a shade of Zek  


Uploaded December 19th, 2007 by ArahgornCrystalclaw
Updated December 20th, 2007

In Frostcrypt, Throne of the Shade King:

  • Type: Undead
  • Maximum hit: 3,325
  • Class: Warrior
  • Summons: Yes
  • Single-Target Rampages: No
  • Enrages: Yes
  • Flees at low health: No

In Frostcrypt, Throne of the Shade King: Delving for Frostcrypt:

  • Average hit: 10k to 12k

This page last modified 2017-03-27 01:44:09.

Minimum Level: 79
Maximum Level: 81
Expansion: Serpents Spine

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