These can be solo'd at 55 no problem, not too sure what they will con to a 55. I have 53 friend who still cons them blue. I am a level 52 Paladin and solo these all the time, its usually a good duel but can be won with cancel magic up and ready, have some mana to spare for occasional root so you can use that DW for some xtra HP or throw in a G heal. BUT I also have an SoDB and a Reaver to help the battle go as quik as possible...good luck
Arcadium Officer/Paladin of the mighty 'Haven of Heros'
I was at the entrance waiting for other group members to zone back in after a corpse run when a sonic bat and one of these got trained over to a 44-46 ranger and a pally (level unknown). I jumped in to help with the bat; in the mean time the LDC nails me with a DoT and continues to take away hitpoints (36 rogue). I'm down to 150 hp and zone out and start binding my wound (110-115) so I'm able to get back about 20-30 hp but the DoT just kept ticking away until I was down to 9 hp. I'm screaming "HEAL PLEASE"; luckily a druid was around and was able to heal me while a necro got rid of the DoT.
Almost Died last night from BB. What Necro spell gets rid of the DOT? I had a 39 Necro with me and it would be nice for me to know what he could have done to counteract this nasty little DOT.
Boil Blood is a level 29 Necro spell that does 504 damage in 2 minutes 6 seconds. Resistance Check is Fire + 25. These are facts according to the spdat.eff reader.
Now, there is another spell called "Boiling Blood" which is found on some weapons. DoT for between 432 (L1) to 648 (L60) Hit Points (HP) in 1 minute 48 seconds. The resistance check is also Fire. Don't confuse the two.
51 rog 51 war 53 cleric we were taking these out slowly but didnt do that much harm to us..mostly goin for exp anyone know what lvl these guys are good till? i know for a fact they are good until 57
an easy way to get rid of dot without being killed is simply zone back and forth until it goes away. yo won't be harmed but the dot will go away. trust me it works.
Posted:Nov 06 2001 at 3:17 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) for those who say they are pushovers....while a small group is pulling kobolds near the enterance and someone trains one of them on you (35 war and 37 chanter) you get stomped. one dose of BB dropped me from 80% hp to death. thats close to 1500 hp in like less than a min...add on top of that they bite for 90's. very nasty critters
I was told that perhaps some sort of cancel magic might have an effect on this nasty little DOT Boiling Blood. Is there any other way to counter this effect if you are not a Shaman or Druid and cannot regen. For those high level folks out there that want to talk tough about how easy these guys are give me a freakin break.
It wasn't pretty; when someone trained just one of these little buggers down to the entrance without telling anyone I got trapped between someone and the wall. Luckily I was able to get free -- needless to say the 46 ranger I was regenning from an earlier attack and myself, a 38 bard, were forced to zone pretty quickly after this thing started chewing on us.
Post-zone we were hurtin' bad -- Hymn of Restoration at 15hp/tick was barely fending it off, so I whipped out a bards' level 22 song, Aliena's Disenchanting Melody, a groupwide-effect cancel magic. With my Lute of the Gypsy Princess the DoT was shaved off in about 3 ticks.
So yes, Boil(ing) Blood apparently CAN be dispelled, but group-dispell like this probably isn't very feasible for most groups when you're actively hunting these things.
I don't really see these things as that dangerous, last nite full group of us held SS for 3 hours, pulling on average 2-4 of these at a time, wasn't hard.
51 SK 51 SK 51 Mage 50 Enchanter 49 Shaman 50 Cleric
we take em down fairly easily but they hurt very damn bad. something weird tho is that, before i knew what boil blood did, my health didn't turn red as it would with a normal DoT on it. i don't think it's really 800dot tho . only took down a bubble at 41
fough two of these little buggers in pool room last night and got two resists on the BB they really are push overs if nothing else jumps in but they got a hell of alotta HPs
These things are BAD they are one of the few things that make me run for the hills (effretti, Death Beetle, Nox and about 10 of anything) everytime my group pulls one i always back up and just heal hoping to god they dont agro me
It saves vs. magic, otherwise you wouldn't be able to use pillage enchantment, pumice, etc, to get rid of it. It is resistable, you just need a really high MR
Dont need really high, just need about 100 to resist it most of the time. Meaning, if you are a warrior, get to a bug group with lots of mres items on (bs mantle, ssb, etc.) You will get a lot more exp as a tank with high magic resist because of the dramatically reduced downtime. (sham 44 magic resist adds 40mres, and can slow this bugger down to a crawl - as good to have in group as a cleric)
Granted, I have a hard time getting clear info on this, guesses span from Magic to Fire based. But I doubt it's disease based, as that would make it impossible to dispel with the level 40 song, Disenchanting Melody which I HAVE used to get rid of it. On another note.. has anyone ever RESISTED this ?
Boil Blood is disease based for resist purposes.Same as 29th Necro spell of same name.Does around 500 and is NOT affected by stamina.If it dots you , its full damage unless you remove it.
As the cleric, if I see the puller suddenly get hurt, and zone, I go zone after them. More often than not, was an LDC that hit them while they were out looking, and me zoning out to heal them is all that kept them from dying to the DoT.
hehehehe these things are very bad and cause very bad trains and if you are not in a bat/bug group the best thing is to just run to a zone if attacked by one,if you can get to the zone,i my self have seen 5 take out the whole rare hall section and Noble section to. They bite for 80 or so and can stun u to.
These lil spiders are pretty dangerous. Hittin between 84 to 104 in the higher hits thez cast a spell calles 'Boiling Blood' on u. The ways to get it off:
1.) Pumice stone - just revoes all u have of buffs .. newbee method. 2.) Metal wand - debuffs all u have. cheaper but also not sooooo good. 3.) cast dispell on urselves. u might hit it very fast and u will not need to recast all of ur buffs - cool method. 4.) ask for regen. this spell immediatly clears it off. if u have regen running yet it doesnt protect u. professional method.
btw . this spell is not sooooooooo dangerous. it costs between 320 and 480 HP depending on ur values of stamina. u need resist versus magic and not resist versus poison to avoid it.
Ruvily Sunsword Rangermouse 48 on SolRo Closed Society Officer
group of 2 warrior 1 paladin 1 druid 1 cleric 1 wizard all 41 +/- 3 can kill two if pulled(pers. xp). damage shields can add up to around a 1000 points of damage in this case, so cast em. this is not to say this is an easy fight, anything else jumps in, like 2 bats or a lava beetle...started yelling/clicking evac!