

Uploaded August 18th, 2022 by Drewinette

The head of this Ogre is required for the Bloodforge Armour quest in Kaladim. She can be found near the Greater Faydark zone, on very rare occasion.

From Bukrin, The Tribunal

This page last modified 2022-08-18 16:50:13.

Level: 10
Expansion: Original
Effects Used:Inner Fire
NPC Added: 0000-00-00 00:00:00
NPC Last Updated: 2022-08-18 16:49:12

Known Habitats:
  Butcherblock Mountains
Factions Decreased:
  Shamen of War -20
  Ogre Heads

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Placeholder still unknown
# May 17 2021 at 10:20 AM Rating: Decent
While almost certainly there are PH spawns for Corflunk and Zarchoomi, I'm pretty sure that it does not involve any of the goblin camps. I have been sitting in GFay for a couple days - the ONLY person in GFay (on Live), and Corflunk (Fabled version) has spawned twice. I'm not clearing anything - just sitting with tracking up. Any PHs involved either despawn automatically or, more likely, wander close to a guard somewhere and are taken out that way. It doesn't seem likely that a static spawn is involved, though.
# Jun 17 2006 at 4:21 PM Rating: Decent
64 posts
i just found one of these ogre shamans wich i have never seen before untill now.

They give faction to shamen of war

they give a head and a pouch
your freind ranlren,cleric of 60th level
# Jun 18 2006 at 2:17 AM Rating: Decent
1,087 posts
Zarchoomi and Cornflunk have been around since release.

If the faction is actually "shamen" , it is a typo.
It should be "shamans"

Pain Mistress Okami L`Assundre of Tarew Marr
Dark Elf Shadow Knight
Drinal (Tarew)
Retired after 500 days /played
Retired again
goblin camp
# Sep 17 2003 at 3:40 AM Rating: Decent
by the way the goblin camp you clear to get corflunk to show up has goblin heads and blood vials that you can sell to an amiable dwarf for around 3pp a piece.
goblin camp
# Mar 10 2018 at 4:14 AM Rating: Decent
1,059 posts
That hasn't been true for a long time. It was a bug that they fixed. Those items should never have been selling that high. It was making it too easy to get money and destroying the economy. I remember people coming with classes that were able to one shot all the goblins and killing masses of them for their loot drops. It was a lot easier to get rich killing them than killing hill giants in Rathe Mountains. It was causing a major zone disruption, as well, because they were monopolizing all of the spawns that newbies need to level from 5 to 10.
If you were me and I were you, would we still be friends?
undercon.....wide aggro
# Apr 21 2003 at 7:26 AM Rating: Decent
since I had my ranger at lvl 9 I supposed I could take her on maybe. She was yellow con standing behind the hill that is behind the dwarf merchant lady near the gfay zone.
I was fairly far away and she aggroed. No wonder people get surprised by her. She has such a large aggro range.

She never once physically touched my ranger. Her Sicken and poison dot took him down to one half bulb health after zoning back into gfay.

My arrows using a velium recurve bow that does up to about 32 damage to blues were doing 1-8 mostly. Must be all that flab on her :P

Edited, Mon Apr 21 08:20:08 2003
I think I found her spawn location!!!
# Sep 19 2002 at 2:59 PM Rating: Decent
I might be wrong but I saw her standing in the same exact location twice now while passing through BB.

While heading towards GFay from Kaladim when you get to the Crossroads take the right turn. Then head towards goblin camp in that direction. It's in a small valley and you will be looking down on the camp from a hill. About a dozen yards behing the goblin camp is where she hangs out. Just standing there!!!

I couldn't run over to the exact spot and get the LOC. because I was using a lvl 10 character that has been slaughtered by her once before but when I saw her there while exploring I decided to check back a couple days later and there she was again. It's worth checking out if you still havn't finished this quest yet.
RE: I think I found her spawn location!!!
# Jan 28 2004 at 12:45 AM Rating: Decent
674 posts
Thats exactly where I found her once. When you go to that goblin camp, you round the road. The camp where the goblin wizard spawns. From the road, towards the camp... that direction and off to the right a bit, there is a valley or recess. She was standing there by that tree.

The only other place I have seen her, is at crossroads, heading from town, not going left or right, there is a stone pillar straight ahead, through that dip where a lot of scarabs pop. Just barely off to the right of that she dropped on my head! Rude !(O_o)

... So thats Gobie camp, brute tower, stone pillar thingie and near gfay.

