Speak with Scion Balion - City of Dranik Speak with Urjek the Unsteady - City of Dranik You say, 'Hail, Urjek the Unsteady' Your task 'Favors of the Hopelost' has been updated. Urjek the Unsteady says 'Bloods, bones, precious keepsakes of the damned, I collect them all. Make no room in your mind for my mutterings, they matter not in the end of all things. Destruction is our lot. You seek a vial of Dragorn blood, do you? For Veshlin, no doubt. Many thugs of Despair wait until late at night to kill or capture a dragorn, and bleed his body for its precious essence. Much suffering and death, to keep one wretched Dragorn alive.' Collect 1 Vial of Pious Dragorn Blood(s) 0/1 - City of Dranik
will add more as i learn it.
This option offers the following: 40 Chronobines Faction Experience Chaos Crystal Shard