Tired of reading crappy post looking for the info you need? The bloodmender spawns at the Fadnare orc camp, For those who don't know its sometimes called the Orrel the Mystic camp. He spawns at the bottom on the camp and is PRETTY TOUGH
I have killed him 20+ times and have wiped on him 20+ times =)
at 18kHP 3200 AC he hits from 800-1500 HP really fast, even when slowed He doesn't resist much. my 79 Enchanter tashed and slow stuck instantly, I engaged with my Paladin and and healed with my 75 Shaman this is how i usually take him down. Sometimes he suprises me and kills me, most the time i kill him.
Dismiss any rumors about spawning back to back and then going back to Place holders, he spawned 4 times in a row for me last night if you have any guestions Slipus/Naun ingame
try dispelling him. he is a shaman , and thus casts a wide assortment of spells on himself , not the least of which is haste. i solo this guy and he is lucky to get me to 50% life. just dispell him 4 or 5 times and he is very gimp indeed. btw i have about 3k ac and im a druid...i dunno what his max hit on me is after dispell , but it is unimpressive.