[Sat Nov 01 22:09:38 2008] You say, 'Hail, Supplymaster Kibrek' [Sat Nov 01 22:09:38 2008] Supplymaster Kibrek says 'Eh, more fodder for the grinder? You sure you want to [join] the Army of Light?' [Sat Nov 01 22:09:40 2008] You say, 'join' [Sat Nov 01 22:09:40 2008] Supplymaster Kibrek says 'Well, then, you're throwing in your lot with the good folks of Antonica, trying to fend off the Dark Elves led by Lanys T'Vyl. We need every strong hand to hold them back, they've already struck as far as Rivervale and are intent on pressing through to Highpass and beyond. If we can [stop] them, perhaps there will still be hope.' [Sat Nov 01 22:09:42 2008] You say, 'stop' [Sat Nov 01 22:09:42 2008] Supplymaster Kibrek says 'Yes, we must do everything we can to hold Kithicor Forest. If the Army of Light is defeated, the Teir'Dal will extend their influence to every corner of Antonica and beyond. Every knee would bend to a Dark Elf master, and that`s not something I'll abide. Will you [help] us?' [Sat Nov 01 22:09:43 2008] You say, 'help'
then you are given quest to find out what happened to a trading convoy. First have to go to a old brewing building that is by Captain Agresin Then locate Gedwin Olshan's Corpse. Then pick up 5 bags from the ground and return them to Supplymaster to gain reward.