UPDATE : I took my 34 ranger out here just to see. I went to the goblin camp. There can be a Goblin Wizard, A welp, A goblin or a Goblin shaman there. Oddly Shaman was up. Killed him. Didnt loot. Ran towards crossroads (as a mid tracking point) A bit further down the road towards Gfay (just at that first turn) poof, there he was! I hit him. Just to test a theory, I ran him back to the goblin camp. Grabbed a named bandit because he sort of seemed to apear. Pulled him to goblin camp / zarchoomie valley recess. And BAM! instantly Zarchoomy came form that pillar. (the one, if oyu are heading down to X roads, and can go left or right, if you went straight) She spawns and bolts for me. Killed them both. 2 heads and Sick as it is, got the headpiece! :) after that I didnt see the shaman goblin, killed a few times. BY THE WAY. These goblin parts DO still sell for almost 4pp a piece. Blood and heads.

Edited, Wed Jan 28 05:24:24 2004
· 'Valdon Gravedancer' Terris-Thule. Dwarven Cleric 34th circle.
· 'Junglebug Sugarpants' Terris-Thule. Halfling Druid. 52nd season.
· 'Shinook Eldergod' Terris-Thule. Troll Shaman of 32nd rite.
· 'Soultree Vixen' Terris-Thule. Woodelf Ranger of 34th season.
RE: I think I found her spawn location!!!
# Jun 24 2003 at 11:04 AM Rating: Decent
i've seen her a lot of times by the brutes tower
i dont know
# Sep 02 2002 at 12:48 AM Rating: Decent
can a human bard like my self do this quest?
Apear on Command
# Aug 19 2002 at 10:24 PM Rating: Decent
It's a very wierd deal. Once i was looking for the ogres, i was just a foolish newbie at like, lvl 7, but of course i was asking people for help. But as i went up to this guy, i asked "Would you have any time to help me find Zarchoomi?" And when he sais he's busy i see Zarchoomi hits you for 18 points of damage, Zarchoomi begins to cast a spell. Amazing, i talked of her and she finally showed up. Luckily the guy killed her. Then another time, i was looking for corflunk. I was shouting out Anyone seen corflunk? Then Corflunk runs up and starts hitting me and after i killed him, of course i shouted out "Found Him!" Amazingly these ogres had an ability to show up once i began talking about them.
What's the deal?
# Aug 19 2002 at 10:18 PM Rating: Decent
As everyone says, Corflunk spawns more than Zarchoomi. Yet, in the past 3 months, i have seen zarchoomi a total of 6 times, and corflunk? Once. Usually when i saw Zarchoomi she was very close to the crossroads. Its very freaky when you go over a hill and see Zarchoomi begins to cast a spell, cuz then you don't know where she is unless she's right in front of you. So why do i see Zarchoomi when corflunk spawns more?
RE: What's the deal?
# Dec 30 2002 at 11:03 AM Rating: Decent
1,059 posts
Corflunk DOES spawn much more frequently but his pathing leads him right to the guards at Nyzel Bloodforges house so he gets killed a lot more often then Zarchoomi. Zarchoomi likes to stay close to the Gfay zone, so nothing but players out head hunting really threatens her.
If you were me and I were you, would we still be friends?
# Jul 20 2002 at 5:08 PM Rating: Decent
674 posts
not to make waves but TECHNICALLY you could probably use 2 cornflunk heads. having only one at a time, then turning 1 in, you woul dhave to return to the guy before ANYONE else and turn in another. Like, I have gotten XP for tuning in 3 item when I was supposed to turn in 4, because another person had turned in 1... just a thought. I grew up in BB and I have seen Zarchoomie ONCE and she spawned right on top of me. if you keep going down the crossroads from town, that pillar there. she litteraly dropped on my head.

Once I did try to keep rooting Cornflunk to keep him alive, but he is on a suicide mission tot he guards. Its one of the most confusing spawn/quests I have ever seen.
· 'Valdon Gravedancer' Terris-Thule. Dwarven Cleric 34th circle.
· 'Junglebug Sugarpants' Terris-Thule. Halfling Druid. 52nd season.
· 'Shinook Eldergod' Terris-Thule. Troll Shaman of 32nd rite.
· 'Soultree Vixen' Terris-Thule. Woodelf Ranger of 34th season.
RE: ogre
# Jul 27 2002 at 12:27 AM Rating: Decent
98 posts
The 'turn in 3 and get XP' only works when it's multiples of the same object. In the case of this quest, Zarcoomi's head and Corflunk's head are 2 different objects (called ogre head, but both Lore, indicating they're tracked independantly in the database). While you can multi-quest it, you definately need both heads to do the quest.
# Jun 14 2002 at 5:16 PM Rating: Default
Damn! she is hard to find, I have been looking for her for a week now. Come out and play I don't want much just your HEAD!

