Sensei Splitscale [ Melee Tomes ]  


Level: 70
Expansion: Serpents Spine
NPC Added: 2006-09-22 20:08:03
NPC Last Updated: 2022-07-28 23:58:49

Goods sold (21):
icon Tome of Assassin Discipline 870pp 6gp 8sp 8cp
icon Tome of Aura of Draconic Runes 457pp 6gp 4sp 6cp
icon Tome of Axe of the Annihilator 466pp 3gp 1sp 7cp
icon Tome of Berserking Discipline 576pp 5gp 4sp 4cp
icon Tome of Blinding Flash 688pp 8gp 3sp 8cp
icon Tome of Clawstriker's Flurry 809pp 1gp 8sp 7cp
icon Tome of Echo of Misdirection 771pp 9gp 2sp 3cp
icon Tome of Final Stand Discipline 493pp 1gp 4sp 7cp
icon Tome of Guide of Toxicity 766pp 1gp 8sp 7cp
icon Tome of Impenetrable Discipline 742pp 4gp 7sp 3cp
icon Tome of Jarring Strike 816pp 6gp 6sp 5cp
icon Tome of Lithe Discipline 807pp 1gp 9sp
icon Tome of Moment of Calm 860pp 1gp 1sp
icon Tome of Phantom Silhouette 701pp 1gp 5sp 8cp
icon Tome of Scowl 577pp 1gp 4sp
icon Tome of Spelldodge Discipline 733pp 6gp 9sp 7cp
icon Tome of Temple Blow 771pp 5gp 7sp 9cp
icon Tome of Tendon Cleave 702pp 4gp 4sp 9cp
icon Tome of Throat Jab 518pp 2gp 3sp 1cp
icon Tome of Unsettling Scream 730pp 4gp 6sp 6cp
icon Tome of Vortex Blade 537pp 5gp 4sp 7cp

Known Habitats:
  Sunderock Springs

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Sensei Splitscale - location
# Jul 20 2022 at 5:36 PM Rating: Excellent
185 posts
Screenshot of the map is inaccurate. He is in the Drakkin camp in the southwest area of the zone. If you have Brewall's map, search for "melee tomes".
# Jul 09 2009 at 11:50 AM Rating: Decent
I can't believe how much more expensive these tomes are than the spells for many other classes!
# Nov 14 2009 at 4:45 PM Rating: Decent
Ey, that's beacuse us melees are the underdogs of EQ, and pure casters and priests are the 'favored class' of EQ. Especially mages.
Re: - Prices. Your post sucks.
# Jun 04 2010 at 1:29 PM Rating: Good
1,308 posts
Your post sucks. Pretty much every post I've ever seen you make on this site sucks. It sucks so bad, it's Sucktastic.

The reason they are so expensive is the same reason the "dude in red" gave. Because you don't have to buy so many of them. Ever bought a copy of Reaver's pyre RK 1? - a level 79 spell - in bazaar? No? Didn't think so? because it's normally 50 - 100K... And so rare that it is actually NEVER FOR SALE in the bazaar and not even worth worth farming for the plat? Ever bought RK 2? After grinding faction for a month on slimes and golems that are spread so far apart the exp just sucks huge blazing ballocks and the loot they drop - when it drops - is TOTAL FREAKING get it?

Yeah. Totally favored class. I have to kill 540 blue mobs to hope that the the Rk 1 version spell drops. It took me 45 hours of grinding to get that spell. 45 mind numbing, dragging my *** through a mile of glass shards painful hours to get that spell. And you complain about tomes you CAN BUY FROM A MERCHANT for less than an hours worth of farming plat?

Re: - Prices. Your post sucks.
# Apr 01 2013 at 3:12 AM Rating: Decent
Pompous much?
# Nov 28 2009 at 8:48 PM Rating: Excellent
232 posts
Yeah thats it... they are playing favorites. Couldn't possibly be that classes such as monks only have 1 or 2 "spells" (tomes) to buy per level instead of 4-6 of them.
Nyvina Nytemare
Arrowhawk Meanehsobee
Nytera Nytemare
# Nov 30 2009 at 4:07 PM Rating: Decent
Ey ya, that is it. An' I don' need some fancy-shmancy red-named putz that be automatically gettin' an 'Excellent' rating for every post made, due to the fact that he/she probably has special privileges on this forum, to come on in here and tell me otherwise.

Off with ye, lowly peasant.
# May 30 2009 at 5:06 AM Rating: Decent
29 posts
Just to confirm, /loc is -1415, 855.

Actually level 70
# Apr 26 2007 at 1:26 AM Rating: Decent
Only because I was tryin to track her and had only my even cons up (ya, I've been too lazy to download TSS/TBS maps) does this even matter. But still level 70 =P
# Sep 24 2006 at 10:44 AM Rating: Decent
Well done ....awesome screenshot with map and pic of vendor...and prices of all the tomes...

Wish it'd been up when I was looking for him. (grin)
Toucan Tanksem
of Vallon Zek, Sebilis, Venril Sathir, Antonius Bayle, and now Toukan of Povar
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