not soloabe, almost trio'ed with pal/cler/wiz but got repops in orc room when sayrook was at 5% :( LOTS of hp on sayrook
the room before sayroom has 1 stationary mob , engage it and be ready for 2 wandering adds . Once those three mobs are dead engage sayrook when FoM and kill asap, would reccommend a full group or at least 4 people or 3 very uber chars.
LEVEL: 75 HP: 210,000 or so Summons?: Yes Flurries?: Yes Rampages?: No Enrages?: No Low health Flee?: not sure procs?: None Snare/rootable?: Yes Sees invis?: No Stunnable?: No Slowable?: Not sure
(Against 75 pal 15k / 3378ac) 512ish DPS max hit : 2124 avg hit : 642 min hit : 173
The task [Orcish Dissention] for the head is from Wraithguard Haesgrin in Valdehom. Kill 30Coldeye Orcs/Kill Shaman Sayrook/???? <- Presumably return head to Haesgrin. Reward listed is only xp