Brakin....Warrior of Kaladim
#Anonymous, Posted: Jun 21 2002 at 1:41 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) you mean that ogre figure doesn't turn you on... porr guy.
# May 19 2002 at 12:53 AM Rating: Default
Just recently exploring Butcher Block, I had been roaming around aimlessly I may add not really knowing anything about this zone, with the exception of the chessboard. I had somehow inadvertantly run across Corflunk in the distance. Naturally for me to do is conn this oversized lumbering lummox. Woo hoo at level 12 he was light blue. Only one thing no mana and having such a blob of oversized whatever you may call him running after you just made one choice and kill the wee bugger.
Now after all is done, here I have a lovely dripping (ok so it didn't say dripping) ogre head in my bag (eww gross)! Hee fortunately there was a WoodElf nearby who had seen the whole thing and was very kind to tell me that it was a quest. After reading all posts it does help to know who I have to look for next.
After all who wants a rotting ogre head sitting in the bank? Heh heh heh! That is if you like that sort of gory thing..~_^.
1 vs 2
# Apr 27 2002 at 10:10 PM Rating: Decent
22 posts
Some people believe you have to kill 1 of them (Corflunk or Zarchoomi) in order to bring the other out of hiding. It's very possible to have them both spawn together actually. Which, of course, makes the quest very quick.

(screen-shot link)
# Apr 10 2002 at 12:28 AM Rating: Default
If anyone here is on the Tunare server, i want to buy the bloodforge helm. If you have one and want to sell it on Tunare, send tells to Stubbyman, Gabool, or Skarlath
Zarchoomi and Corflunk.
# Apr 03 2002 at 8:21 PM Rating: Decent
28 posts
What a cute couple! Here are some interesting little anecdotes. They are from my dwarven warrior, and one isn't relevant but is funny because of my hopeless newbieism when I started out. Ah, those were the days!

1. When I was around level 4, in that funny looking cap and my cloth armor, I was running around BB bonking skunks and Krag chicks when I saw something huge with green hair. I was a hopeless newbie and had never seen an ogre before, so I backed away(this person was on a hill and looking pretty menacing), thinking they wouldn't get me then. I targeted it and it said Zarchoomi, so no hints that it was an ogre. I began auctioning(no, I did not know about shout and OOC. I was a hopeless newbie.)that there was a giant and it was on a hill and to watch out for it. Well I saw this "giant" running towards me and walked with all my might!(Yes... I was a hopeless newbie :P) I saw the message, "Zarchoomi hits YOU for 22 points of damage" and thought, "WHOA! This guy is invincible!"(Need I say I was a hopeless newbie?). Well, I was walking fast as I could to the guards at Crossroads(And I quoth, "I was a hopeless newbie") and I saw myself fall down and die. I recovered my corpse, yada yada yada, and the next day I sent a tell to my friend(he was level 14) and told him I had seen a GIANT in Butcherblock! He replied that it must have been a GM, and he ended up have to explain what a GM was(And so saith I to thee, "I was a hopeless newbie"). He told me it must have been a GM event because giants aren't in Butcherblock. I told him it must have been a gm, because he was hitting me for 22 whole points of damage(I pity the fool who don't think I was a hopeless newbie!). He must have doubled over laughing, and told me that must have been an ogre. God was I embarassed!

2. Fresh out of CB, having sold masses of CB belts for Bronze armor, and receiving a BABS and BIBS from a Wood Elf who dropped them at the entrance where they were all "Up for grabs!", I was pretty confident. I was on my way to Freeport, and I saw an ogre. Being a level 8 and not forgetting being whaled on by Zarchoomi(when I was a hopeless newbie) Conned him even and it turned out to be Corflunk. I shot him with my hunting bow and he turned around and ran at me.
I commenced to kick and slash him. He was hitting me for 10-20 points of damage when he did hit me at all, and I was kicking for 3-9 and slashing with my trusty BABS for 7-16 points of damage, which puzzled me greatly because I usually did 20+ points of damage. He wore me down in the end, and I ran away slowly, fell over and my life flashed before my eyes(from when I was a hopeless newbie), and this seemed to be like another event(from when I was a hopeless newbie :P). I was back at the Orc Lift when a nice, and very gorgeous High elf Cleric lady showed up and EXP-rezzed me. Very nice of her, especially when...(I felt like a hopeless newbie).

