Crystalback the Southern Spire  


Uploaded October 15th, 2007 by Railus

In Sunderock Springs: Spawns as part of the task Allies Against the Wind.

In Direwind Cliffs: Spawns during the encounter with Severan the Direwind Caller.

Category: EverQuest
This page last modified 2012-04-30 22:46:46.

Level: 80
Expansion: Serpents Spine
NPC Added: 2007-10-15 16:04:57
NPC Last Updated: 2019-08-03 23:10:01

Known Habitats:
  Sunderock Springs

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Not a figt mob
# Apr 30 2012 at 6:44 PM Rating: Good
3,212 posts
You do not fight them you hand in your tear of vahna to each golem. In the final mob fight they spawn.
# Aug 21 2008 at 12:11 AM Rating: Decent
104 posts
keepers are on a long timer. killed two then the shm got himself killed a few times. so we finished clearing them. it spawned then despawned and the first to keepers respawned. we killed those two and found out
1. he doesnt respond to hails
2. can target but cant attack or cast on
# Aug 19 2008 at 1:26 AM Rating: Decent
93 posts
If you wish to spawn this monster, you need to slay all the Keeper of the Southern Spire. Upon death of the last Keeper you receive this emote, "The valley trembles as Crystalback the Southern Spire takes shape and rises from the earth!" Immediately after that there is zonewide shout, "The awakened spire shouts, 'WHOO DISTUUURBS MY SLUMBEEER?'" Crystalback will despawn after a minute, so be ready to engage it immediately. It spawned as an even con at 80.

No fight info. It despawned since I didn't know I had to attack it within a minute. =(
Lord Arahgorn of Brell Serilis- Cazic Thule
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