I agree that they hit hard, I fought one that conned even to my 12th lvl Ranger. I killed it but it got me down to half hp, doing 20 dmg more often that not.
I don't no if I've just seen the lower emissarys, but i have seen about 5 of them in 2 hours and at lvl 14 they all conned blue to me. i have never soloed one, beacuse i just got to Crushbone yesterday and I always seem to see them in pairs when im OOM. So either Verant has Nerfed their lvl or I just happened to see lower ones every time. Hope my info helps.
These guys are totally evil. Not only do they hit hard (all we saw were red at lvl 10), they have nasty stun spells so they can beat on you while you're immoble. They also tended to come with 4 or so legos... wiped out our group of 5 or so lvl 10 rangers and mages more than once.
I agree with you. When I hunted in Crushbone as a young one, I always found that the Emissaries always conned higher to my character than the Legionaires did, not to mention they found harder too. I think these creatures are more of in the range of 10 to 18 because some still conned red when I left CB for Freeport at level 14.
Lokhelk Dwarven Warrior of the 24th Slash Brell Serlis Server
nothing in crushbone drops Lego pads Legos drop lego bracers Legos also drop CB Pads Emmys drop em too I've also, though rarely, seen legos and emmys drop CB belts
The term Lego Pads is used generically in this case to describe Crushbone Pads. Someone gave the name Lego pads simply because they are dropped predominately by the Orc Legionairres, but are also dropped by Emmissaries and Royal Guards if I am not mistaken, and I believe I have seen them dropped by the higher level Oracles as well, only very seldomly.
In response to the belts being dropped, I received belts off of the higher orcs more often than the pads when I fought here, and occassionaly both were dropped by one mob. But hey, it's all exp!
Lokhelk Dwarven Warrior of the 24th Slash Brell Serlis server
I'm level 22 and decided to wander into Crushbone. These guys attacked me and, after a fairly easy fight, actually got experience (although they were green). I'm not sure how much lower than me they have to be for me to still get xp, but they are most definetly above 14 max.
I was grouped with a level 16 cleric, and she said it conned yellow t her, red to me(IWAS 11) so we fought it, we zoned. He was very hard, we kiled it, (I KILLED IT) and got maybe a bub of exp cause it was red!
watch out if considering to fight an orc Emissary/When I was hunting with my level 11 paladin somone trained one and it conned white i tried to kill it but it hit me for 38 and I died a short while after.So think twice before trying to kill one that cons whitr or blue.They hit really hard.I got my butt kicked.