3. This was very early in my past, when I was probably level 3-5, of that I don't remember, when I was stupidly still bound in Freeport and I went back to Butcherblock with no thoughts of what binding even meant-I thought it meant bind wound-(I was a very hopeless, I was a very hopeless, I was a very hopeless, a hopeless newbie)and I went over my head. Was around Gfay zone and I rushed headfirst into fighting a lowland basilisk without conning it(A newbie, a Newbie, a kingdom for a hopeless newbie!). It did that annoying little stun spell and killed me quickly. I ended up in-what? West Freeport? How did THIS happen?-(A hopeless newbie, or a really hopeless newbie? That is the question). Well, I knew my corpse was still in Butcherblock, so I asked a fellow dwarf what to do. He told me he'd help me, and that w had to catch the boat. He gave me a bow which I thought, for some infathomable reason, was a Trueshot Longbow.(I was a hopeless newbie). So I got on the boat, and after a few minutes, fell off. (Was I hopeless newbie? Yes.) I told this helpful guy that I'd fallen off the boat, but not to worry, I had a swimming skill of 6!(A newbie in a state of hopelessness was I). He told me goodluck, and to try not to die. I told him I would definitely try to stay alive, because he'd given me that Trueshot Longbow!(Je suis un newbie hopeless)(no that's not real french). He didn' reply, probably because he had a stroke from laughing so hard. I swam, swam, swam, swam, swam................ until finally I saw land! I clicked on the island to see who could help me, and finally found Gornit. Yay! Someone could save me!(I was such a hopeless newbie it wasn't funny. Or was it?). Then:
A shark bites YOU for 32 points of damage!
A shark bites YOU for 32 points of damage!
A shark bites YOU for 32 points of damage!
YOU have been slains by a shark!

Well, isn't that special? I sent a tell to this dwarf, and he said to type in /consent, he'd bring my corpse to the docks. I did that, and waited a long while for the boat. In the middle of all that waiting, I even killed myself by accidentally attacking Olunea Milton!(Hopeless newbie, I was). I got back to the docks in Butcherblock, and got my corpse and looted it. And then I got killed by Glubbsink...
RE: Zarchoomi and Corflunk.
# Sep 10 2002 at 6:31 PM Rating: Default
The whole "Im a newb" thing really got worn out by the end. I couldn't even read the whole posting. Obviously you are a newb at posting on forums :-P
RE: Zarchoomi and Corflunk.
# Apr 14 2002 at 11:38 AM Rating: Default
Were you like, some kind of hopeless newbie?
spawn of corflunk and zarchoomi
# Mar 06 2002 at 1:02 PM Rating: Decent
I haven't done this enough to 100% verify, but this is where *I* spotted the two.

First I killed the goblin camp by the Dagnor's Cauldron(DC) zone. This does indeed seem to at least help Corflunk spawn. I had him spawn 3 times in about 15 minutes or so. Anyhow, after wandering up and down the path from the crossroads to GFay and not spotting either of them, I decide to head back down the path towards DC. I have spotted Corflunk TWICE (2 of those 3 times) coming up the path from DC. The *one* time I encountered Zarchoomi, Corflunk had wandered from DC to the crossroad guards and they killed him. Zarchoomi spawned on the hill right next to the goblin camp (by DC). I don't know if you have to let the guards kill Corflunk or not (or just let him walk up towards them). Hope that helps someone :)
Looking for the Bloodforge helm
# Feb 08 2002 at 3:39 PM Rating: Decent
I have been hunting these two ogres ever since I was 10th level, and I have managed to get both heads four times. I have gotten the gauntlets twice and the legplates twice. Now my level is too high for this quest, but I still want that helm. Does anyone have one? Can you even still get it? I have never seen one.
I hate Zarchoomi
# Feb 07 2002 at 9:15 PM Rating: Default
I was just messing around with my lvl 8 rouge near Izabel Lightblaze (or whatever it is) near the zone to gfay and I see an ogre way off in the distance, I click on it and its Zarchoomi, WAY out of aggro range. Well, the game didn't seem to know this because before I can /OOC that she has spawned she is hauling her fat-*** toward me.

Now I AM LVL 8, no mach for Corflunk's girl, so I turn around and run for the guards, figuring I would make it without getting hit, and I war right.... instead of hitting me she stacks, STACKS, her little DOT on me and screws my regen with disease. I made it all the way back to the guards before she and I both died.

Now here is my question, is she allowed to stack those damn things on me??? I mean how cruel can that be for any low lvl around her?
So, to sum up...
# Feb 05 2002 at 4:23 PM Rating: Default
OK, OK, so to sum up, I don't need both Corflunks and Zarchoomies heads because they're both just "Ogre Heads", so 2 from Corflunk will do. And to get Corflunk to spawn I need to whack the Goblin Camp just off the path to dagnors caldron (right at the crossroads if you're coming from Kaladin) And ANYONE can do the quest as long as they have faction; though only dwarves can wear the armour.
That sound about right?

