed to be big and ****, I think And Justice for All is better.
#Anonymous, Posted: Aug 24 2001 at 2:28 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Flotsam and Jetsam was a band that Jason Newsteas was in before Metallica and It also means the wreckage of after the Storm that is floating in the water.
#Anonymous, Posted: Sep 18 2001 at 7:11 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Flotsam and Jetsam is a Good band 8).
#eviltiminc, Posted: Jan 24 2002 at 12:57 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Damn Skippy!
# Aug 15 2001 at 7:26 PM Rating: Decent
JRR Tolkiens Lord of the Rings
Volume Two (The Two Towers)
Book 3 (LOTR is divided into 6 'book' parts)
Chapter 9
Pages 546-561
Chaper named 'Flotsam and Jetsam'
#Anonymous, Posted: Jun 23 2002 at 6:28 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) First of all, that's creepy. Second of all ..... You must have a different publishing than me. Mine's page 210... *cough*
#Anonymous, Posted: Aug 15 2001 at 7:24 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) JRR Toliens Lord of the Rings
RE: kiddys
# Aug 13 2001 at 12:46 AM Rating: Default
Im just wondering how you would know that LOL
# Aug 10 2001 at 7:54 PM Rating: Default
its is also a name from a kiddy wepsite called
# Jan 25 2001 at 10:11 AM Rating: Good
Also see - Flotsam

These named rats are rare spawns. They wander all over DC. I've recently seen Jetsam near the zone to Unrest, but nothing says that this is a normal spot for him.

Also, the rat bone powder is the common drop (as well as the normal rat drops like meat, whiskers, etc.) The iron leash collar, which is not that bad, is the rare drop
# Jul 28 2000 at 4:19 AM Rating: Decent
nice stats, pssh, he's more like level 10
were do i find this darn rat
# Jul 26 2000 at 11:12 PM Rating: Default
were di i find him?
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