Bard, wanderer and outright liar of the 15th song
The Tribunal
RE: So, to sum up...
# Feb 27 2002 at 8:00 PM Rating: Decent
Great idea, unfortunately it won't work. Corflunk's head is a lore item. But the rest of your info looks correct

Tysha Souldrinker
Gnomish Necro
<Infinitus Vindicat>
Prexus server
#Anonymous, Posted: Jan 26 2002 at 11:34 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Zarchoomi Owns J00
# Jan 14 2002 at 8:46 PM Rating: Default
I know where zarchoomi anc corflunk spawn im ganna tell you only zarchoomis loc od spawn if you want cors go to corflunk page zarchoomi spawns in between the two stores left path of cross roads. and Gfay
Here is the deal.
# Jan 06 2002 at 2:31 AM Rating: Decent
I have hunted these two Ogres for 15 levels now. Whenever I was in BB I would bring up track and look for em. Corflunk spwans more often, thats a fact. You have to have Cor's head AND Zar's head tho. They both say Ogre head but you cant have two Cor heads cuz they are lore. DUH. Anyway, Zarchoomi is a rare spawn and I dont know if the rumor of killing the goblins to get her and Cor to spawn is true. But the only good piece of Bloodforge is the Helm. The rest is crap. Look up the stats and you'll see. Have fun all!
RE: Here is the deal.
# Feb 03 2002 at 5:47 PM Rating: Default
the rest is NOT crap...for the lvl it takes to kill em if your with 1-2 friends its like free banded and like RED! i think its cool.... not to mention fraction and extra xp not all quest are only good for the loot it gives u :^P
#Golath, Posted: Jan 05 2002 at 7:08 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Just to let you guys know, you don't have to kill both zarchoomi and corflunk. I turned it 2 corflunk heads for bloodforge boots. The heads aren't named, but ogre heads, so just turn in 2.
I finally sussed it.....
# Nov 06 2001 at 2:39 PM Rating: Decent
OK everyone listen up cause i am only gunna say this once.....
You all know the goblin camp next to the big hill if you follow the path to the right from the cross roads? Slay everthing there, yep all six spawns. They all must be dead at once for this corflunk to spawn. Now if you need the corflunk head woo hoo that is your first piece of bloodforge, if you need zarchoomie then you must do one of the hardest things ever....
DON'T kill corflunk! after five to fifteen minutes of this stupid ogre harassing the noobs in the zone his sister/wife whatever (maybe both they are ogres after all) will spawn.
Repeat ad nauseum.
The full set is bloodforge chest, helm, boots, legs, arms and shoulders..... I think.
By the time I figured it out I had dwarven ringmail tunic, dark mail gauntlets, fine crafted pauldron, banded arms and boots (which consequently have better AC) and some twinked up level ten warrior had given me the DW helm which is AC 21 for healing and buffing him in the oasis of marr when i was there hunting crocs and orcs.
This IS a cool quest though as the experience is excellent if you are 15 or below and the armour is quite nice even though it has no stats or procs. Pretty good AC and if you don't need it any lower than level 15 that is down on their luck would be a friend for life if gifted the set. Hope this helps.

Beltzer Arder
Paladin of Brell
now drinking his 20th pint of ale

P.S. The guy you gotta give the heads to is Byzar bloodforge NOT Nyzil (the guy at the crossroads) as some would have you believe.
RE: I finally sussed it.....
# Feb 03 2002 at 5:40 PM Rating: Default
i have spawned him 3 times doin this...1 time guards got em first...1 time i d ed...1 time someone ks ed him i have 1 head and just want another 1 to see if i can turn in 2 of the smae heads ill tell u i it works!!!!!!!!!!!!!
RE: I finally sussed it.....
# Feb 03 2002 at 5:41 PM Rating: Default
i LD ed the second time not died like it looks like it says
#Anonymous, Posted: Sep 07 2001 at 5:42 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) WHAT KIND OF QUEST SEND ME A TELLS PLZ.
# Oct 08 2001 at 11:21 PM Rating: Default
this quest is for the bloodforge armour and this ogre is blue to a lvl 10 paly so its not from lvl 10 to 14 cause it would have bin balck to me.I got one head im looking for this one so i can get his head.DIE *******!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
#Anonymous, Posted: Sep 07 2001 at 5:40 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) WHERE IS SHE LOCATED ? PLZ SEND ME a tell.
# Mar 10 2018 at 4:39 AM Rating: Decent
1,059 posts
She wanders. Her and Corflunk are also aggro to guards so if they pass too close to them, they will be killed.
If you were me and I were you, would we still be friends?
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